Alien Skull – By Avinash Hegde

Hi Guys,I have just printed a amazing digital sculpture from Avi. He is a great artist and you can check his collection at check the resuls…. the first image is from the 3D Software that Avi uses.Thanks Avi,…

Hi Guys,

I have just printed a amazing digital sculpture from Avi. He is a great artist and you can check his collection at

Please check the resuls.... the first image is from the 3D Software that Avi uses.

Thanks Avi, hope you like it!!!



Click on the images to see the details....

Alien Skull – By Avinash Hegde

Hi Guys,I have just printed a amazing digital sculpture from Avi. He is a great artist and you can check his collection at check the resuls…. the first image is from the 3D Software that Avi uses.Thanks Avi,…

Hi Guys,

I have just printed a amazing digital sculpture from Avi. He is a great artist and you can check his collection at

Please check the resuls.... the first image is from the 3D Software that Avi uses.

Thanks Avi, hope you like it!!!



Click on the images to see the details....

Alien Skull – By Avinash Hegde

Hi Guys,I have just printed a amazing digital sculpture from Avi. He is a great artist and you can check his collection at check the resuls…. the first image is from the 3D Software that Avi uses.Thanks Avi,…

Hi Guys,

I have just printed a amazing digital sculpture from Avi. He is a great artist and you can check his collection at

Please check the resuls.... the first image is from the 3D Software that Avi uses.

Thanks Avi, hope you like it!!!



Click on the images to see the details....

What comes next??

Hi Guys,I have been receiving many questions around my plans for the 3D Printer and what are the next steps.My plan is very simple, improve the project in a way that anyone could build one of this 3D Printer at home. Additionally I may bring some comme…

Hi Guys,

I have been receiving many questions around my plans for the 3D Printer and what are the next steps.

My plan is very simple, improve the project in a way that anyone could build one of this 3D Printer at home. Additionally I may bring some commercial kits or parts so you don't need to buy a CNC or any other expensive tool to build your own 3D printer.

In my to do list to improve the project I have:

1) Improve material and reduce cost
2) Improve software
3) Improve a little bit the electronics ( this is almost done)
4) Document everything (including videos)

To fund this final stage of the project I will start soon a project at Kickstarter. There will be very different level of rewards (from PDF with complete plans up to full working printer) for those who would like to back this project and support the idea of spreading the High Resolution 3d Printer in the world. (still need to work on this name :-) )

Thank you very much for all support and I hope bringing more news soon.



What comes next??

Hi Guys,I have been receiving many questions around my plans for the 3D Printer and what are the next steps.My plan is very simple, improve the project in a way that anyone could build one of this 3D Printer at home. Additionally I may bring some comme…

Hi Guys,

I have been receiving many questions around my plans for the 3D Printer and what are the next steps.

My plan is very simple, improve the project in a way that anyone could build one of this 3D Printer at home. Additionally I may bring some commercial kits or parts so you don't need to buy a CNC or any other expensive tool to build your own 3D printer.

In my to do list to improve the project I have:

1) Improve material and reduce cost
2) Improve software
3) Improve a little bit the electronics ( this is almost done)
4) Document everything (including videos)

To fund this final stage of the project I will start soon a project at Kickstarter. There will be very different level of rewards (from PDF with complete plans up to full working printer) for those who would like to back this project and support the idea of spreading the High Resolution 3d Printer in the world. (still need to work on this name :-) )

Thank you very much for all support and I hope bringing more news soon.



What comes next??

Hi Guys,I have been receiving many questions around my plans for the 3D Printer and what are the next steps.My plan is very simple, improve the project in a way that anyone could build one of this 3D Printer at home. Additionally I may bring some comme…

Hi Guys,

I have been receiving many questions around my plans for the 3D Printer and what are the next steps.

My plan is very simple, improve the project in a way that anyone could build one of this 3D Printer at home. Additionally I may bring some commercial kits or parts so you don't need to buy a CNC or any other expensive tool to build your own 3D printer.

In my to do list to improve the project I have:

1) Improve material and reduce cost
2) Improve software
3) Improve a little bit the electronics ( this is almost done)
4) Document everything (including videos)

To fund this final stage of the project I will start soon a project at Kickstarter. There will be very different level of rewards (from PDF with complete plans up to full working printer) for those who would like to back this project and support the idea of spreading the High Resolution 3d Printer in the world. (still need to work on this name :-) )

Thank you very much for all support and I hope bringing more news soon.



What comes next??

Hi Guys,I have been receiving many questions around my plans for the 3D Printer and what are the next steps.My plan is very simple, improve the project in a way that anyone could build one of this 3D Printer at home. Additionally I may bring some comme…

Hi Guys,

I have been receiving many questions around my plans for the 3D Printer and what are the next steps.

My plan is very simple, improve the project in a way that anyone could build one of this 3D Printer at home. Additionally I may bring some commercial kits or parts so you don't need to buy a CNC or any other expensive tool to build your own 3D printer.

In my to do list to improve the project I have:

1) Improve material and reduce cost
2) Improve software
3) Improve a little bit the electronics ( this is almost done)
4) Document everything (including videos)

To fund this final stage of the project I will start soon a project at Kickstarter. There will be very different level of rewards (from PDF with complete plans up to full working printer) for those who would like to back this project and support the idea of spreading the High Resolution 3d Printer in the world. (still need to work on this name :-) )

Thank you very much for all support and I hope bringing more news soon.



What comes next??

Hi Guys,I have been receiving many questions around my plans for the 3D Printer and what are the next steps.My plan is very simple, improve the project in a way that anyone could build one of this 3D Printer at home. Additionally I may bring some comme…

Hi Guys,

I have been receiving many questions around my plans for the 3D Printer and what are the next steps.

My plan is very simple, improve the project in a way that anyone could build one of this 3D Printer at home. Additionally I may bring some commercial kits or parts so you don't need to buy a CNC or any other expensive tool to build your own 3D printer.

In my to do list to improve the project I have:

1) Improve material and reduce cost
2) Improve software
3) Improve a little bit the electronics ( this is almost done)
4) Document everything (including videos)

To fund this final stage of the project I will start soon a project at Kickstarter. There will be very different level of rewards (from PDF with complete plans up to full working printer) for those who would like to back this project and support the idea of spreading the High Resolution 3d Printer in the world. (still need to work on this name :-) )

Thank you very much for all support and I hope bringing more news soon.




Eichenschale by Diehtmar Graumann
Eichenschale, a photo by Diehtmar Graumann on Flickr.

Nach langem Gefrickel und Rückschlägen, Fräserbruch und dichten Rauchschwaden in meiner kleinen Werkstatt, steht sie nun da…

Die Eichenschale mit Zinneinlage…
Naja, Zinn wäre Klasse gewesen, Blei ist es dann aber geworden… Aus Kostengründen, weil es noch so rumlag… und weil der Schmelzpunkt recht niedrig liegt…
Aber bekanntlich sagen Bilder mehr als Worte…
Daher lasse ich die Tastatur lieber ruhen…

Besonderen Dank nochmals an meinen “Arbeitgeber” für die klasse “Brennholz”-Abschnitte und auch “Danke” an Dieter, einen netten Kollegen, der für Tipps bezüglich des Aussägens sofort hilfreich zur Seite stand….


Wie hier gut zu sehen ist… Es ist leider nicht perfekt geworden…
Das Blei ist sehr weich… und es neigt beim Schleifen dazu, sich in die Poren der Eiche zu setzen…
Leider gibt es Lunker im Guss, irgendwie hat sich Schlacke mit ins flüssige Blei gemogelt…
Und beim Planfräsen sind mir kleine Stücke der Eiche abgerissen….









Die Datein sind unter zu finden…

Eichenschale by Diehtmar Graumann
Eichenschale, a photo by Diehtmar Graumann on Flickr.
Nach langem Gefrickel und Rückschlägen, Fräserbruch und dichten Rauchschwaden in meiner kleinen Werkstatt, steht sie nun da...

Die Eichenschale mit Zinneinlage...
Naja, Zinn wäre Klasse gewesen, Blei ist es dann aber geworden... Aus Kostengründen, weil es noch so rumlag... und weil der Schmelzpunkt recht niedrig liegt...
Aber bekanntlich sagen Bilder mehr als Worte...
Daher lasse ich die Tastatur lieber ruhen...

Besonderen Dank nochmals an meinen "Arbeitgeber" für die klasse "Brennholz"-Abschnitte und auch "Danke" an Dieter, einen netten Kollegen, der für Tipps bezüglich des Aussägens sofort hilfreich zur Seite stand....


Wie hier gut zu sehen ist... Es ist leider nicht perfekt geworden...
Das Blei ist sehr weich... und es neigt beim Schleifen dazu, sich in die Poren der Eiche zu setzen...
Leider gibt es Lunker im Guss, irgendwie hat sich Schlacke mit ins flüssige Blei gemogelt...
Und beim Planfräsen sind mir kleine Stücke der Eiche abgerissen....









Die Datein sind unter zu finden...


Eichenschale by Diehtmar Graumann
Eichenschale, a photo by Diehtmar Graumann on Flickr.

Nach langem Gefrickel und Rückschlägen, Fräserbruch und dichten Rauchschwaden in meiner kleinen Werkstatt, steht sie nun da…

Die Eichenschale mit Zinneinlage…
Naja, Zinn wäre Klasse gewesen, Blei ist es dann aber geworden… Aus Kostengründen, weil es noch so rumlag… und weil der Schmelzpunkt recht niedrig liegt…
Aber bekanntlich sagen Bilder mehr als Worte…
Daher lasse ich die Tastatur lieber ruhen…

Besonderen Dank nochmals an meinen “Arbeitgeber” für die klasse “Brennholz”-Abschnitte und auch “Danke” an Dieter, einen netten Kollegen, der für Tipps bezüglich des Aussägens sofort hilfreich zur Seite stand….


Wie hier gut zu sehen ist… Es ist leider nicht perfekt geworden…
Das Blei ist sehr weich… und es neigt beim Schleifen dazu, sich in die Poren der Eiche zu setzen…
Leider gibt es Lunker im Guss, irgendwie hat sich Schlacke mit ins flüssige Blei gemogelt…
Und beim Planfräsen sind mir kleine Stücke der Eiche abgerissen….









Die Datein sind unter zu finden…

Eichenschale by Diehtmar Graumann
Eichenschale, a photo by Diehtmar Graumann on Flickr.
Nach langem Gefrickel und Rückschlägen, Fräserbruch und dichten Rauchschwaden in meiner kleinen Werkstatt, steht sie nun da...

Die Eichenschale mit Zinneinlage...
Naja, Zinn wäre Klasse gewesen, Blei ist es dann aber geworden... Aus Kostengründen, weil es noch so rumlag... und weil der Schmelzpunkt recht niedrig liegt...
Aber bekanntlich sagen Bilder mehr als Worte...
Daher lasse ich die Tastatur lieber ruhen...

Besonderen Dank nochmals an meinen "Arbeitgeber" für die klasse "Brennholz"-Abschnitte und auch "Danke" an Dieter, einen netten Kollegen, der für Tipps bezüglich des Aussägens sofort hilfreich zur Seite stand....


Wie hier gut zu sehen ist... Es ist leider nicht perfekt geworden...
Das Blei ist sehr weich... und es neigt beim Schleifen dazu, sich in die Poren der Eiche zu setzen...
Leider gibt es Lunker im Guss, irgendwie hat sich Schlacke mit ins flüssige Blei gemogelt...
Und beim Planfräsen sind mir kleine Stücke der Eiche abgerissen....









Die Datein sind unter zu finden...