The next major Windows 10 update is coming in a matter of days, and the Windows 10 May 2020 Update is expected to bring a long list of new features and smaller improvements. Now Microsoft has begun rolling out what’s effectively a release candida…
The next major Windows 10 update is coming in a matter of days, and the Windows 10 May 2020 Update is expected to bring a long list of new features and smaller improvements. Now Microsoft has begun rolling out what’s effectively a release candidate to members of the Windows Insider Preview Program. Major Windows 10 […]
CEO Tim Cook talked at least as much about COVID-19 efforts as the business itself.
Wann werden europäische Steueroasen in die Pflicht genommen?
Wann werden europäische Steueroasen in die Pflicht genommen?
Die u.a. von Bill Gates, Microsoft, Accenture und der Rockefeller Foundation finanzierte “Digital Identity Alliance” will digitale Impfnachweise mit einer globalen biometrischen digitalen Identität verbinden, die auf Lebenszeit besteht
Die u.a. von Bill Gates, Microsoft, Accenture und der Rockefeller Foundation finanzierte "Digital Identity Alliance" will digitale Impfnachweise mit einer globalen biometrischen digitalen Identität verbinden, die auf Lebenszeit besteht
Der Einbruch des iPhone-Herstellers Apple ist aber geringer als befürchtet. (Apple, iPhone)
Der Einbruch des iPhone-Herstellers Apple ist aber geringer als befürchtet. (
Der Gewinn von Amazon geht um fast 30 Prozent zurück. (Amazon, Onlineshop)
Der Gewinn von Amazon geht um fast 30 Prozent zurück. (
Not every beta feature makes it to release, but this one seems likely.
Apple introduced Face ID with the iPhone X in 2017, allowing users to unlock the company’s flagship phones by looking at them… which is fine under normal circumstances, I guess. But all the fancy 3D face scanning tech in the world isn’…
Apple introduced Face ID with the iPhone X in 2017, allowing users to unlock the company’s flagship phones by looking at them… which is fine under normal circumstances, I guess. But all the fancy 3D face scanning tech in the world isn’t much use when your face is partially obscured by a mask. So Apple […]
The Fairphone 3 becomes an open source, Google-less, repairable smartphone.
If all complaints must first be approved by a manager, there will be fewer of them.