Deals of the Day (1-26-2015)

Deals of the Day (1-26-2015)

Didn’t get a chance to pick a Google Nexus 5X for $280 when it was on sale on Black Friday? Now you’ve got another change… kind of. BuyDig is selling 16GB models for $300 and 32GB models for $350, which is about $50 off the list price. But the company is also throwing in $20 […]

Deals of the Day (1-26-2015) is a post from: Liliputing

Deals of the Day (1-26-2015)

Didn’t get a chance to pick a Google Nexus 5X for $280 when it was on sale on Black Friday? Now you’ve got another change… kind of. BuyDig is selling 16GB models for $300 and 32GB models for $350, which is about $50 off the list price. But the company is also throwing in $20 […]

Deals of the Day (1-26-2015) is a post from: Liliputing

Mozilla: Firefox 44 macht Fehler schöner und Videotechnik besser

Die aktuelle Version des Firefox nutzt für Videos nun H.264 oder, sollte dies nicht verfügbar sein, das freie VP9. Die Hinweisseiten für Zertifikatsfehler sind neu gestaltet und der Videochat Firefox Hello verlässt offiziell die Beta-Phase. (Firefox, Browser)

Die aktuelle Version des Firefox nutzt für Videos nun H.264 oder, sollte dies nicht verfügbar sein, das freie VP9. Die Hinweisseiten für Zertifikatsfehler sind neu gestaltet und der Videochat Firefox Hello verlässt offiziell die Beta-Phase. (Firefox, Browser)

Dealmaster: Get a Dell Latitude 15 3000 with Core i7 and Nvidia Graphics for $701

Plus a bunch of other deals on TVs, accessories, and more.

Greetings, Arsians!

Thanks to our partners at TechBargains, we have a number of deals to share that will change how you work and play for the better. One of the highlights is the Dell Latitude 15 3000 laptop that you can now get for just slightly more than $700. Originally $1,227, this laptop features an Intel Core i7 processor, a 15.6-inch HD display, 8GB of RAM, and a 2GB Nvidia GPU to help you get work done as efficiently as possible.

On the flip side, there are also deals on games for when you need a break, including a $370 PS4 bundle and $20 of games, including Fallout 4, Deadpool, and others.

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Supercomputer: Cray rüstet das ECMWF auf Xeon Phi um

Das Europäische Zentrum für mittelfristige Wettervorhersage (ECMWF) hat begonnen, seine High Performance Computing Facility zu erweitern. Darin stecken Haswell- und Knights-Landing-Chips. (Supercomputer, Haswell)

Das Europäische Zentrum für mittelfristige Wettervorhersage (ECMWF) hat begonnen, seine High Performance Computing Facility zu erweitern. Darin stecken Haswell- und Knights-Landing-Chips. (Supercomputer, Haswell)

Bundesverfassungsgericht: Eilantrag gegen Vorratsdatenspeicherung gescheitert

Per Eilantrag lässt sich die Vorratsdatenspeicherung nicht stoppen. Über die Erfolgsaussichten der zahlreichen Verfassungsbeschwerden sagt dies jedoch nichts aus. (Vorratsdatenspeicherung, Datenschutz)

Per Eilantrag lässt sich die Vorratsdatenspeicherung nicht stoppen. Über die Erfolgsaussichten der zahlreichen Verfassungsbeschwerden sagt dies jedoch nichts aus. (Vorratsdatenspeicherung, Datenschutz)

Half the ocean’s warming has come in the last couple decades

Study takes a new look at heat energy added to the oceans since 1865.

(credit: Jeffrey)

Over 90 percent of the heat energy added to Earth’s climate system by human activities has gone into the ocean, in part because, well, it's awfully big.

That awful-bigness makes monitoring all that heat energy a real challenge. A new study led by Peter Gleckler and Paul Durack at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory compiled as much data as possible and compared it to climate model simulations. The comparison not only shows that the ocean's warming can only be explained by human impacts (surprise!) but also highlights just how quickly global warming is occurring outside of our view.

Although a large number of automated floats have been measuring temperatures in the upper 2,000 meters of the ocean for over a decade now, ship-based measurements from the past are more sparse. And the deeper the water, the fewer the available measurements. Because of this, studies analyzing the cause of ocean temperature changes have mainly stuck to the upper 700 meters. For this study, the researchers pulled together some more data—including the Challenger Expedition from the 1870s—in order to make deep ocean comparisons more worthwhile.

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Nach dem Hack: Vtech geht wieder ein bisschen online

Der Spielzeughersteller Vtech wurde Ende vergangenen Jahres wegen großer Sicherheitsmängel kritisiert und nahm daraufhin viele seiner Dienste vom Netz. Jetzt gehen einige Produkte wieder online – bei der Security will das Unternehmen dazugelernt haben. (Vtech, Technologie)

Der Spielzeughersteller Vtech wurde Ende vergangenen Jahres wegen großer Sicherheitsmängel kritisiert und nahm daraufhin viele seiner Dienste vom Netz. Jetzt gehen einige Produkte wieder online - bei der Security will das Unternehmen dazugelernt haben. (Vtech, Technologie)

Man survives 48 straight hours in VR with no reported nausea

Two straight days in an HTC Vive was like “a controlled drug experience.”

There are worse ways to spend a couple of days. (credit: Game Science Center Berlin)

Virtual reality headset makers are quick to claim that they have solved the widely reported problems with nausea and "VR sickness" that plagued earlier hardware. But if actions speak louder than words, one artist's 48-hour, reportedly nausea-free stint in an HTC Vive headset speaks pretty highly of the comfort and immersion of the VR device.

"I had no physical problems, no burning eyes, killing headaches or nausea," Thorsten Wiedemann, the founder and artistic director of the A MAZE Festival, told Vice after spending two straight days in a Vive headset for an art project called Disconnected earlier this month. While a panic attack in the 25th hour almost caused Wiedemann to drop out, the rest of the Wiedemann's extended time in VR went off uneventfully, as you can see from livestreamed footage archived on Game Science Center Berlin's YouTube channel.

Wiedemann didn't spend two whole days wandering around virtual reality in fuzzy pink pajamas to prove the safety and comfort of the hardware, though. As Wiedemann told Vice, the project was an early test of what he believes will be a common pastime in 2026, when it will be "normal that you jump into VR to meet your international friends in Social VR Rooms and go on crazy adventures together. But a long trip will be still special and could be understood as a controlled drug experience."

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Turn an $11 microSD card reader into a WiFi router

Turn an $11 microSD card reader into a WiFi router

The Zsun WiFi Card Reader is a tiny, cheap microSD card reader that sells for between $11 and $15 (or a few dollars more if you want to order from AMazon instead of from a Chinese retailer). You can plug the card reader into the USB port of your computer, but as the name suggests, it also supports […]

Turn an $11 microSD card reader into a WiFi router is a post from: Liliputing

Turn an $11 microSD card reader into a WiFi router

The Zsun WiFi Card Reader is a tiny, cheap microSD card reader that sells for between $11 and $15 (or a few dollars more if you want to order from AMazon instead of from a Chinese retailer). You can plug the card reader into the USB port of your computer, but as the name suggests, it also supports […]

Turn an $11 microSD card reader into a WiFi router is a post from: Liliputing

Alternativer PDF-Reader: Foxit ist anfällig für Schadcode-Injektion

Foxit ist als Adobe-Reader-Alternative beliebt – doch die Nutzer sollten ihre Software updaten, denn der Hersteller hat einige Sicherheitslücken behoben. Die meisten davon betreffen das Speichermanagement. (Security, Sicherheitslücke)

Foxit ist als Adobe-Reader-Alternative beliebt - doch die Nutzer sollten ihre Software updaten, denn der Hersteller hat einige Sicherheitslücken behoben. Die meisten davon betreffen das Speichermanagement. (Security, Sicherheitslücke)