Ask Ars: I can’t choose between Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR!

It’s still too early to judge what’s “best,” but we can still help you pick.

If you are ready to jump feet-first into triple-A virtual reality gaming as soon as humanly possible, you have three main choices: the Oculus Rift, the HTC Vive, and Sony's PS VR. None of these devices is actually in the hands of the general public yet—we’ll have to wait until next week for the Oculus Rift to start its first round of shipping—but all three are available for preorder right now. The Vive is the most expensive option at $799, but it comes with 3D controllers. The Rift costs less at $599, but it doesn’t come with 3D controllers. And the PS VR is the cheapest at $399, but then you’re locked to a console and don’t get to play any computer-based VR games.

There is no way to prove yet which of the three front-runners is best. Indeed, "best" is a hard word to define in context—best based on what? Best resolution? The Rift and Vive seem to be the winners there—but they use a Pentile subpixel arrangement, and the Sony kit doesn’t, so the resolution numbers don’t tell the entire story. Best VR experience? Well, that depends on what "experience" means to you—are you primarily going to be playing cockpit-based flight or racing sims where seated play is the main point, or do you want to run around your room playing virtual golf or tennis or shooting virtual guns?

Because how and what you play is a massively subjective experience—and because there’s still so much we don’t know about the final retail versions of all of these VR solutions—it’s hard to make blanket recommendations at this point. The absolute best answer right now to the question of "Which one of these things should I buy?!" is "You should probably wait until this summer when they’ve been in everybody’s hands for a few months and then decide."

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Viral profiling: Scientists working to predict the next Zika

Study sorts ingredients for terrifying pandemics, immediately notes exceptions.

(credit: Eneas De Troya )

When a virus jumps from wildlife to humans, it could either cause a few infections and fizzle out—or it could spark an explosive outbreak. For instance, health experts feared that H5N1 bird flu would lead to a massive and deadly pandemic in humans in the early 2000s, but with its current limited ability to jump from human to human, it has yet to kick off such a large-scale plague. Zika, Ebola, and HIV/AIDS, on the other hand, have.

Figuring out beforehand the type of viral scenario that will unfold with a new, emerging germ would be vital to protecting public health, allowing health officials to anticipate and thwart the spread of infections before they get out of hand. But researchers have largely struggled with how to make those predictions.

To try to break down the molecular recipe for a pandemic, researchers analyzed a range of biological features from 203 human-infecting viruses—a mix of those that have and have not caused big outbreaks. The researchers aimed to find predictors of infectious potential among each virus’ characteristics, including its family tree; genome’s make-up (DNA or RNA), length, and segmentation; outer structure of its viral particle; tendency to recombine with relative viruses and create variation in its genetics; time spent in a victim; deadliness; and whether or not it spreads via a vector, such as mosquitoes and ticks. The results appear in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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Chevrolet Bolts are about to start rolling off the production line

The electric car has 200-mile range and will cost under $30,000 after tax credits.

One of our highlights at CES this year was an opportunity to get behind the wheel of Chevrolet's Bolt electric vehicle. Priced at under $30,000 after a $7,500 IRS tax credit, it's set to be the first mass-market EV on sale in the US with a battery big enough to take you 200 miles (321km) between charges.

Chevrolet promised that the Bolt would go on sale later this year, and the company looks set to meet that goal—pre-production vehicles are already working their way through the production line in Orion Township, Michigan.

"We’re at another critical and important point in the development of the Bolt EV,” said Josh Tavel, Bolt EV chief engineer. "We’ve moved from working in math and building cars by hand to building Bolt EVs on the line. We’re now testing the tooling used in the plant so that we deliver high-quality, 200-plus-mile EVs that our customers are eagerly anticipating."

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Google Now Card Offers Deadpool Piracy Advice

Millions of users of Android and iOS devices are using Google Now, the personal digital assistant that can respond to questions and offer intelligent recommendations. Surprisingly, however, Google Now recently noted a user’s interest in Deadpool and served up a Card linking to a torrent site offering it for download.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.

deadpoolBritish science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke is credited with the penning of three laws, one of which declares that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

While not quite magic for those who understand how it works, Google Now can be both impressive and spooky.

On mobile devices (Android and iOS) Google Now and its ‘Card’ notifications often pop up at the most opportune times, offering advice about things that haven’t yet happened in a users life – but are about to.

It’s not unusual for Google Cards to let you know how long it will take you to get home – from a restaurant you haven’t quite arrived at yet. And it can also advise what the weather will be like tomorrow, in a place that more often that not you’ve planned to visit only in your head.

Google can’t read people’s minds but it does harvest data from Google accounts in order to provide its Now services. That includes your search and location history, sites you’ve visited and the content of Gmail messages. It can also access your phone contacts, calendar entries and even certain apps.

“To know when to display cards and reminders, Google Now uses information from your device and from other Google products,” the company explains.

But while Google Now does some predictable things, like offering news about a favorite sporting event or offering appropriate stock listings, it can also serve up the odd surprise. One of those landed on the phone of TorrentFreak reader Ryan Raab this past weekend.

While using his Nexus 6 (loaded with the latest Android N beta), Ryan received a serving of Google Cards. After Google noticed he’d “shown an interest” in Olivia Munn, he was advised of her upcoming role in the X-Men Apocalypse movie as documented by Engadget. Nice.

But it was his interest in the movie Deadpool that delivered the surprise. Sandwiched between a Guardian article about Barack Obama and a New York Post piece about Donald Trump, Google Now advised Ryan where he could watch the hit movie. (Hint: Not in a theater)


As can be seen from the screenshot, Ryan’s interest in Deadpool resulted in a Google Card being presented to him referencing one of the world’s largest torrent sites, 1337x. Indeed, clicking on the Card landed Ryan on the site in question, as shown below.


Obviously there isn’t a team at Google hand-crafting Google Cards designed to promote unauthorized torrents. However, this does appear to show that Google’s algorithms are smart enough to put together interesting advice based on multiple and diverse information sources.

TorrentFreak sent Ryan’s findings to Google for comment but at the time of publication we were yet to hear back. However, it does appear that in this instance simply having an interest in both torrents and a particular movie was enough to trigger a custom Card linking to a pirate site.

While a feature like this won’t annoy too many torrent fans, they may change their tune when more sensitive information is picked up by Google in future editions.

“You showed an interest in ‘having an affair’ – here’s a link to”

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.

Für HD und Internet: Unitymedia beschleunigt Analogabschaltung

Der Kabelnetzbetreiber Unitymedia schaltet einige analoge Sender ab und nimmt neue HD-Sender in sein Angebot auf. Bereits im Jahr 2017 dürfte ganz Schluss sein mit der Verbreitung analoger TV-Programme. (Unitymedia, Internet)

Der Kabelnetzbetreiber Unitymedia schaltet einige analoge Sender ab und nimmt neue HD-Sender in sein Angebot auf. Bereits im Jahr 2017 dürfte ganz Schluss sein mit der Verbreitung analoger TV-Programme. (Unitymedia, Internet)

Dealmaster: Get a 55-inch Samsung 4K Smart 3D HDTV for $1,250

Plus, here’s where you can preorder Playstation VR bundles now.

Greetings, Arsians! Courtesy of our partners at TechBargains, we have a bunch of new deals this week. The featured deal includes the best price we've seen for a high-end TV since last year's Black Friday. Now you can get a 55-inch Samsung SUHD 4K Smart 3D HDTV for just $1,250. This model features Samsung's Nano Crystal technology which offers beautifully vibrant colors, optimized contrast for extreme crispness, and a quad-core processor. There's also a 65-inch version on our list for just $1,799.

Check out the rest of the deals below, including where you can preorder Playstation VR bundles.


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Netflix: Aktualisiertes Smart-TV-Logo bringt Verwirrung

Netflix legt sein Empfehlungsprogramm für geeignete Smart-TVs neu auf – mit verschärften Anforderungen für die TV-Hersteller. Käufer haben es damit aber schwerer, den Überblick zu behalten. Und eine Kaufempfehlung ist es vielfach nicht. (Netflix, Streaming)

Netflix legt sein Empfehlungsprogramm für geeignete Smart-TVs neu auf - mit verschärften Anforderungen für die TV-Hersteller. Käufer haben es damit aber schwerer, den Überblick zu behalten. Und eine Kaufempfehlung ist es vielfach nicht. (Netflix, Streaming)

CTL J5 is a ruggedized Chromebook convertible

CTL J5 is a ruggedized Chromebook convertible

Few OEMs have embraced Chromebooks the way CTL has. They released several models last year, and they’ve just added a new convertible model to their line-up. Their latest Chrome OS portable is the J5. It features a 360 degree hinge like Lenovo’s Yoga laptops (and numerous others) that allow it to be used as a […]

CTL J5 is a ruggedized Chromebook convertible is a post from: Liliputing

CTL J5 is a ruggedized Chromebook convertible

Few OEMs have embraced Chromebooks the way CTL has. They released several models last year, and they’ve just added a new convertible model to their line-up. Their latest Chrome OS portable is the J5. It features a 360 degree hinge like Lenovo’s Yoga laptops (and numerous others) that allow it to be used as a […]

CTL J5 is a ruggedized Chromebook convertible is a post from: Liliputing

BlackBerry cries foul as Facebook plans to end BB OS 10 support

Calls BlackBerry faithful to launch hashtag protest, pays Twitter to update app.

Facebook's icon may soon disappear from BlackBerry devices along with WhatsApp.

Facebook and its WhatsApp messaging subsidiary have both announced plans to end support for BlackBerry OS 10 by the end of 2016 despite pleas from BlackBerry's executives. In a blog post, BlackBerry's senior manager in charge of the company's App Ecosystem and Developer Outreach team, Lou Gazzola, expressed disappointment over the decision and urged customers to protest it. "We fought back to work with WhatsApp and Facebook to change their minds, but at this time, their decision stands (but let them know how you feel on social media, using the hashtag #ILoveBB10Apps)," he wrote.

The decision comes as BlackBerry has started to look at paths beyond its own operating system. In late 2015, the company introduced its own Android-based phone, the Priv. And with the introduction of the Passport, BlackBerry began supporting some Android applications on BB OS itself. But the company's executives have continuously tried to attract and keep developers for their native operating system's ecosystem.

Gazzola wrote that despite the Facebook decision, "we have worked hard to ensure our end users have the best experience in light of this decision and are continuing to search for alternate solutions." In an attempt to convince users of the company's commitment and to highlight the efforts of the BlackBerry developer community—which Gazzola said is "creating thousands of apps every month"—Blackberry is launching a featured list of 20 of applications on BlackBerry World called Great Apps on BlackBerry.

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Urban Empire: Städtebau plus Politik und Intrigen

Sieht aus wie ein klassisches Aufbauspiel, will aber einen Schwerpunkt auf Stadtpolitik und Gesellschaftsplanung legen: In Urban Empire tritt der Spieler als Bürgermeister mit vielen Rechten und Pflichten in seiner eigenen Metropole an. (Aufbauspiel, Games)

Sieht aus wie ein klassisches Aufbauspiel, will aber einen Schwerpunkt auf Stadtpolitik und Gesellschaftsplanung legen: In Urban Empire tritt der Spieler als Bürgermeister mit vielen Rechten und Pflichten in seiner eigenen Metropole an. (Aufbauspiel, Games)