Raumfahrt: Ein Satellit, sie alle zu überstrahlen

Ein Leuchtfeuer am Nachthimmel: Eine Gruppe russischer Weltraumenthusiasten will den Satelliten Mayak ins All schießen, der hell am Himmel leuchten soll. Nicht alle sind von dem Projekt, das per Crowdfunding finanziert werden soll, begeistert. (Satelliten, Raumfahrt)

Ein Leuchtfeuer am Nachthimmel: Eine Gruppe russischer Weltraumenthusiasten will den Satelliten Mayak ins All schießen, der hell am Himmel leuchten soll. Nicht alle sind von dem Projekt, das per Crowdfunding finanziert werden soll, begeistert. (Satelliten, Raumfahrt)

Operator of Sweden’s Largest Streaming Site Arrested on Secret European Warrant

A man suspected of being the main operator of what was once Sweden’s largest streaming site has been arrested in Germany following the execution of a secret European warrant. The man, reportedly a Turkish national, is believed to have set up advertising deals at Swefilmer resulting in around $1.7m in revenue.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.

Founded in 2011, Swefilmer was Sweden’s most popular streaming movie and TV show site. Research published last year by Media Vision claimed that 25% of all web TV viewing in the country was carried out on Swefilmer and another similar site, Dreamfilm.

All that began to change in July 2015 when one of the site’s operators, local man Ola Johansson, revealed that he’d been raided by the police who seized various items of computer equipment and placed him under arrest.

“It’s been a tough month to say the least. On 8 July, I received a search by the police at home. I lost a computer, mobile phone and other things,” Johansson said.

The gravity of the situation became clear when the Swede revealed in a video posted to YouTube that he’d been detained for almost four days.

Now, fresh news coming out of from Sweden is shining new light on the scale of the investigation which is already the largest involving a streaming site in the country.

While Johansson remains suspected of copyright infringement offenses, he is not thought to be the main person behind the site. A second man, believed to be the main operator of Swefilmer and the person who handled its revenue, has now been arrested in Germany.

According to Expressen he was first arrested in his absence last summer and was physically arrested in January 2016 after Sweden obtained a European arrest warrant. The existence of the warrant had previously been kept secret and news of the arrest only came to light last evening.

The man is reportedly a 25-year-old Turkish citizen resident in Germany. He is accused of being the site’s main operator and the person who setup the site’s deals with advertisers and accepted donations from users.

Court documents obtained by Expressen show that the European arrest warrant was obtained in Sweden on August 18, 2015. Signed by veteran file-sharing prosecutor Fredrik Ingblad, the 25-year-old suspect is accused of offenses including copyright infringement and aggravated money laundering.

The case involves a sample 1,400 movies that were allegedly made available without copyright holders’ permission between January 2013 and July 2015. In respect of the financial crimes the man is accused of receiving the equivalent of $1.7m in advertising revenue and donations into a Turkish bank account.

An order already exists to seize around $1.5m, which will be confiscated in preparation for any financial settlements when the case goes to trial. In January other seizures were made including a $77,000 car and properties worth $233,000.

The man remains in custody in Germany and it’s understood that his lawyer is campaigning for his release. Last month he filed an appeal which stated that no evidence had been produced to suggest the man was involved in Swefilmer. The appeal was rejected.

In the meantime Claes Kennedy, the lawyer representing Ola Johansson, expressed surprise that he had not been informed of the recent developments.

“It is strange that I was not informed about this,” Kennedy said. “Ola admits that he has been involved to some extent in the site Swefilmer, but his involvement was limited.”

While the prosecution is not expected to reach Pirate Bay-style heights, it does mark the most significant case against a streaming portal in Sweden to date. There is some way to go but it’s expected that the prosecution will demand the most severe sentences available.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.

Galaxy Tabpro S: Samsungs Windows-Convertible kommt in den Handel

Knapp zwei Monate nach seiner Vorstellung bringt Samsung das Galaxy Tabpro S in Deutschland auf den Markt: Das Windows-10-Tablet mit magnetischer Tastatur kann jetzt bei zahlreichen Händlern ab 1.000 Euro vorbestellt werden, zum Auslieferungsdatum gibt es unterschiedliche Angaben. (Samsung, Notebook)

Knapp zwei Monate nach seiner Vorstellung bringt Samsung das Galaxy Tabpro S in Deutschland auf den Markt: Das Windows-10-Tablet mit magnetischer Tastatur kann jetzt bei zahlreichen Händlern ab 1.000 Euro vorbestellt werden, zum Auslieferungsdatum gibt es unterschiedliche Angaben. (Samsung, Notebook)

Blu-ray sales stats for the week ending 6th February 2016

The results and analysis for Blu-ray (and DVD) sales for the week ending 6th February 2016 are in. Disney has finally taken Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs out of their vault and re-released it as a new edition, and it was the week’s best sel…

The results and analysis for Blu-ray (and DVD) sales for the week ending 6th February 2016 are in. Disney has finally taken Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs out of their vault and re-released it as a new edition, and it was the week's best selling Blu-ray title.

Read the rest of the stats and analysis to find out how Blu-ray (and DVD) did.

Tablet: Kleines iPad Pro soll Kameratechnik des iPhone 6S erhalten

Das künftige iPad von Apple soll eine bessere Hardwareausstattung erhalten als das 12,9 Zoll große iPad Pro. Einige Prototypen sollen eine 12-Megapixel-Kamera besitzen, während im großen Tablet nur ein 8-Megapixel-Modell verbaut wurde. (iPad Pro, Apple)

Das künftige iPad von Apple soll eine bessere Hardwareausstattung erhalten als das 12,9 Zoll große iPad Pro. Einige Prototypen sollen eine 12-Megapixel-Kamera besitzen, während im großen Tablet nur ein 8-Megapixel-Modell verbaut wurde. (iPad Pro, Apple)

LMCable: Ein Stecker für Lightning und Micro-USB

Der Stecker des LMCable sieht auf den ersten Blick aus wie ein Lightning-Anschluss von Apple, doch er lässt sich ohne Adapter auch in Micro-USB-Buchsen einstecken. LMCable wird über Kickstarter finanziert. (Kickstarter, Mobil)

Der Stecker des LMCable sieht auf den ersten Blick aus wie ein Lightning-Anschluss von Apple, doch er lässt sich ohne Adapter auch in Micro-USB-Buchsen einstecken. LMCable wird über Kickstarter finanziert. (Kickstarter, Mobil)

Android 6.0: Marshmallow-Update für Motorola- und Samsung-Smartphones

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Samsung und Motorola verteilen derzeit Aktualisierungen auf Android 6.0 alias Marshmallow für eine Reihe von Geräten. In Kürze werden auch Updates für Geräte von Honor, Huawei und Sony erwartet. (Android 6.0, Smartphone)

EyeTV: Elgato steigt aus TV-Hardware aus

Elgato wird keine Hardware zum Empfang des neuen Antennenfernsehens DVB-T2 anbieten. Der Unternehmensteil EyeTV wird an das chinesische Unternehmen Geniatech verkauft. Support für die bisherigen EyeTV-Produkte soll es weiterhin geben. (Hausautomation, H.265)

Elgato wird keine Hardware zum Empfang des neuen Antennenfernsehens DVB-T2 anbieten. Der Unternehmensteil EyeTV wird an das chinesische Unternehmen Geniatech verkauft. Support für die bisherigen EyeTV-Produkte soll es weiterhin geben. (Hausautomation, H.265)

iPhone-Streit: Apple gewinnt ein bisschen

Im Streit um das iPhone des Terroristen Farook bekommt Apple indirekt Rückendeckung von einem US-Bundesrichter. Vorbei ist der Streit damit aber noch nicht. Außerdem will Apple seine Position vor dem US-Kongress begründen. (Apple, iPhone)

Im Streit um das iPhone des Terroristen Farook bekommt Apple indirekt Rückendeckung von einem US-Bundesrichter. Vorbei ist der Streit damit aber noch nicht. Außerdem will Apple seine Position vor dem US-Kongress begründen. (Apple, iPhone)

Remix OS for PC beta: How to dual-boot Windows and Android-as-a-desktop OS

Remix OS for PC beta: How to dual-boot Windows and Android-as-a-desktop OS

Remix OS is a desktop-style operating system built around Google Android. It lets you run virtually any Android app or game, but it provides a desktop, taskbar, and window manager that makes Google’s mobile operating system feel more like Windows and other desktop operating systems. The operating system used to only run on devices with […]

Remix OS for PC beta: How to dual-boot Windows and Android-as-a-desktop OS is a post from: Liliputing

Remix OS for PC beta: How to dual-boot Windows and Android-as-a-desktop OS

Remix OS is a desktop-style operating system built around Google Android. It lets you run virtually any Android app or game, but it provides a desktop, taskbar, and window manager that makes Google’s mobile operating system feel more like Windows and other desktop operating systems. The operating system used to only run on devices with […]

Remix OS for PC beta: How to dual-boot Windows and Android-as-a-desktop OS is a post from: Liliputing