XCOM 2 review: Best-in-class tactical battles with a new sense of style

Sequel greatly improves on character and setting without ruining the gameplay.

The design on the new alien creatures is impressive.

Corporal Alessandra Cancellara is heading into a mission on the Skyranger when I notice her. Most of my squaddies are present, looking cool, as the music theoretically pumps both them and me up. But Alessandra, suited up in green with needles holding up her ash-colored bun, stands out. She’s practically dancing in her seat, a bundle of nervous energy and quick grins. I’d probably look like that heading into a massively tense battle zone, so it suddenly hits me: XCOM 2 has managed to find an emotional core.

The first of the rebooted XCOMs, 2012’s Enemy Unknown, was a fantastic strategy game. So was its expansion, Enemy Within. Yet if there was an immediate criticism to be made of both games, it was that they were stylistically... well, dull. The near-future X-Files-like alien invasion storyline only allowed for the most generic science fiction, and the game structure never felt fully committed beyond “well, this is how the 1994 X-COM did it.” In that light, XCOM 2 having a distinct sense of style is a tremendously positive sign.

That sense of style manages to weave itself through the entire game, making XCOM 2 a notable improvement over its predecessor at nearly every conceptual level—but the game does miss the opportunity to make structural improvements.

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Xperia M5: Sonys neues Smartphone kommt mit hochauflösenden Kameras

Mit dem Xperia M5 bringt Sony ein neues Smartphone im oberen Mittelklassebereich nach Deutschland: Das Gerät kommt mit 5-Zoll-Display, Helio-X10-Prozessor und zwei hochauflösenden Kameras. Kosten soll das Smartphone 400 Euro. (Sony, Smartphone)

Mit dem Xperia M5 bringt Sony ein neues Smartphone im oberen Mittelklassebereich nach Deutschland: Das Gerät kommt mit 5-Zoll-Display, Helio-X10-Prozessor und zwei hochauflösenden Kameras. Kosten soll das Smartphone 400 Euro. (Sony, Smartphone)

Open Source: NayuOS für Chromebooks verzichtet auf Google-Anbindung

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Das Open-Source-Unternehmen Nexedi hat mit NayuOS einen Fork von Chromium OS entwickelt, der Wert auf Erweiterbarkeit, Sicherheit und den Schutz der Privatsphäre legt. (Chromebook, Google)

Redflex: We know Australian authorities are investigating dirty Chicago deal

Australian Federal Police scrutinizing decade-long period in Redflex’s recent history.

(credit: Intel Free Press)

Things keep getting worse for Redflex, the embattled Australian red-light camera vendor.

On Monday, the company told its investors that it is “aware” that the Australian Federal Police (AFP) has begun an investigation into its activities related to the former botched contract with the City of Chicago.

As Redflex wrote in its brief statement:

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Torrent Tracker Knocked Offline by ‘Faulty’ Takedown Requests

An Indian film production company is overloading hosting companies with takedown notices, asking the providers to take down some of the largest torrent trackers in the world. While the notices are not the most accurate, they have already led to a temporary disconnection of a large public tracker.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.

opentrackerAt any given point in time, millions of people are sharing files via BitTorrent, transfers that are often coordinated by external torrent trackers.

Technically speaking a standalone tracker is similar to a DNS provider, it’s a ‘phone book’ which points people to content without knowing what it is.

The trackers themselves don’t host any files nor do they have a searchable index. However, that doesn’t mean that copyright holders will leave them alone.

Increasingly, trackers are asked to block infringing hashes from their service, which several do. This group includes the popular “Trackerfix” tracker. However, despite honoring removal requests the service got into trouble a few days ago.

The problems started with a wave of takedown requests sent by the Indian film production company Thirrupathi Brothers, which owns the rights to the Tamil movie Rajini Murugan.

The film company is not happy with a torrent being shared on the torrent site LimeTorrents so in order to stop it from being distributed Thirrupathi Brothers targeted a wide range of external trackers.

In a series of takedown notices sent to a variety of trackers’ internet services including CloudFlare, OVH, Private Layer, Plus Server, Velia, Host Europe, Godaddy and NetSAAP it demands an immediate shutdown of the infringing activity.

As a result of the series of requests, the Trackerfix tracker suffered several hours of downtime.

Part of the takedown notice


TorrentFreak spoke with the operator of the popular Trackerfix tracker who is fed up with the whole situation. Even though they had already blocked the hash from their service, the threatening language resulted in their hosting company pulling the plug.

The downtime lasted a few hours but was eventually resolved. What’s most problematic, according to the tracker operator, is that the notice itself is inaccurate and overbroad.

The email indeed appears to be missing parts and is confusing, to say the least. For one, it requests the takedown of several third-party torrent trackers for one infringing hash, out of the millions they track.

This is similar to requesting a DNS server to be taken down because it points people to The Pirate Bay.

“These torrents, videos, URL links are fraudulent/infringing material of the Tamil movie Rajini Murugan. The movie is illegally released around the web… want to stop fraudulent materials on web. The pirated videos are used your bittorrent tracker service for torrent fraudulent material transmission,” the broken English email reads.

In addition, the takedown notice references a combination of Dutch and U.S. regulations, even though several of the targeted companies are located outside of this jurisdiction.

“This letter is official notification under the Foundation for Internet Domain Registration in the Netherlands (SIDN) Dutch Copyright Act, protection of authors’ rights […] and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (‘DMCA’), and I seek the removal of the aforementioned infringing material from your servers.”

At the time of writing the Trackerfix service is back online but the owner fears that he may have to search for a new hosting company if the takedown demands continue.

It’s not clear whether any of the other torrent trackers mentioned in the takedown requests were also pulled offline, but according to Trackerfix it’s certainly not getting easier to operate a torrent tracker.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.

Künstliche Intelligenz: Alpha Go spielt wie ein Japaner

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Weltklasse ist Alpha Go noch nicht, aber den Europameister hat das Programm schon besiegt. Die Bewertung der Spiele zeigt: Googles künstliche Intelligenz spielt das komplexe Brettspiel wie ein fähiger Mensch - allerdings ein ziemlich unkreativer. (KI, Google)

Office: Collabora und Kolab arbeiten gemeinsam an Büro-Suite

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Endlich mal ein serienreifer Akku: Unter anderem für Elektroautos hat das Schweizer Unternehmen Belenos einen Energiespeicher entwickelt. Er soll gut ein Drittel leistungsfähiger sein als bisherige Akkus. (Akku, Technologie)

Statt Kooperationen: Google könnte Nexus-Geräte in Eigenregie entwickeln

Lieber komplett in Eigenregie gebaute Geräte als Koproduktionen mit bekannten Herstellern: Google soll einem Bericht zufolge daran interessiert sein, kommende Nexus-Geräte selbst zu entwickeln und bei Auftragsfertigern herstellen zu lassen. Bisher wurden die Smartphones und Tablets stets von namhaften Herstellern produziert. (Google, Smartphone)

Lieber komplett in Eigenregie gebaute Geräte als Koproduktionen mit bekannten Herstellern: Google soll einem Bericht zufolge daran interessiert sein, kommende Nexus-Geräte selbst zu entwickeln und bei Auftragsfertigern herstellen zu lassen. Bisher wurden die Smartphones und Tablets stets von namhaften Herstellern produziert. (Google, Smartphone)