Dengue virus disables the immune system by blocking mass transit

Proteins never get to where they need to be to start an antiviral attack.

A virus in the same family as Dengue. (credit: Oak Ridge National Lab)

The Dengue virus comes in four distinct but related varieties called serotypes, and they're all bad. Rather than inducing tolerance for each other, infection with one Dengue serotype actually makes people more sensitive to the other three. Victims infected by a second serotype can develop hemorrhagic fevers, which can be fatal. Somewhere around 400 million people are infected with Dengue annually—more than any other mosquito-borne ailment. There is no cure.

Dengue is also in the same family as Zika and is spread by the same mosquitos, so learning more about one could have broad applications for the other. This week, researchers published a paper in Nature describing how the Dengue virus avoids one arm of our immune system.

There are two arms to our immune system. Adaptive immunity generates antibodies and T cell receptors to combat unique aspects of a specific pathogen. After the fight is over, these antibodies and receptors stick around to remember and attack that pathogen should we encounter it again. Antibodies and T cell receptors form the molecular premise upon which vaccines are based.

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Polar A360 reviewed: Another fitness tracker with smartwatch envy

The $199 tracker is the first with Polar’s own wrist-bound heart rate monitor.

Video shot/edited by Jennifer Hahn. (video link)

At the end of last year, both Garmin and Polar introduced new fitness trackers that incorporate a few smartwatch features. Garmin's is the formidable Vívosmart HR and Polar's is the A360. Both combine heart rate monitors with daily activity tracking and smartphone notifications to make all-purpose devices that are meant to live on your wrist. Polar's $199 A360 is a little more customizable than the Garmin device, and it borrows features from Polar's other trackers that are ideal for anyone doing regular, serious training sessions.

Design: A little bulky, but it could be worse

The A360 is the slightly chunkier cousin of Polar's Loop 2, with its thumb-sized module and stretchy silicone band. Its 160×80-pixel color LCD touchscreen is bold and easy to use, while the button on the bottom left corner is awkward at first, particularly if you wear the A360 on your left wrist like I did. But you get used to it after a day or so. Like many other wristbands, the A360's display lights up to show the time when you flick your wrist.

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Netzneutralität: Telekom führt Drosselung für Spotify ein

Wegen einer rechtlichen Änderung in der EU nimmt die Telekom den Musikstreamingdienst Spotify nicht mehr von der Drosselung aus. Doch schuld ist die Telekom, die EU hat nur entschieden: Wenn gedrosselt wird, muss das für alle gelten. (Netzneutralität, Cloud Computing)

Wegen einer rechtlichen Änderung in der EU nimmt die Telekom den Musikstreamingdienst Spotify nicht mehr von der Drosselung aus. Doch schuld ist die Telekom, die EU hat nur entschieden: Wenn gedrosselt wird, muss das für alle gelten. (Netzneutralität, Cloud Computing)

Microsoft’s holoportation is a virtual teleportation system (using HoloLens)

Microsoft’s holoportation is a virtual teleportation system (using HoloLens)

Scientists have started working on real-life teleportation technology, but it’s still in its infancy and may never really be able to transport a human being across great distances. But Microsoft has already developed a virtual teleportation system that makes it look like you’re in the same room as someone who may be thousands of miles away. It’s […]

Microsoft’s holoportation is a virtual teleportation system (using HoloLens) is a post from: Liliputing

Microsoft’s holoportation is a virtual teleportation system (using HoloLens)

Scientists have started working on real-life teleportation technology, but it’s still in its infancy and may never really be able to transport a human being across great distances. But Microsoft has already developed a virtual teleportation system that makes it look like you’re in the same room as someone who may be thousands of miles away. It’s […]

Microsoft’s holoportation is a virtual teleportation system (using HoloLens) is a post from: Liliputing

Prime Now Deutschland: Amazon soll Zwei-Stunden-Zustellung vorbereiten

Amazon Prime Now kommt offenbar nach Berlin. Zuvor wurden Vorbereitungen des schnellen Lieferservices für München berichtet. In den USA ist Prime Now innerhalb von zwei Stunden für Prime-Mitglieder kostenlos. (Amazon, Wirtschaft)

Amazon Prime Now kommt offenbar nach Berlin. Zuvor wurden Vorbereitungen des schnellen Lieferservices für München berichtet. In den USA ist Prime Now innerhalb von zwei Stunden für Prime-Mitglieder kostenlos. (Amazon, Wirtschaft)

There Will Be No More Internet Piracy Superstars

During the past decade and a half there have been some amazing characters in the Internet piracy scene. With their devil-may-care approach to dealing with copyright holders they became heroes to millions. Now, however, that honeymoon period is well and truly over. The stakes are too high, there will be no more piracy superstars.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.

parkerIn 1999, when Napster began drawing its first digital breaths, few users realized they were part of the dawn of a people-powered sharing revolution that would reach millions.

In time, founders Shawn Fanning, John Fanning, and Sean Parker would become both famous and infamous, with the latter surviving Metallica’s destruction of his business and emerging 15 years later as a Facebook multi-billionaire.

But while Parker is publicly living the dream with his pirate history all but forgotten, others on the receiving end of massive litigation have slowly but surely drifted into the background to pursue other interests. Like Gary Fung, for example.

As the former admin of torrent site, Fung became a hero to many due to his extended battle with Hollywood’s MPAA. Year after year Fung defied the most powerful people in the movie industry to keep his site online, something that was well received among the file-sharing masses.

garyfungWhile it eventually came to a costly end, Fung’s battle was a true David and Goliath affair.

It inspired many, in part due to the way the Canadian was prepared to become a public figure whose face was well known to his fans. As a result he is still one of the most recognizable individuals to have emerged from the torrent world.

Of course, there are at least three other individuals who enjoyed even greater pirate infamy than Gary Fung. Like Madonna, Bono or Oprah, the trio of Gottfrid, Fredrik and Peter are recognizable by a single name, albeit when placed together. While moderately recognizable in the mainstream they are truly world famous among the technological masses.

Just like Fung, these Pirate Bay operators gained superstar fame due to their willingness to become recognized in public. During the height of the site’s popularity it was never a secret who was loading the servers and keeping fellow pirates happy. At every opportunity and even when on trial, one or the other was courting publicity in order to further the pirate movement.

The world’s most famous pirates (credit)


And, overall, people absolutely loved it. Unlike most of the faceless operators of dozens of similar sites, Anakata, TiAMO and brokep became icons, appearing in hundreds of mainstream publications around the world and even starring in their own movie. Throughout they stayed defiant, and remain so to this day.

While Napster may have been first and Fung was undoubtedly brave, these three renegades were in a class of their own and will go down in history as the most popular digital pirates the world has ever seen.

Fredrik addressing Pirate Bay fans in Sweden


Of course there have been others since, most notably Kim Dotcom. Although he’s never likely to embrace the Department of Justice’s claims that he’s the biggest intellectual property pirate the world has ever seen, to many Dotcom is still a pirate hero, regardless of whether he was responsible for the massive piracy on Megaupload.

The key factor is that like Gary, Gottfrid, Fredrik and Peter, rightly or wrongly Dotcom is facing similar persecution from Hollywood. And, just like them, he has remained strong, refused to fold and has indicated the studios can go forth and multiply. A lot of people like that.

Furthermore, what Dotcom has done is position himself as a freedom fighter. He’s placed a human face on what began as a fight over piracy yet has developed into a struggle for control of the Internet. That resonates with millions, even those who oppose other elements of his character.


But although it was fun while it lasted, in terms of public personalities the pirate movement has already enjoyed its ‘Concorde Moment‘. During the last decade and a half fearless pirates put their faces into the public arena, confident in the knowledge that they could never be touched, that somehow laws would never catch up with innovation.

Now, however, it’s clear that the only pirates with their faces being shown in public are those being raided, arrested, prosecuted or subjected to punishing civil litigation. No longer is it fun to prod the bear while shouting out one’s real name. The bears have learned to be patient and now return at a later date to inflict mountains of regret.

There might still be a surprise in store, a brave entrepreneur and entertainer might arrive prepared to sacrifice himself for the benefit of others. But for now the prospect of lawsuits, jail and extradition will ensure that the next generation of pirates will reject superstar status and accept something much more basic.

Their freedom.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.

Porsche’s 911R makes its American debut in New York

We talk to the car’s creator, Porsche’s Andreas Preuninger.

We speak to Porsche's Andreas Preuninger about the new 911R—this year's must-have 911. Video shot and edited by Jennifer Hahn. (video link)

Porsche's long-rumored new 911R broke cover at the Geneva International Motor Show earlier in the year. Happily for those of us on this side of the Atlantic, Porsche brought the 911R to New York for the auto show, even though the 911R's entire production run—limited to just nine hundred and eleven cars—has already been completely sold out. More happily for us, we also got to speak to Andreas Preuninger, the driving force behind the 911R (make sure to watch the video above).

The 911R is a response to customer feedback about the most recent motorsports-infused 911 GT3 RS. Until now, Preuninger told us, previous generations of GT3 RS had satisfied both the track addict and those drivers looking for out-and-out road-driving enjoyment. But the current generation GT3 RS (known as the 991) is so capable—and has so much grip—that to all intents and purposes its limit is out of reach on the street.

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The 2017 Nissan GT-R is Godzilla Redux

Nissan’s better, faster, more comfortable supercar slayer

Everyone from car enthusiasts to gamers to RC joystick jockeys knows the Nissan GT-R, but it wasn't always thus. For most of its life, the car that many now call "Godzilla" toiled away in relative obscurity, at least in the West. Yet its performance cred has never been questioned. To emphasize the GT-R's distinguished lineage, Nissan surrounded the 2017 model at the New York International Auto Show with an inspired display of its fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers.

The new GT-R boasts better-quality interior materials, additional sound deadening, revised rear bodywork, and a "V Motion" grille in matte chrome. With its hand-built 3.8L twin-turbo engine, it also cranks out 20hp (15kW) more than last year's model, for a total of 565hp (421kW). Nissan declares that the 2017 GT-R has the most standard horsepower among all of its competitors, though no performance figures are cited. (The previous GT-R does 0-60 mph in just 2.7 seconds, however.)

For the New York Auto Show, Nissan had four of its five master craftsmen, or Takumi, demonstrate engine building for the gathered press. Even with all that, the new car had to compete for attention with the classic Skyline GT-Rs parked next to it.

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