Prime Wardrobe: Amazon stampft Ausprobieren vor dem Kauf ein
Amazon-Prime-Abonnenten müssen sich auf eine Verschlechterung des Abos einstellen – Kleidung Ausprobieren vor dem Kauf wird es bald nicht mehr geben. (Amazon Prime, Amazon)

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Amazon-Prime-Abonnenten müssen sich auf eine Verschlechterung des Abos einstellen – Kleidung Ausprobieren vor dem Kauf wird es bald nicht mehr geben. (Amazon Prime, Amazon)
In Neuseeland treffen die Preiserhöhungen für Microsoft 365 auch private Anwender. Die können ihren alten Tarif aber recht einfach behalten. (Microsoft 365, Microsoft)
Telefónica ist Ziel eines Cyberangriffs geworden. Die Angreifer wollen 2,3 GByte an Daten erbeutet haben – darunter angeblich auch Kundendaten. (Cybercrime, Cyberwar)
In mehreren Ländern Afrikas ist Starlink der günstigste Internetanbieter. Lokale Internetprovider kosten teils doppelt so viel. (Starlink, Internet)
Microsoft verteilt mit zwei kommenden Updates für Windows 10 automatisch das neue Outlook. Blockieren lässt es sich nicht – nur manuell entfernen. (Outlook, Microsoft)
Ich will ein Smart Home ohne Cloud und es per Text und Sprache steuern. Ob Home Assistant mich versteht? Eine Anleitung von Thorsten Müller (Smart Home, KI)
Von Prime Video, über Apple TV+, Disney+ und Netflix: Dieses Serienjahr hat wirklich viel zu bieten. Ein Bericht von Peter Osteried (Science-Fiction, Apple TV)
Service used undocumented APIs and other tricks to bypass safety guardrails.
Microsoft is accusing three individuals of running a "hacking-as-a-service" scheme that was designed to allow the creation of harmful and illicit content using the company’s platform for AI-generated content.
The foreign-based defendants developed tools specifically designed to bypass safety guardrails Microsoft has erected to prevent the creation of harmful content through its generative AI services, said Steven Masada, the assistant general counsel for Microsoft’s Digital Crimes Unit. They then compromised the legitimate accounts of paying customers. They combined those two things to create a fee-based platform people could use.
Microsoft is also suing seven individuals it says were customers of the service. All 10 defendants were named John Doe because Microsoft doesn’t know their identity.
Responders, medical equipment, and supplies are ready for deployment, HHS says.
The US health department on Friday declared a public health emergency for California in response to devastating wildfires in the Los Angeles area that have so far killed 10 people and destroyed more than 10,000 structures.
As of Friday morning, 153,000 residents are under evacuation orders, and an additional 166,800 are under evacuation warnings, according to local reports.
Wildfires pose numerous health risks, including exposure to extreme heat, burns, harmful air pollution, and emotional distress.
The Steam Deck handheld gaming PC now comes with a choice of LCD or AMOLED displays. But what if you already have and LCD model and want to upgrade to an AMOLED display? Officially your only option is to buy a new handheld. Unofficially though? There&#…
The Steam Deck handheld gaming PC now comes with a choice of LCD or AMOLED displays. But what if you already have and LCD model and want to upgrade to an AMOLED display? Officially your only option is to buy a new handheld. Unofficially though? There’s another option. DeckSight is running a crowdfunding campaign for a […]
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