Raumfahrt: Raumsonde Dawn findet Wasser auf Zwergplaneten Ceres
If Americans spend more on healthcare, why do Costa Ricans live longer?
Wealthy Americans live longer than Costa Ricans, but poorer Americans don’t.
Citizens of the United States have a higher income than Costa Ricans, and they spend more of it on health care. In spite of this, Costa Rica has a higher life expectancy than the US—a new article published in PNAS attempts to explain why. The analysis focuses on the steep socioeconomic gradient in health that exists in the US, where the poor have considerably worse health outcomes than the wealthy.
The authors, Rosero-Bixby and Dow, argue that while the wealthiest people in the US have a higher life expectancy than anyone in Costa Rica, the poorest residents of the US have a considerably lower life expectancy.
In Costa Rica, the life expectancy is 78.5 years, though the per-capita GDP is quite low at $9,200. In contrast, the US has a GDP of $40,000, and a life expectancy of 77.4 years. Typically, economic development raises the national life expectancy, so it’s unusual that the US does not have a life expectancy commensurate with its income.
Startups: Hamburg plant 100-Millionen-Fonds für junge Firmen
Mit einem neuen Fonds will Hamburg die Finanzierungslücke beim Aufbau von Startups schließen. Private Investoren sollen den größten Anteil dazu beisteuern. (6Wunderkinder)
Terrorbekämpfung: Ohne die Techies geht es nicht
New Balance will make a runner’s Android Wear watch powered by Intel
The smartwatch is part of a new “Digital Sport” range of connected devices.
The world of wearables is taking a turn as we see more nontraditional entrants into the smartwatch and fitness tracker market. The newest to jump into the game is the sportswear company New Balance, announcing that it will make its own Android Wear running watch by the end of 2016. The device will be just one part of a larger collection of "Digital Sport" wearables, although we don't currently know much about the other products in the line.
According to some reports, the running watch will have a built-in GPS as well as enough onboard storage to keep some music locally for playback without a smartphone nearby. Many sports watches have these features already, with one of the newest being the Moto 360 Sport. As with Fossil's and Tag Heuer's smartwatches, Intel will provide the chips for New Balance's device, and the company has been working with other developers at Strava and Zepp to finalize it. While plenty of fitness trackers and smartwatches are compatible with the cycling and running app Strava, Zepp is a particularly interesting company for New Balance to partner with as it makes a line of "swing" tracking devices for sports, including baseball, golf, and tennis.
Other than the Android Wear watch, no other specific devices from the Digital Sport range have been announced. However, New Balance is looking into embedding small sensors into clothing and footware, which would make it one of the many companies experimenting with smart clothing now. Smart shoes appear to be the first step for many companies looking to get into connected clothing; Under Armour announced the SpeedForm Gemini 2 smart shoes at CES last week (in addition to its new HealthBox), which have accelerometers embedded into the soles and may not require regular charging.
Kaufprämie: Bund fördert Elektroautos angeblich mit zwei Milliarden Euro
Elektroautos sind bislang die Ladenhüter der Autoindustrie. Um den Absatz anzukurbeln, plant Wirtschaftsminister Gabriel nun ein ganzes Bündel an Maßnahmen. (Elektroauto, GreenIT)
Statistik-Programmierung: R-Server von Microsoft verfügbar
Microsoft veröffentlicht Produkte für die Sprache R nach einem Kauf nun unter eigenem Namen. Die Unterstützung für Linux, Hadoop und die freie Variante bleiben dabei erhalten. Zudem gibt es kostenlose Angebote. (Microsoft, Programmiersprache)
Playstation 4: Firmware-Update bringt angeblich mehr Leistung
Sony hat mit Firmware 3.15 ein kleines Update für die Playstation 4 veröffentlicht. Was sich genau ändert, verrät die Firma nicht. Anstelle der sonst bei derlei Aktulisierungen üblichen Floskel von “mehr Stabilität” verspricht Sony eine bessere Systemleistung. (Playstation 4, Sony)
Is this the world’s first full virtual-reality motion/voice capture session?
Actors combine mo-cap suit, HTC Vive to become characters, see virtual teleprompters.
Forget latex suits and white ping-pong balls. Motion-capture sessions for video games and films have only gotten more intense over the years, thanks to advances like improved, LED-loaded motion-capture outfits and the ability to see robust TV-screen renders of an actor's performance as soon as a take is complete.
Of course, not every studio has a Peter Jackson-caliber budget for motion capture facilities, but the small development team behind upcoming VR game The Gallery: Call of the Starseed found an affordable path to capturing a human actor's performance—and then remembered they already had one cutting-edge gadget handy: the dev kit for the upcoming HTC Vive virtual reality system. The result, shown off in the studio's latest development diary on Tuesday, may very well be the world's first documented use of VR in a motion capture session.
"We wanted the actor to feel as if they were acting on a stage," Cloudhead Games staffer Mike Wilson wrote at the company's blog. As such, after making actor and motion-capture veteran Adrian Hough (Rise of the Planet of the Apes) put on a suit made by mo-cap company Noitom, the designers also asked him to wear a Vive headset. HTC's system enables room-scale tracking, so that users can walk around up to roughly 15 square feet of real space, which means Cloudhead was able to virtually transport Hough into the shoes of his in-game character, the Watcher.