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Das zweitägige Online-Seminar der Golem Karrierewelt gibt Führungskräften wertvolle Einblicke in die Chancen und Risiken der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) für Unternehmen. (Golem Karrierewelt, Server-Applikationen)

Das zweitägige Online-Seminar der Golem Karrierewelt gibt Führungskräften wertvolle Einblicke in die Chancen und Risiken der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) für Unternehmen. (Golem Karrierewelt, Server-Applikationen)

One more way to die: Tremors when Vesuvius erupted collapsed shelter walls

Two male skeletons showed signs of severe fracture and trauma injuries.

two skeletons in the rubble of a Pompeii archaeological site

Enlarge / Two skeletons found in the ruins of a Pompeii building may have been crushed by wall collapses triggered by earthquakes. (credit: Pompeii Archaeological Park)

Archaeologists have hotly debated the precise cause of death of those who perished in Pompeii when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 CE. Did they die of asphyxiation, from the extreme heat, or from a combination of factors? A new paper published in the journal Frontiers in Earth Science examines the complicating effects of earthquakes that occurred just prior to and concurrently with the eruption. Of most interest was the discovery of two skeletons of people who likely died when their shelter collapsed around them, weakened by the seismic tremors.

As previously reported, the eruption of Mount Vesuvius released thermal energy roughly equivalent to 100,000 times the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II, spewing molten rock, pumice, and hot ash over the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum in particular. Archaeologists believed that the vast majority of the victims died of asphyxiation, choking to death on the thick clouds of noxious gas and ash.

However, a 2001 study in Nature, co-authored by University of Naples archaeologist Pierpaolo Petrone, estimated a temperature of 500° Celsius (932° Fahrenheit) for the pyroclastic surge that destroyed Pompeii, sufficient to kill inhabitants in fractions of a second. In 2018, we reported on Petrone's conclusion that inhabitants of Herculaneum may have suffered a similar fate. He observed fracturing in the bones of some 100 excavated skeletons, as well as "cracking and explosion" of the skullcaps, consistent with forensic cases where skulls burst from extreme heat.

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“Extraordinarily disappointed” users reckon with the Google-fication of Fitbit

Users seek alternatives as Google is intent on app-centric focus.

Fitbit Charge 5 fitness tracker wearable on a person's arm,

Enlarge / The Charge 5 (pictured) has been a source of contention for Fitbit customers. (credit: Getty)

Since the acquisition closed in 2021, the Google-fication of Fitbit has largely meant a reduction in features and a focus from Google on getting people onto the Fitbit app. Long-time users have flocked to Fitbit—sometimes upon Fitbit's request—to share hundreds of complaints about recent changes. However, Google has been mostly unresponsive to customer feedback.

Web app discontinuation angers users

In June, Google announced it was discontinuing's online dashboard. After July 8, users seeking similar features that the web app provided have to download the Fitbit mobile app. On Fitbit’s Community forum, a company representative confirmed that users’ “details and logging for activities, nutrition, sleep, and weight” would remain available via the app. However, the change inconvenienced users who preferred or needed to access such data on a bigger screen than a phone's. Worse, the app lacks some of the features of the online dashboard, such as food logging.

Despite these obvious user drawbacks, the need to Googlize Fitbit seemed to drive the change. Announcing the news on the Community forum, a Fitbit company rep said:

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Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition gave me new respect for gaming speedrunners

Bite-size speed challenges refresh the classics, but require a healthy dose of patience.

Get ready to repeat this ~25-second slice of <em>Mario</em> over and over... and over... and over.

Enlarge / Get ready to repeat this ~25-second slice of Mario over and over... and over... and over.

If you've ever seen a record-breaking video game speedrun or watched a Games Done Quick marathon, you may have entertained fantasies that you, too, could put up some decent times on your favorite old games. Sure, it'd probably take a bit of practice, but what these speedrunners are doing doesn't look that difficult, does it? How hard can it be to press a few buttons with good timing for a few minutes?

After spending a few weeks with Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition, I no longer think that way. The game's bite-size chunks of classic Nintendo games highlight the level of precision needed for even a few minutes of speedrunning perfection, not to mention the tedium of practicing the same in-game motions dozens of times to build up the needed muscle memory. In the process, I gained a newfound respect for the skill displayed by the best speedrunners and found a fresh way to experience some classic NES games that I felt I knew backward and forward.

Gotta go fast

While Nintendo World Championships draws its name from a series of competitions dating back to 1990, it draws its inspiration much more directly from the more recent rise of the online speedrunning community. Thus, the game's main single-player mode is named "Speedrun," tasking players with putting up the fastest times in 150 mini-challenges spread across 13 different, Nintendo-developed NES titles.

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Vulnerability in Cisco Smart Software Manager lets attackers change any user password

Yep, passwords for administrators can be changed, too.

Vulnerability in Cisco Smart Software Manager lets attackers change any user password


Cisco on Wednesday disclosed a maximum-security vulnerability that allows remote threat actors with no authentication to change the password of any user, including those of administrators with accounts, on Cisco Smart Software Manager On-Prem devices.

The Cisco Smart Software Manager On-Prem resides inside the customer premises and provides a dashboard for managing licenses for all Cisco gear in use. It’s used by customers who can’t or don’t want to manage licenses in the cloud, as is more common.

In a bulletin, Cisco warns that the product contains a vulnerability that allows hackers to change any account's password. The severity of the vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-20419, is rated 10, the maximum score.

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