Kriminalität: Kripo hebt Druckerpatronen-Fälscher aus
Sechs Männer sollen mit gefälschten Druckerpatronen insgesamt rund 3,5 Millionen Euro Umsatz gemacht haben – pro Vierteljahr. (Drucker, PC-Hardware)
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Sechs Männer sollen mit gefälschten Druckerpatronen insgesamt rund 3,5 Millionen Euro Umsatz gemacht haben – pro Vierteljahr. (Drucker, PC-Hardware)
Microsoft bietet Windows 11 auf mehr Unternehmensgeräten an. Das könnte auch für PCs gelten, die aus guten Gründen zentral verwaltet werden. (Windows 11, Microsoft)
Nachdem Google den seit 2012 bestehenden Photo-Sphere-Modus von älteren Pixel-Geräten entfernt hatte, ist er nun wieder da – nur beim Pixel 8 nicht. (Google Pixel, Smartphone)
We change how we view work as we age, and society’s view of work is also shifting.
By now, everyone has heard of millennials’ supposed devotion to avocado toast, but is it true that millennials live for brunch more than work? Could Gen Z be the laziest generation of all? These are just some of the stereotypes associated with what generations we are born into, but there may be less to these stereotypes than many people think.
Sociologist Martin Schröder, a professor at Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany, wanted to find out if some birth cohorts consider work and career more important than others do. Tracking how answers changed over time produced some unexpected results.
Regardless of what generation someone belongs to, the importance of work actually depends on a combination of what year it was and what age that person was at the time of being surveyed. Schröder’s findings showed that younger individuals (regardless of what generation they’re from) tend to find work less important and that the importance of work has been going down over time.
Chris Carter hat Akte X erschaffen – und damit eines der großen popkulturellen Phänomene der 90er Jahre. Wie denkt er über den kommenden Reboot? (Science-Fiction, Disney)
Hauptfiguren von Star-Trek-Serien sterben nur selten, im Finale von Star Trek: Enterprise kam es jedoch dazu. (Star Trek, Science-Fiction)
Ein smartes Türschloss erlaubt volle Kontrolle über den Eingangsbereich. Bei Amazon ist ein Modell von Lockin jetzt um 33 Prozent reduziert. (Türschloss, Technik/Hardware)
Nokia wolle mehr solcher Aufträge von “sogenannten Hochrisiko-Vendoren gewinnen, die Open RAN nicht akzeptieren”, erklärte Tommi Uitto. Doch der Telekom-Chef hat etwas anderes gesagt. (Nokia, Telekom)
After over a month with no fix, service restored hours after Ars contacted ISP.
When a severe winter storm hit Oregon on January 13, Nicholas Brown's CenturyLink fiber Internet service stopped working at his house in Portland.
The initial outage was understandable amid the widespread damage caused by the storm, but CenturyLink's response was poor. It took about 39 days for CenturyLink to restore broadband service to Brown and even longer to restore service to one of his neighbors. Those reconnections only happened after Ars Technica contacted the telco firm on the customers' behalf last week.
Brown had never experienced any lengthy outage in over four years of subscribing to CenturyLink, so he figured the telco firm would restore his broadband connection within a reasonable amount of time. "It had practically never gone down at all up to this point. I've been quite happy with it," he said.
Egal ob die Grafikkarte von Nvidia, AMD oder Intel kommt: Die Schnittstelle DirectSR soll PC-Spiele hochskalieren können. (DirectX-12, Microsoft)