Month: December 2016
Logitech Releases UltraThin Keyboard Cover for Apple iPad
One more new accessory has been released for the new iPad and iPad 2. This time, Logitech takes all the attention with their new Ultrathin keyboard cover that provides an ultrathin screen protector, a slim form factor aluminum cover and a bluetooth keyboard built into the cover. This ultrathin keyboard cover also offering the same […]
Pirate Bay Will Continue to ‘Stick it to The Man’ in 2017
The Pirate Bay, widely considered as the bastion of piracy, plans to keep growing in 2017. TorrentFreak spoke with one of its crew members who says the site will continue to help unselfish file-sharers stick it to the man while protesting copyright exploitation.
Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.
Over the past year pirate streaming sites have conquered the masses, but that doesn’t mean torrent sites are going away.
On the last day of the year, we had a virtual sit-down with Pirate Bay crew member Spud17 to see what’s in store for the site and how it measures up to the competition.
While TPB has had its rough patches, the site is once again the most-visited torrent site. Although occasional downtime is unavoidable, it’s not going away anytime soon.
“TPB will be around for the foreseeable future, and until the next big thing is invented, torrent sites will continue to grow in popularity, as will streaming sites,” Spud17 says.
The TPB crew believes that streaming has its place in the piracy ecosystem, especially for live events. However, torrents are preferred for those who like to actually share something.
They see non-P2P streaming of regular pirated TV-shows and movies as a ‘selfish’ act, in a way, since the users themselves are not contributing.
“Streaming will continue to be popular with sports fans, but torrenting and sharing with your peers has always been the way forward. I personally see streaming as a selfish act, but when you torrent, you’re sharing with others and helping to stick it to the man.”
According to the TPB crew, there is still plenty of corporate greed to revolt against in the year to come.
They note that some people may want to stick it to the BBC for the staggered release of Planet Earth 2, and releasing the series BluRay/DVD boxset before the final episode aired, after which they complained about pirating fans.
“Or to Sky for committing daylight robbery when charging £20+ to watch a boxing match, or to the giant publishing houses which charge £500 for one academic journal,” Spud17 says.
“As long as their greed continues, us sharing files with one another will continue,” she adds.
The TPB crew also notes that lessons have been learned from the shutdown of various large torrent sites, including KickassTorrents (KAT).
“KAT shutting down was a shock to everyone, and people quickly realized the foolishness of putting all your eggs in one basket,” Spud17 says.
As a result, they’re now trying to set the right example by allowing uploaders to promote their releases on other sites in TPB’s official forums. In addition, they wish the KAT staff all the best with the new site they just launched.
Even though some may see large torrent sites as competitors, the TPB crew sees cooperation as a way forward. In any case, TPB will always remain special, if only for its persistent refusal to take down copyrighted content.
“The one thing that still sets TPB apart from others is, of course, its refusal to comply with DMCA takedown notices,” Spud17 concludes.
Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.
Grizzly Steppe: Russischer Schadcode bei US-Stromversorger gefunden
Colony: A fun but flawed post-apocalyptic civ-builder
Review: the new cards-and-dice city-building game from designer Ted Alspach.

Enlarge (credit: Bezier Games)
Welcome to Ars Cardboard, our weekend look at tabletop games. Check out our complete board gaming coverage at cardboard.arstechnica.com—and let us know what you think.
Designer Ted Alspach has something of a reputation when it comes to games about building things. In 2012, he released the city-building game Suburbia, arguably board gaming’s closest equivalent to the iconic video game SimCity. 2014’s follow-up Castles of Mad King Ludwig applied a similar approach to castle construction, and the two titles met with praise from players and critics alike. Now Alspach has returned to similar thematic ground with Colony, a game set in the aftermath of a devastating nanotech apocalypse.
If you’re looking for mechanical similarities to Alspach’s previous tile-laying city builders, though, you won’t find them here. Colony is a card-and-dice game co-created with Japanese designers Toryo Hojo and Yoshihisa Nakatsu. Players control rival settlements attempting to rise from the ashes of civilization, using cards as buildings and dice as the resources required to construct them.
Asus smartphone with octa-core CPU, 4,850 mAh battery on the way
Asus may have a new Zenfone on the way. An unannounced 5.2 inch Asus smartphone showed up at the TENAA website recently. That’s China’s equivalent of the FCC… except that Chinese wireless regulators have a habit of publishing more photos and specs of phones.
The most noteworthy thing about this new phone is probably the massive battery: it packs a 4,850 mAh battery, which is nearly twice the size of the batteries found in some other phones with similar-sized displays.
Continue reading Asus smartphone with octa-core CPU, 4,850 mAh battery on the way at Liliputing.

Asus may have a new Zenfone on the way. An unannounced 5.2 inch Asus smartphone showed up at the TENAA website recently. That’s China’s equivalent of the FCC… except that Chinese wireless regulators have a habit of publishing more photos and specs of phones.
The most noteworthy thing about this new phone is probably the massive battery: it packs a 4,850 mAh battery, which is nearly twice the size of the batteries found in some other phones with similar-sized displays.
Continue reading Asus smartphone with octa-core CPU, 4,850 mAh battery on the way at Liliputing.
Some perspective on our place in the Universe from the high Chilean desert
Stunning panoramas from the European Southern Observatory provide a sense of place.

The best observatory in the world is arguably divided among three sites in northern Chile—La Silla, Paranal, and Chajnantor. Each location in the high, arid Atacama desert offers excellent dark and clear skies for the European Southern Observatory's suite of telescopes. At 2,635 meters in elevation Paranal boasts the best instruments, with four 8.2-meter telescopes combining to make up the Very Large Telescope.
Now more than 50 years old, the observatory has played a principal or significant role in a number of major astronomical landmarks, including the discovery of dark energy, finding Proxima b around Proxima Centauri, the observation of stars orbiting the Milky Way Galaxy, and much more.
New KickassTorrents Team Condemns Jailing of Music Pirate
The people behind the resurrected KickassTorrents have condemned the sentence handed to one of the site’s former music releasers. After uploading Top40 songs to the old KAT, Wayne Evans was sent to prison for 12 months, something the team describes as “offensive in the extreme.”
Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.
Following a joint investigation with licensing outfit PRS for Music, last year officers from the Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit (PIPCU) and Merseyside police raided an address in Everton, Liverpool.
They arrested Wayne Evans, a local DJ who was involved in the online distribution of digital music. Known online as OldSkoolScouse, Evans uploaded packs of the UK’s current Top 40 Singles to torrent sites each week. They included at least 200 uploaded to KickassTorrents.
After pleading guilty during an earlier hearing, this month Evans was sentenced for copyright infringement and fraud. The 39-year-old, who had no previous convictions, was jailed for a year.
Both police and rightsholders celebrated the conviction, describing the 12 months sentence as a deterrent to others considering music piracy. But of course, among file-sharers the long-term detention of Evans was less well received and has been widely criticized online.
Now, the team behind the resurrected KickassTorrents have added their dissenting voices, slamming the sentence as a waste of time and money.
“We find the 12-month sentence of OldSkoolScouse which the judge ruled a ‘deterrent to others’ offensive in the extreme and an irresponsible waste of taxpayer resources,” the team told TF in a statement.
“One questions the motivations of the agencies and resources assigned in regards to copyright infringements whilst actual criminals walk free. Is this what our legal systems have now become?”
While Evans undoubtedly knew that what he was doing was illegal on some level, it’s unlikely he’d have expected a knock on the door from the UK’s most elite anti-piracy unit followed by a major conviction for fraud. Undoubtedly a show of force and a stern warning would’ve ensured no more uploads, but clearly the police and PRS were out to prove a point.
But herein lies the problem. Whether copyright holders like it or not, the general public simply does not see infringement as a serious crime, so when hefty sentences like this are handed out, the numbers are rarely seen to add up.
For instance, take the woman who smashed a glass into another woman’s head in an unprovoked nightclub attack in May. This November, she also received a 12-month sentence.
Another man, who regularly tortured his girlfriend and subjected her to waterboarding sessions, got the same sentence in August.
Worse still, over the past 15 years many convicted terrorists in the UK have been released after serving just 12 months in prison.
It’s no surprise at all that the public has difficulty equating the seriousness of file-sharing to these violent and obnoxious crimes and it’s hard to imagine a time when that will change. However, the authorities have clearly drawn a line in the sand, so if they wanted a deterrent, then they definitely have one here.
Finally, the KickassTeam call for solidarity and wish Evans all the best for the future.
“We urge OldSkoolScouse to appeal the case and allow justice to prevail. Now is the time for the community to show its full support and put an end to corporate greed, bullying, ransom and censorship.
“We wish OldSkoolScouse a positive outcome and know that there are millions of people globally who support you,” they conclude.
Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.
Deutsche Bahn: WLAN im ICE wird kostenlos
Klassenloses Surfen: Ab dem 1. Januar 2017 können auch ICE-Fahrgäste in der zweiten Klasse kostenlos das WLAN nutzen. Außerdem will die Deutsche Bahn Filme kostenlos anbieten. (Deutsche Bahn, WLAN)

Digitale Agenda: Verkehrsminister Dobrindt fordert Digitalministerium
Bündelung der digitalen Kompetenz statt Aufteilung auf mehrere Ministerien: Verkehrsminister Alexander Dobrindt fordert ein Ministerium, das sich um das Digitale kümmert. (Politik/Recht, Internet)

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