BowFlex smart dumbbells tested: get ripped without leaving the house

Would you spend $500 on a home lifting gym of your own?

Video shot/edited by Jennifer Hahn. (video link)

If you've ever zoned out at the gym in the middle of a set and lost count, here's a solution that will let you zone out as much as you want. BowFlex's new SelectTech 560 smart dumbbells is proof that fitness tech is moving beyond wristbands. This set of two weights is considered "smart" because they allow you to adjust how much you life from one to 60 pounds on each dumbbell, and, as you lift, the dumbbells automatically record every rep. When paired with a mobile app, the smart dumbbells let you "just lift" (literally, that's an in-app exercise) or follow lifting and exercise routines that incorporate the dumbbells.

While the SelectTech 560 sounds like a no-brainer for hardcore lifters who want to exercise at home without investing in an entire rack of weights, there are a few catches: that's 120 pounds of weight you'll have to get into your home, and the set costs $499. Check out the video above to see what I thought of the BowFlex smart dumbbells after I gave them a try.

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Spionage im Wahlkampf: Russland soll hinter neuem Hack von US-Demokraten stecken

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Comodo: Zertifikatsausstellung mit HTML-Injection ausgetrickst

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New year, new $500+ pedals: Reviewing the Slaw Device RX Viper

If you want some of the best flight sim pedals money can buy, better call Slaw.

Enlarge / Slaw Device RX Viper pedals, serial number 0002, w/ personalized "AD ASTRA" engraved plate. There aren't many like it, and this one is mine. (credit: Lee Hutchinson)

Last year I spent more money than I ever thought I’d spend on a peripheral to import a set of Slaw Device BF109 flight sim pedals. The pedals, when they arrived, weren’t just functional—they were beautiful. Powder-coated aluminum struts, shiny chrome nut-and-bolt accents, those artfully skeletonized foot stirrups—the device was undeniably the work of a skilled craftsman, and the pedals played as good as they look. From space to sky, from Elite: Dangerous to DCS World, they’ve kicked up my immersion and provided smooth, jitter-free rudder control. I thought I’d be happy with them forever.

Forever, as it turns out, lasts about 16 months. One fine May afternoon some new pedals caught my eye, and my BF109s suddenly looked old and busted. I saw unforgivable flaws where before I'd seen none—the old bumper-arm mechanism wasn’t nearly as smooth as a rolling cam would be, and the foot-in-stirrup position couldn’t be nearly as comfortable as foot-on-floor! And, oooh, look at the colors! The new ones come in colors!

And now I’m $693 poorer. But, man, my flight sim pedals—let me show you them!

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Panne behoben: Paypal-Lastschrifteinzug funktioniert wieder

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Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner

If you are fans of silverware or love to buy gold stuffs as your collection, you will definitely need one of this Ultrasonic Jewelry cleaner. It a pain if you need to head to the jewelry shop to clean up your jewelry each time they change color, but with this ultrasonic cleaner, you can do […]

If you are fans of silverware or love to buy gold stuffs as your collection, you will definitely need one of this Ultrasonic Jewelry cleaner. It a pain if you need to head to the jewelry shop to clean up your jewelry each time they change color, but with this ultrasonic cleaner, you can do […]

Warner Bros Targets Popular Streaming Subreddit

In a fresh takedown notice Hollywood movie studio Warner Bros. is targeting the BestOfStreamingVideo subreddit, a community dedicated to sharing links to pirated streams of movies and TV-shows. Thus far this hasn’t had any effect, however, and according to one of the moderators, Warner Bros. should focus its efforts on building a better legal movie platform instead.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.

redditpOnline pirates are increasingly turning to streaming sites to watch the latest TV-shows and blockbusters.

Aside from going to these sites directly, there are also dedicated communities where people help each other to find high-quality copies of recent releases.

The popular social networking service Reddit is one of these places. The site has various “subreddits” dedicated to streaming the latest entertainment, often from unauthorized sources.

Hollywood is not happy with this type of sharing and this week Warner Bros took action against BestOfStreamingVideo, a popular subreddit with 45,838 readers who are interested in “free” entertainment.

In a DMCA takedown notice the movie studio accuses the subreddit of infringing the copyrights of the popular 2015 movie Interstellar. A link to a pirated copy on was added two days ago, and Warner Bros now wants it to disappear.

The notice in question was not sent to Reddit, but Google, who was asked to remove the main subreddit page from its search results. Google, however, decided not to comply with the request which means that the page remains present in its search results.

Interstellar on /r/BestOfStreamingVideo


One of the reasons for Google’s refusal may be that the request is too broad, as it doesn’t list the main URL of the Reddit submission. Alternatively, the company may have decided that Reddit is better off handling takedown requests for their own platform.

In any case, the moderators of BestOfStreamingVideo are happy with the result. Moderator xosfear tells us that they simply offer a platform for users to share links, and that they don’t control what’s added.

“The sub was made as a way for our users to share streaming video, and as Reddit is a platform for free speech it is out of our control as to what our users post,” xosfear tells us.

Instead of sending takedown requests, the moderator believes Warner Bros would be better off focusing its efforts on building a centralized platform where movie fans can watch all of its movies for a fair price.

“In my opinion, if Warner Brothers spent all the time and money they spent on trying to control piracy on building a centralized platform for users to own their own movie library for a cost-effective price, they would make millions,” xosfear says.

“Look at what Steam has done for Valve and video game piracy. Of course, that would mean co-operating with other movie studios, and I doubt they would put aside their greed to do that.”

It’s unclear whether Warner Bros has also asked Reddit itself to take down the subreddit. For now, the subreddit remains online, including the link to the pirated copy of Interstellar.

Interestingly this is not the first time that the BestOfStreamingVideo has been targeted. In 2014 movie studio LionsGate sent a similar takedown request, also without result.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.

Die Woche im Video: Ab in den Urlaub!

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Im letzten Wochenrückblick vor der Sommerpause widmen wir uns unter anderem Elementary OS, der Killerspiel-Diskussion und 3D-gedruckten Fingern. Sieben Tage und viele Meldungen im Überblick. (Golem-Wochenrückblick, Internet)