Google makes it easier for users to switch on advanced account protection

The strict requirement for two physical keys is now eased when passkeys are used.

Google makes it easier for users to switch on advanced account protection

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Google is making it easier for people to lock down their accounts with strong multifactor authentication by adding the option to store secure cryptographic keys in the form of passkeys rather than on physical token devices.

Google’s Advanced Protection Program, introduced in 2017, requires the strongest form of multifactor authentication (MFA). Whereas many forms of MFA rely on one-time passcodes sent through SMS or emails or generated by authenticator apps, accounts enrolled in advanced protection require MFA based on cryptographic keys stored on a secure physical device. Unlike one-time passcodes, security keys stored on physical devices are immune to credential phishing and can’t be copied or sniffed.

Democratizing APP

APP, short for Advanced Protection Program, requires the key to be accompanied by a password whenever a user logs into an account on a new device. The protection prevents the types of account takeovers that allowed Kremlin-backed hackers to access the Gmail accounts of Democratic officials in 2016 and go on to leak stolen emails to interfere with the presidential election that year.

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OpenAI reportedly nears breakthrough with “reasoning” AI, reveals progress framework

Under new classification, Level 2 AI can perform “human-level problem solving.”

Illustration of a robot with many arms.

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OpenAI recently unveiled a five-tier system to gauge its advancement toward developing artificial general intelligence (AGI), according to an OpenAI spokesperson who spoke with Bloomberg. The company shared this new classification system on Tuesday with employees during an all-hands meeting, aiming to provide a clear framework for understanding AI advancement. However, the system describes hypothetical technology that does not yet exist and is possibly best interpreted as a marketing move to garner investment dollars.

OpenAI has previously stated that AGI—a nebulous term for a hypothetical concept that means an AI system that can perform novel tasks like a human without specialized training—is currently the primary goal of the company. The pursuit of technology that can replace humans at most intellectual work drives most of the enduring hype over the firm, even though such a technology would likely be wildly disruptive to society.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has previously stated his belief that AGI could be achieved within this decade, and a large part of the CEO's public messaging has been related to how the company (and society in general) might handle the disruption that AGI may bring. Along those lines, a ranking system to communicate AI milestones achieved internally on the path to AGI makes sense.

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“Superhuman” Go AIs still have trouble defending against these simple exploits

Plugging up “worst-case” algorithmic holes is proving more difficult than expected.

Man vs. machine in a sea of stones.

Enlarge / Man vs. machine in a sea of stones. (credit: Getty Images)

In the ancient Chinese game of Go, state-of-the-art artificial intelligence has generally been able to defeat the best human players since at least 2016. But in the last few years, researchers have discovered flaws in these top-level AI Go algorithms that give humans a fighting chance. By using unorthodox "cyclic" strategies—ones that even a beginning human player could detect and defeat—a crafty human can often exploit gaps in a top-level AI's strategy and fool the algorithm into a loss.

Researchers at MIT and FAR AI wanted to see if they could improve this "worst case" performance in otherwise "superhuman" AI Go algorithms, testing a trio of methods to harden the top-level KataGo algorithm's defenses against adversarial attacks. The results show that creating truly robust, unexploitable AIs may be difficult, even in areas as tightly controlled as board games.

Three failed strategies

In the pre-print paper "Can Go AIs be adversarially robust?", the researchers aim to create a Go AI that is truly "robust" against any and all attacks. That means an algorithm that can't be fooled into "game-losing blunders that a human would not commit" but also one that would require any competing AI algorithm to spend significant computing resources to defeat it. Ideally, a robust algorithm should also be able to overcome potential exploits by using additional computing resources when confronted with unfamiliar situations.

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Lilbits: A new PC with an old processor, ARM’s upscaling tech, Snapdragon X benchmarks, and another Rabbit R1 security issue

The Zilog Z80 microprocessor is an 8-bit chip that was first released in the 1970s and used in a variety of classic computers and game consoles including the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, TRS-80, and Sega Master System. While its features are very dated by 20…

The Zilog Z80 microprocessor is an 8-bit chip that was first released in the 1970s and used in a variety of classic computers and game consoles including the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, TRS-80, and Sega Master System. While its features are very dated by 2024 standards, the chip was in production for five decades and was only […]

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German Navy still uses 8-inch floppy disks, working on emulating a replacement

Four Brandenburg-class F123 warships employ floppies for data-acquisition systems.

An example of an 8-inch floppy disk. It's unclear which brand disks the German Navy uses.

Enlarge / An example of an 8-inch floppy disk. It's unclear which brand disks the German Navy uses. (credit: Cromemco, CC BY-SA 4.0)

The German Navy is working on modernizing its Brandenburg-class F123 frigates, which means ending their reliance on 8-inch floppy disks.

The F123 frigates use floppy disks for their onboard data acquisition (DAQ) systems, as noted by Tom’s Hardware on Thursday. Augen geradeaus!, a German defense and security policy blog by journalist Thomas Wiegold, notes that DAQs are important for controlling frigates, including power generation, "because the operating parameters have to be recorded," per a Google translation. The ships themselves specialize in anti-submarine warfare and air defense.

Earlier this month, Augen geradeaus! spotted a tender for service published June 21 by Germany's Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology, and In-Service Support (BAAINBw) to modernize the German Navy's four F123 frigates. The ships were commissioned from October 1994 to December 1996. As noted by German IT news outlet Heise, the continued use of 8-inch floppies despite modern alternatives being available for years "has to do with the fact that established systems are considered more reliable.”

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NASA’s flagship mission to Europa has a problem: Vulnerability to radiation

“What keeps me awake right now is the uncertainty.”

An artist's illustration of the Europa Clipper spacecraft during a flyby close to Jupiter's icy moon.

Enlarge / An artist's illustration of the Europa Clipper spacecraft during a flyby close to Jupiter's icy moon. (credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)

The launch date for the Europa Clipper mission to study the intriguing moon orbiting Jupiter, which ranks alongside the Cassini spacecraft to Saturn as NASA's most expensive and ambitious planetary science mission, is now in doubt.

The $4.25 billion spacecraft had been due to launch in October on a Falcon Heavy rocket from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. However, NASA revealed that transistors on board the spacecraft may not be as radiation-hardened as they were believed to be.

"The issue with the transistors came to light in May when the mission team was advised that similar parts were failing at lower radiation doses than expected," the space agency wrote in a blog post Thursday afternoon. "In June 2024, an industry alert was sent out to notify users of this issue. The manufacturer is working with the mission team to support ongoing radiation test and analysis efforts in order to better understand the risk of using these parts on the Europa Clipper spacecraft."

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NASA’s flagship mission to Europa has a problem: Vulnerability to radiation

“What keeps me awake right now is the uncertainty.”

An artist's illustration of the Europa Clipper spacecraft during a flyby close to Jupiter's icy moon.

Enlarge / An artist's illustration of the Europa Clipper spacecraft during a flyby close to Jupiter's icy moon. (credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)

The launch date for the Europa Clipper mission to study the intriguing moon orbiting Jupiter, which ranks alongside the Cassini spacecraft to Saturn as NASA's most expensive and ambitious planetary science mission, is now in doubt.

The $4.25 billion spacecraft had been due to launch in October on a Falcon Heavy rocket from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. However, NASA revealed that transistors on board the spacecraft may not be as radiation-hardened as they were believed to be.

"The issue with the transistors came to light in May when the mission team was advised that similar parts were failing at lower radiation doses than expected," the space agency wrote in a blog post Thursday afternoon. "In June 2024, an industry alert was sent out to notify users of this issue. The manufacturer is working with the mission team to support ongoing radiation test and analysis efforts in order to better understand the risk of using these parts on the Europa Clipper spacecraft."

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TCL’s first smartphones with NXTPAPER displays are now available in the US (with limited carrier availability)

TCL’s NXTPAPER technology offers a glare-free viewing experience that the company says is more paper-like than the glossy screens that you find on most modern smartphones and tablets. Up until now the displays have mostly been used in tablets, b…

TCL’s NXTPAPER technology offers a glare-free viewing experience that the company says is more paper-like than the glossy screens that you find on most modern smartphones and tablets. Up until now the displays have mostly been used in tablets, but now the first two TCL smartphones with NXTPAPER displays are available in the United States. […]

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Nearly all AT&T subscribers’ call records stolen in Snowflake cloud hack

Six months of call and text records taken from AT&T workspace on cloud platform.

AT&T logo displayed on a smartphone with a stock exchange index graph in the background.

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AT&T today said a breach on a third-party cloud platform exposed the call and text records of nearly all its cellular customers. The leaked data is said to include phone numbers that AT&T subscribers communicated with, but not names.

An AT&T spokesperson confirmed to Ars that the data was exposed in the recently reported attack on "AI data cloud" provider Snowflake, which also affected Ticketmaster and many other companies. As previously reported, Snowflake was compromised by a group that obtained login credentials through information-stealing malware.

"In April, AT&T learned that customer data was illegally downloaded from our workspace on a third-party cloud platform," AT&T announced today. AT&T said it is working with law enforcement and "understands that at least one person has been apprehended."

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Much of Neanderthal genetic diversity came from modern humans

Neanderthals’ low diversity means their population was even smaller than we thought.

A large, brown-colored skull seen in profile against a black background.

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The basic outline of the interactions between modern humans and Neanderthals is now well established. The two came in contact as modern humans began their major expansion out of Africa, which occurred roughly 60,000 years ago. Humans picked up some Neanderthal DNA through interbreeding, while the Neanderthal population, always fairly small, was swept away by the waves of new arrivals.

But there are some aspects of this big-picture view that don't entirely line up with the data. While it nicely explains the fact that Neanderthal sequences are far more common in non-African populations, it doesn't account for the fact that every African population we've looked at has some DNA that matches up with Neanderthal DNA.

A study published on Thursday argues that much of this match came about because an early modern human population also left Africa and interbred with Neanderthals. But in this case, the result was to introduce modern human DNA to the Neanderthal population. The study shows that this DNA accounts for a lot of Neanderthals' genetic diversity, suggesting that their population was even smaller than earlier estimates had suggested.

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