BYD, Tesla, MG, BMW: EU führt vorläufige Strafzölle auf E-Autos aus China ein

Die EU erhöht den Druck auf China und verlangt teilweise hohe Strafzölle auf importierte Elektroautos. Vorerst sind nur Bürgschaften erforderlich. Von Friedhelm Greis (Elektroauto, Politik)

Die EU erhöht den Druck auf China und verlangt teilweise hohe Strafzölle auf importierte Elektroautos. Vorerst sind nur Bürgschaften erforderlich. Von Friedhelm Greis (Elektroauto, Politik)

Jahrespakete: Tchibo Mobil bietet bis zu 168 GByte

Der Discounter startet in Kürze mit neuen Jahrespaketen. Die Tarife von Tchibo Mobil bieten eine Übertragungsrate von bis zu 100 Mbit/s im 5G-Netz. (Tchibo, Mobilfunk)

Der Discounter startet in Kürze mit neuen Jahrespaketen. Die Tarife von Tchibo Mobil bieten eine Übertragungsrate von bis zu 100 Mbit/s im 5G-Netz. (Tchibo, Mobilfunk)

Tool preventing AI mimicry cracked; artists wonder what’s next

Artists must wait weeks for Glaze defense against AI scraping amid TOS updates.

Tool preventing AI mimicry cracked; artists wonder what’s next

Enlarge (credit: Aurich Lawson | Getty Images)

For many artists, it's a precarious time to post art online. AI image generators keep getting better at cheaply replicating a wider range of unique styles, and basically every popular platform is rushing to update user terms to seize permissions to scrape as much data as possible for AI training.

Defenses against AI training exist—like Glaze, a tool that adds a small amount of imperceptible-to-humans noise to images to stop image generators from copying artists' styles. But they don't provide a permanent solution at a time when tech companies appear determined to chase profits by building ever-more-sophisticated AI models that increasingly threaten to dilute artists' brands and replace them in the market.

In one high-profile example just last month, the estate of Ansel Adams condemned Adobe for selling AI images stealing the famous photographer's style, Smithsonian reported. Adobe quickly responded and removed the AI copycats. But it's not just famous artists who risk being ripped off, and lesser-known artists may struggle to prove AI models are referencing their works. In this largely lawless world, every image uploaded risks contributing to an artist's downfall, potentially watering down demand for their own work each time they promote new pieces online.

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Schwarzseher: Vodafone lässt Kabel-TV-Kunden mehr Zeit für neuen Vertrag

Wer wegen eines Fehlers seines Vermieters oder Vodafones nicht rechtzeitig einen neuen Kabel-TV-Vertrag bekommt, wird nicht abgeschaltet. Doch Schwarzsehen sei weiter nicht erlaubt. (Vodafone, Kabelnetz)

Wer wegen eines Fehlers seines Vermieters oder Vodafones nicht rechtzeitig einen neuen Kabel-TV-Vertrag bekommt, wird nicht abgeschaltet. Doch Schwarzsehen sei weiter nicht erlaubt. (Vodafone, Kabelnetz)

Trailer Updates: Vampires, Santa, Old Ass, and a Tough Lottery

Time again to look at what’s been happening in the trailer scene this past little while.
A stylish remake of a horror classic seems to be happening with Nosferatu – if the film is as interesting looking as the trailer, we have a winner here.

Time again to look at what's been happening in the trailer scene this past little while.

A stylish remake of a horror classic seems to be happening with Nosferatu - if the film is as interesting looking as the trailer, we have a winner here.

Here's another take on an old classic theme, Santa. Red One sees Santa get kidnapped, and it's the job of the E.L.F. (Extremely Large and Formidable) to get him back in time for you know what. The dodgy acronym aside, this seems like harmless Christmas fun to me.

Speaking of high concepts, what if you were able to communicate with your (almost) 40-year-old self? What would you say to her, what would she say to you? My Old Ass will let us know.

Mel Gibson, the director, is back with the "bottle movie" Flight Risk, starring a follically-challenged Mark Wahlberg - looks intense.

One of the final film appearance by the late and great Ray Liotta, 1992 is a heist movie set in the background of the L.A. Riots, and stars Tyrese Gibson and Scott Eastwood.

Longlegs looks creepy AF, especially the teasers here and here. You've been warned!

And finally, Jackpot teams Awkwafina and John Cena with acclaimed comedic director Paul Feig. Set in a dystopic America that's the current reality is edging uncomfortably towards.

Check out all of our recently added trailers here.

Star Trek: Der Holodoc der Voyager kennt die Crew der U.S.S. Cerritos

Die zweite Staffel von Star Trek: Prodigy hat allerhand Easter Eggs. Jetzt legt sie nahe, dass der Holodoc schon auf der U.S.S. Cerritos aus Star Trek: Lower Decks war. (Star Trek, Science-Fiction)

Die zweite Staffel von Star Trek: Prodigy hat allerhand Easter Eggs. Jetzt legt sie nahe, dass der Holodoc schon auf der U.S.S. Cerritos aus Star Trek: Lower Decks war. (Star Trek, Science-Fiction)

Swarm of dusty young stars found around our galaxy’s central black hole

Stars shouldn’t form that close to the black hole, so these would need explaining.

Image with a black background, large purple streaks, and a handful of bright blue objects.

Enlarge / The Milky Way's central black hole is in a very crowded neighborhood. (credit: UMass/D.Wang/NASA/STScI)

Supermassive black holes are ravenous. Clumps of dust and gas are prone to being disrupted by the turbulence and radiation when they are pulled too close. So why are some of them orbiting on the edge of the Milky Way’s own supermassive monster, Sgr A*? Maybe these mystery blobs are hiding something.

After analyzing observations of the dusty objects, an international team of researchers, led by astrophysicist Florian Peißker of the University of Cologne, have identified these clumps as potentially harboring young stellar objects (YSOs) shrouded by a haze of gas and dust. Even stranger is that these infant stars are younger than an unusually young and bright cluster of stars that are already known to orbit Sgr A*, known as the S-stars.

Finding both of these groups orbiting so close is unusual because stars that orbit supermassive black holes are expected to be dim and much more ancient. Peißker and his colleagues “discard the en vogue idea to classify [these] objects as coreless clouds in the high energetic radiation field of the supermassive black hole Sgr A*,” as they said in a study recently published in Astronomy & Astrophysics.

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The dangers of sneezing—from ejected bowels to torn windpipes

The benefits of a good sneeze can sometimes come with a greater risk of injury.

Picture shows a woman about to sneeze holding a handkerchief in her hand.

Enlarge (credit: Getty | Bettmann)

If you were to envision the kind of accident that would cause a person’s bowels to explode out of their body, you might imagine some sort of gruesome stabbing or grisly car accident. You’d probably never imagine that something as commonplace and harmless as a sneeze would cause this kind of ghastly injury—but that’s exactly what happened to a Florida man earlier this month.

The man had recently had abdominal surgery and was suffering from wound dehiscence—where his surgical scar wasn’t healing properly. While eating breakfast, the man first sneezed, then began coughing. He noticed pain and a wet sensation on his lower abdomen—only to discover several loops of his bowel had burst through his unhealed wound.

The man was rushed to hospital for emergency surgery where his bowels were returned to his abdomen.

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