Why are game makers creating new Game Boy games in 2021?

New tools and wide-eyed nostalgia are driving a monochrome portable renaissance.

Promotional image of original Nintendo Game Boy.

Enlarge / Now you're playing with power.... portable power! (credit: Nintendo)

Here's an unavoidable fact: the original Nintendo Game Boy is reaching middle age. The world may have moved on to sleeker, less bulky technology since Nintendo's first portable landed in shopping malls and mom-and-pop electronics stores back in 1989. But a number of developers are returning to the green hue of Nintendo's flagship handheld to explore new ideas for the platform, using the classics as a template.

"Pokémon and Zelda are obvious, really surface level," Izma, creator of new Game Boy game Deadeus, says of his inspirations. "But then there's some that I would say are a little deeper. Lisa: The Painful, the vibe and tone of that game heavily influenced [Deadeus]. Things like Tower of Heaven, a flash Game Boy-style game—the narrative's not the emphasis of the game, but there are certain beats that I tried to match here."

Currently a full-time UI artist at Coatsink games, Izma began making Deadeus during a game jam with some friends from Magic Leap Studios. They used GB Studio, a free engine for building games to the specifications of a standard Game Boy. Izma had been toying with the Game Boy's art style in GameMaker and found using GB Studio to be compelling enough to flesh out a fuller version of what he'd started.

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Bin ich Rassist? Ein Selbsttest

Gerade mit Blick auf Diskriminierung lässt sich akademisch-theoretische leicht ein Vorwurf herbeidefinieren. Doch was sagt der aus – und was sind die Folgen?

Gerade mit Blick auf Diskriminierung lässt sich akademisch-theoretische leicht ein Vorwurf herbeidefinieren. Doch was sagt der aus - und was sind die Folgen?

How one naughty bird cheats with fancy feather structures

Male tanager birds have more than way to make their colors really pop for the ladies

A Brazilian Tanager (Ramphocelus bresilius) with his cheating red feathers looking up at the sky.

Enlarge / A Brazilian Tanager (Ramphocelus bresilius) with his cheating red feathers looking up at the sky. (credit: Rogerio Peccioli | Getty)

Female tanager birds dig flamboyant males. So to build plumage that really pops with orange or red or yellow, a male has to eat fruits and absorb their carotenoids. The fancy feathers he produces then serve as an honest signal, in the evolutionary sense, as his ability to consume a lot of carotenoids shows that he’s fit. And the female wants to pass those genes along to her offspring, please and thank you.

Except biologists just discovered that male tanagers seem to be cheating. They’re not necessarily harvesting more carotenoids to gussy up their appearance. Instead, they’re changing the very structure of their feathers to play with light, thus modifying their color. Depending on the species—and the preferences of its females—they can make an ordinary red really glow, or make it more muted and plush. The males can even dial up the contrast of these color patches by making their surrounding feathers ultra-black with a structure that basically eats light.

“They're making themselves essentially look brighter and more colorful without necessarily putting in these expensive pigments. So they're essentially dishonestly signaling their color to females,” says Allison Shultz, curator of birds at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles, who coauthored a recent paper describing the findings in the journal Scientific Reports.

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Relying on a Torrent Site for Vaccination Advice Is a Terrible Idea

Torrent site MagnetDL is warning its users against taking Covid vaccines, pointing them to a copy of the controversial ‘Plandemic’ documentary. While we’re not medical experts, we know that taking health advice from a torrent site is not a great idea. In fact, it can be quite dangerous.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

covidMore than a year has passed since the Covid pandemic started and the virus still has the world in its grip.

Some countries have a lower infection rate than others, with lockdowns and vaccinations playing a major role, according to experts.

When it comes to vaccinations there’s no shortage of polarized opinions. Many health experts believe that vaccinations for adults – on the whole – do far more good than harm. However, others are not as convinced. This skepticism can be in part triggered by fear or religious beliefs.

People are entitled to their own opinions and we have no intention to take part in this discussion. That said, it is important to consider the source, especially when it comes to health information.

Torrent Site Warns Against Covid Vaccines

This week we stumbled upon a vaccine warning issued by the torrent site MagnetDL. Generally speaking, torrent sites are not considered to be sources of professional medical advice, but at the time of writing, all download pages have the following alert:

“Warning: Thousands DEAD following covid experimental vaccines. Please do your own RESEARCH. Stop trusting the news. Stop complying. Just say NO!”


Needless to say, a warning like this is extreme. Having a questioning mind is good and we don’t blindly follow all news reports either. But our research does point to experts who repeatedly show that many lives are saved thanks to vaccines, which are predominantly safe.

A Dangerous ‘Side-Effect’ of NOT Taking a Vaccine

Yes, there are extremely rare but dangerous side effects for some Covid vaccines, as we’ve seen in the media. But those numbers pale in comparison to the millions of casualties among those who didn’t get a vaccine.

The MagnetDL warning is displayed as an image, possibly to prevent being ‘flagged’ by search engines. The image itself links to a copy of the controversial Plandemic documentary, which Wikipedia describes as “one of the most-widespread pieces of COVID-19 misinformation.”

Interestingly, MagnetDL’s archive also includes titles that are more positive about vaccines, including a pirated copy of the Discovery+ series “The Vaccine Conquering COVID.” These titles are not promoted, of course, but they’re not censored either.

When in Doubt, Talk to Your Doctor

Again, we’re not health experts here, but flat-out recommending everyone not to take a vaccine – without knowing their individual situation – is extremely dangerous.

People who have concerns should consult a medical expert, or two, and get a professional opinion on what’s wise in their case. This is particularly important for people who are vulnerable. And for the record, these experts don’t include torrent sites or people in the comment section below.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Four astronauts make first nighttime landing in the ocean since 1968

“I would just like to say, quite frankly, y’all are changing the world.”

After a little more than 167 days in space, and zipping through 2,688 orbits around the planet, Crew Dragon Resilience dropped into a darkened Gulf of Mexico early on Sunday morning off the coast of Panama City, Florida.

The flight back from the International Space Station went smoothly, with Dragon entering the atmosphere about 12 minutes before landing under four main parachutes. Shortly after entering the atmosphere, an infrared camera aboard a WB-57 aircraft was able to track the vehicle as it guided down to the surface. Sea states were remarkably calm as the vehicle, which resembled a toasted marshmallow following its rigorous reentry through Earth's atmosphere, was hoisted aboard the GO Navigator recovery boat.

Inside, NASA astronauts Mike Hopkins, Vic Glover, and Shannon Walker, along with Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi, were healthy and happy after spending nearly six months living aboard the International Space Station, and feeling the effects of Earth's gravity again.

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