Pekka Lundmark: Nokia sucht einen neuen Chef

Headhunter suchen einen neuen Vorstandschef für Nokia. Laut dem finnischen Ausrüster ist das Teil eines langfristigen Nachfolgeplans. (Nokia, Wirtschaft)

Headhunter suchen einen neuen Vorstandschef für Nokia. Laut dem finnischen Ausrüster ist das Teil eines langfristigen Nachfolgeplans. (Nokia, Wirtschaft)

Boeing risks losing billions as 33,000 workers vote to strike

Workers refused to waste leverage as Boeing deals with $45 billion debt.

Union members cheer during a news conference following a vote count on the union contract at the IAM District 751 Main Union Hall in Seattle, Washington, US, on Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024.

Enlarge / Union members cheer during a news conference following a vote count on the union contract at the IAM District 751 Main Union Hall in Seattle, Washington, US, on Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024. (credit: Bloomberg / Contributor | Bloomberg)

More than 33,000 unionized Boeing workers went on strike Friday, rejecting what they say were unfair terms of a deal the embattled aerospace company tentatively reached with their union.

The rejected deal tried and failed to win over workers by offering a 25 percent wage increase and promised to build Boeing's next jet in the Puget Sound region in Washington, which Boeing claimed offered "job security for generations to come."

But after International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) District 751 president Jon Holden urged the union to accept the deal—which Boeing said was the "largest-ever general wage increase" in the company's history—hundreds of Boeing employees immediately began resisting ahead of a Thursday vote that ultimately doomed the deal.

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Neofetch is over, but many screenshot system info tools stand ready

Dev behind a popular screenshot tool checks out, but the successors are good.

Four terminal windows open to different system information fetching tools

Enlarge / Sorry about all the black space in the lower-right corner. Nerdfetch does not make good use of the space it's given—unlike the Asahi install on this MacBook. (credit: Kevin Purdy)

Almost nobody truly needed Neofetch, but the people who did use it? They really liked it.

Neofetch, run from a terminal, displayed key system information alongside an ASCII-art image of the operating system or distribution running on that system. You knew most of this data, but if you're taking a screenshot of your system, it looked cool and conveyed a lot of data in a small space. "The overall purpose of Neofetch is to be used in screen-shots of your system," wrote Neofetch's creator, Dylan Araps, on its Github repository. "Neofetch shows the information other people want to see."

Neofetch did that, providing cool screenshots and proof-of-life images across nearly 150 OS versions until late April. The last update to the tool was made three years before that, and Araps' Github profile now contains a rather succinct coda: "Have taken up farming." Araps joins "going to a commune in Vermont" and "I now make furniture out of wood" in the pantheon of programmers who do not just leave the field but flee it into another realm entirely.

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Radian One: Durch Raketenschlitten mit einer Raketenstufe ins Weltall

Eine neue Ära der Spaceshuttles könnte durch den privaten Sektor eingeleitet werden. Radian will seinen Raumgleiter aber nicht mit einer Rakete ins All bringen. (Spaceshuttle, Raumfahrt)

Eine neue Ära der Spaceshuttles könnte durch den privaten Sektor eingeleitet werden. Radian will seinen Raumgleiter aber nicht mit einer Rakete ins All bringen. (Spaceshuttle, Raumfahrt)