Check out this awesome Street Fighter II car dashboard mod

The classic arcade fighter takes over your gauges with this mod.

The latest rage in automotive vehicle design is the so-called "software-defined vehicle." Instead of dozens and dozens of discrete black boxes, each with its own legacy cruft, an SDV is a clean-sheet approach with a handful of powerful computers, each responsible for a different domain, like powertrain, safety, or infotainment. This allows for a large degree of flexibility to do things in software, whether that's changing the handling, tweaking the UI, or boosting power output.

That's if you're an automaker, at least. Invariably, any customization a driver might want to do only exists within the bounds set up by that OEM. This might extend to some different UI themes, including the ability to upload your own images as a wallpaper and choose between a kaleidoscope of interior LED lighting colors. Even the full-dash, next-generation version of Apple CarPlay is yet to appear in anything production-ready.

For older cars served by the aftermarket, things are a little more free. This is all a long-winded way of saying, "Hey, check out this rad dashboard mod in a Nissan 300ZX I saw on Instagram over the weekend."

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Cold-weather range hits aren’t as bad for EVs with heat pumps

Heat pumps can mitigate range loss and are standard on newer models.

Andrew Garberson has a message for drivers in cold-climate states like Minnesota: Yes, you can still drive an electric car.

Public scrutiny over how well EVs perform in cold weather has grown in recent years following high-profile incidents, like one in Chicago last winter, when several Tesla drivers found themselves stuck in line for hours, waiting for their turn at public charging stations as temperatures dipped below zero. Many drivers reported that the cold had not only sapped their batteries of power but also made charging them a major hassle.

Cold weather temporarily reduces the available energy of EV batteries and slows their ability to charge—though they’ll function normally again in warmer conditions. Heating the car’s cabin during winter also requires energy from the battery, meaning less fuel for travel.

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Cold-weather range hits aren’t as bad for EVs with heat pumps

Heat pumps can mitigate range loss and are standard on newer models.

Andrew Garberson has a message for drivers in cold-climate states like Minnesota: Yes, you can still drive an electric car.

Public scrutiny over how well EVs perform in cold weather has grown in recent years following high-profile incidents, like one in Chicago last winter, when several Tesla drivers found themselves stuck in line for hours, waiting for their turn at public charging stations as temperatures dipped below zero. Many drivers reported that the cold had not only sapped their batteries of power but also made charging them a major hassle.

Cold weather temporarily reduces the available energy of EV batteries and slows their ability to charge—though they’ll function normally again in warmer conditions. Heating the car’s cabin during winter also requires energy from the battery, meaning less fuel for travel.

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Neuwagenstatistik 2024: Produktionsrekord bei E-Autos trotz Einbruch bei Zulassungen

Im vergangenen Jahr sind mehr als ein Viertel weniger Elektroautos als 2023 neu zugelassen worden. Starke Rückgänge mussten Tesla und Polestar hinnehmen. (Elektroauto, Tesla)

Im vergangenen Jahr sind mehr als ein Viertel weniger Elektroautos als 2023 neu zugelassen worden. Starke Rückgänge mussten Tesla und Polestar hinnehmen. (Elektroauto, Tesla)