Elon Musk und die AfD: Ja, das klingt nach Hitler

Elon Musk agitiert derzeit gegen deutsche und britische Politiker. Das hat wenig Substanz, aber durchaus System. Eine Analyse von Friedhelm Greis (Elon Musk, Twitter)

Elon Musk agitiert derzeit gegen deutsche und britische Politiker. Das hat wenig Substanz, aber durchaus System. Eine Analyse von Friedhelm Greis (Elon Musk, Twitter)

Musk legt Berufung im Tesla-Konflikt ein: Streit um 56-Milliarden-US-Dollar-Aktienpaket geht weiter

Es geht in dem Rechtsstreit um Tesla-Aktien, die derzeit rund 100 Milliarden US-Dollar wert sind. Ursprünglich sollte Elon Musk 2,6 Milliarden US-Dollar bekommen. (Elon Musk, Rechtsstreitigkeiten)

Es geht in dem Rechtsstreit um Tesla-Aktien, die derzeit rund 100 Milliarden US-Dollar wert sind. Ursprünglich sollte Elon Musk 2,6 Milliarden US-Dollar bekommen. (Elon Musk, Rechtsstreitigkeiten)

Here’s how hucksters are manipulating Google to promote shady Chrome extensions

How do you stash 18,000 keywords into a description? Turns out it’s easy.

The people overseeing the security of Google’s Chrome browser explicitly forbid third-party extension developers from trying to manipulate how the browser extensions they submit are presented in the Chrome Web Store. The policy specifically calls out search-manipulating techniques such as listing multiple extensions that provide the same experience or plastering extension descriptions with loosely related or unrelated keywords.

On Wednesday, security and privacy researcher Wladimir Palant revealed that developers are flagrantly violating those terms in hundreds of extensions currently available for download from Google. As a result, searches for a particular term or terms can return extensions that are unrelated, inferior knockoffs, or carry out abusive tasks such as surreptitiously monetizing web searches, something Google expressly forbids.

Not looking? Don’t care? Both?

A search Wednesday morning in California for Norton Password Manager, for example, returned not only the official extension but three others, all of which are unrelated at best and potentially abusive at worst. The results may look different for searches at other times or from different locations.

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