Vodafone: Tarife mit unlimitiertem Datenvolumen und reduzierter Gebühr
Im Rahmen der Black Week bieten mehrere Tarife von Vodafone eine Datenflat. Dazu hat der Netzbetreiber die Gebühr bei den Family Cards reduziert. (Vodafone, Mobilfunk)
Just another news site
Im Rahmen der Black Week bieten mehrere Tarife von Vodafone eine Datenflat. Dazu hat der Netzbetreiber die Gebühr bei den Family Cards reduziert. (Vodafone, Mobilfunk)
For $700, I was hoping for a much larger leap in visual impact.
In many ways, the timing of Sony's 2016 launch of the PS4 Pro couldn't have been better. The slightly upgraded version of 2013's PlayStation 4 came at a time when a wave of 4K TVs was just beginning to crest in the form of tens of millions of annual sales in the US.
Purchasing Sony's first-ever "mid-generation" console upgrade in 2016 didn't give original PS4 owners access to any new games, a fact that contributed to us calling the PS4 Pro "a questionable value proposition" when it launched. Still, many graphics-conscious console gamers were looking for an excuse to use the extra pixels and HDR colors on their new 4K TVs, and spending hundreds of dollars on a stopgap console years before the PS5 served that purpose well enough.
Fast-forward to today and the PS5 Pro faces an even weaker value proposition. The PS5, after all, has proven more than capable of creating excellent-looking games that take full advantage of the 4K TVs that are now practically standard in American homes. With 8K TVs still an extremely small market niche, there isn't anything akin to what Sony's Mike Somerset called "the most significant picture-quality increase probably since black and white went to color" when talking about 4K TV in 2016.
Bessere Grafikqualität bei hohen Bildraten, ein eigener KI-Upscaler: Die Playstation 5 Pro ist die momentan leistungsstärkste Konsole. Ein Test von Peter Steinlechner (Playstation 5, Sony)
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Nach Star Trek: Picard wurden die Rufe nach einer Nachfolgeserie mit Captain Seven laut – blieben aber ungehört. (Star Trek, Disney)
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Kia hat seinen elektrischen Niro vom deutschen Markt zurückgezogen. Dafür übernimmt der EV3. (Kia, Elektroauto)