(g+) Microsoft SQL Server Integration Service: Flüssiger Datenaustausch zwischen verschiedenen …

Daten aus verschiedenen Systemen anzunehmen, zu verarbeiten und auszuliefern, kann sehr aufwendig werden. Ist ein Microsoft SQL-Server beteiligt, kann man sich von SQL Server Integration Services unterstützen lassen. Eine Anleitung von Michael Bröde (T…

Daten aus verschiedenen Systemen anzunehmen, zu verarbeiten und auszuliefern, kann sehr aufwendig werden. Ist ein Microsoft SQL-Server beteiligt, kann man sich von SQL Server Integration Services unterstützen lassen. Eine Anleitung von Michael Bröde (Tools, Microsoft)

Russia’s Luna 25 spacecraft has crashed into the Moon

This is a stunning loss for the Russian space program.

A photograph of the Luna 25 mission released by Roscosmos on August 16, 2023.

Enlarge / A photograph of the Luna 25 mission released by Roscosmos on August 16, 2023. (credit: Roscosmos)

Sunday 8:15 am ET update: Russian space officials have confirmed the loss of the Luna 25 spacecraft on the Telegram social media network. The failure occurred during a burn of the vehicle's propulsion system to move it into a "pre-landing" orbit on Saturday morning. However, due to an unspecified problem the propulsion system instead sent the vehicle crashing into the lunar surface.

This is a stunning loss for the Russian space program given that it is the country's first attempt to return to the Moon since a 1976 robotic mission by the Soviet Union. Roscosmos, the Russian space corporation, said an "interdepartmental commission" will be formed to study the mishap.

Original post: In a terse update posted on the social media network Telegram Saturday, the Russian space corporation Roscosmos said that an "emergency situation" had occurred on board its Luna 25 spacecraft.

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Inside a Live Pirate IPTV Blocking Order Protecting UEFA’s Champions League

Football bodies and broadcasters including the Premier League, Sky and UEFA, recently obtained permission to continue their ISP blocking programs to limit access to pirate IPTV streams. While almost no information relating to these secret processes appears in public, today we’re able to take a look inside one of several blocking orders active right now in Europe.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

computers-sOver the past few weeks, football organizations and broadcasters around Europe have been obtaining and/or renewing permission to block access to unlicensed online streams.

The Premier League obtained an injunction extension late July, and was closely followed by pay-TV broadcaster Sky which had specific IPTV providers in mind for its blocking measures. The Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) also obtained a High Court blocking injunction last month, after obtaining similar permission in previous years.

The details of these orders, and others obtained by broadcasters elsewhere in Europe, are not made public, but their purpose is well known. The aim is to prevent (or at least disrupt) access to servers that are connected to the supply of infringing streams. In many cases these servers are either operated by IPTV providers themselves or affiliated third-parties. Beyond that, their functions and locations are rarely mentioned in public.

Inside a Live UEFA-linked Blocking Order

Given the international nature of UEFA competitions including the Champions League and Europa League, blocking orders are obtained via approved systems in various EU Member States. That may involve a court appearance or a presentation of facts to an administrative body with the authority to approve ISP blocking measures.

A blocking order authorized through one of these processes was recently made available to TorrentFreak. It describes the need for blocking measures in some detail along with a list of IP addresses to be blocked by internet service providers in an EU Member State, to protect local broadcasters licensed to air UEFA tournaments.

The order adds to mounting evidence that while rightsholders can certainly monitor IP addresses used during a match, the IP addresses they initially intend to block are known well in advance. This means the IP addresses will be immediately blocked by ISPs when games begin, regardless of whether they actually stream a particular match or event.

The ‘Pirate’ IP Addresses

Tests on a selection of the IP addresses listed for blocking didn’t always produce the same results across various IP geolocation services. However, when there were large geographical differences of opinion, ping timing mostly settled the dispute. The image below indicates the supposed locations of the IP addresses/servers listed in the order (ipinfo.info data) and shows that many are ostensibly located within Europe itself.

Based on the locations returned for the IP addresses in the order, around 30% are linked to hosts/service providers in the Netherlands, 14% linked to hosts in Germany, 10% in Bulgaria, with Sweden and Ukraine accounting for around 7% each.

Outliers include an IP address supposedly linked to a server hosted in Azerbaijan (Asia), or potentially Sweden, depending on opinion, plus IP addresses linked to Jordan but geolocated in Europe. Other IP addresses apparently do link to servers in Iran (Middle East) while others linked to Hong Kong (Asia) are both disputed and undisputed, depending on the location service used.

Multiple listings for the same ISP/IP range are excluded from the table below, while we excluded another allegedly-infringing IP address for wasting the time of the ISPs ordered to block it. As explained here, IP addresses in the range 172.19.X.X are reserved for local use, so including them in a blocking order won’t help to reduce piracy.

The fact that the IP address was submitted to the authorities and then somehow passed their scrutiny suggests that appropriate checks aren’t being carried out. How many more of these errors exist is unknown because the system operates that way by design.

The inclusion of any service provider in the list below is solely due to their link with the IP addresses submitted for blocking and not an indication of wrongdoing. Rightsholders are responsible for making ISPs aware of allegedly infringing activity and ISPs have no duty to proactively monitor customers

IP Addr Region Country City/Town ISP/Operator
45.xx.x.x Asia Azerbaijan (Disputed/.SE) Qaraçuxur TVNET Solution
45.xx.x.x Europe UK London TCK OOO
45.xx.x.x Europe Netherlands
(Ping suggests .NL not .DE)
(See note below)
46.xx.x.x Europe UK/Ukraine London/Mariupol Ipxo**
169.xx.x.x Europe Germany Frankfurt Datacamp
193.xx.x.x Europe Poland Gdansk HITME.PL
193.xx.x.x Europe Sweden***(Disputed/.NL) Stockholm
(Ping suggests .SE, not .NL)
TVNET Solution
141.xx.x.x Europe France Gravelines OVH SAS
37.xx.x.x Europe Bulgaria Sofia (Multiple IPs) Host9x Web
141.xx.x.x Europe Germany Limburg OVH SAS
194.xx.x.x Asia Hong Kong Cent/West 369 IntoNet
45.xx.x.x Europe Netherlands (Disputed/UK) Amsterdam
(Ping suggests .NL not .UK)
IT Web
103.xx.x.x Europe Germany Frankfurt UK2/GZ Remittance
95.xx.x.x Europe UK Maidenhead Iomart Hosting
143.xx.x.x Europe Netherlands Amsterdam Datacamp
62.xx.x.x Europe Netherlands Naaldwijk WorldStream
149.xx.x.x Europe Netherlands (Disputed/.MX) Amsterdam
(Ping suggests .NL not .MX)
Cogent Comms.
45.xx.x.x Europe Netherlands (Disputed) Amsterdam/Ukraine (Tests inconclusive) Sollutium EU
95.xx.x.x Europe UK Maidenhead Iomart Hosting
89.xx.x.x Europe Germany Frankfurt Datacamp
82.xx.x.x Europe Netherlands Amsterdam Parsun Network
176.xx.x.x M/East Jordan (Disputed) Amman Ipxo**
193.xx.x.x M/East Iran Tehran IR Research Org
185.xx.x.x NAM U.S. (Disputed/.UA) New York Virtual Systems*
(See below)
149.xx.x.x NAM U.S. Los Angeles LogicWeb

* The entry 185.xxx. geolocates to the U.S. There are claims its true location is Kyiv, Ukraine.
**IPXO is a marketplace for IP addresses (see here) IP address geolocation data may indicate two locations; e.g the entry above beginning 46.XXX locates to both Mariupol, Ukraine, and also the UK (AS49999)
*** The entry 193.xxx. geolocates to the Netherlands. Sweden seems more likely based on ping data

While records exist to link IP addresses to the companies/entities with ultimate control, mapping IP addresses to physical locations is an inexact science. Even companies operating in the ‘IP to location’ market supply data with caveats, so the same also applies to the information listed above.

There are disputes over the true locations of many IP addresses in the list, and it’s likely that at least some of that confusion exists for that very purpose. In respect of blocking an IP address, none of it really matters in the end, but bouncing between the UK, U.S, and Ukraine can make a traceroute look pretty.


Basic tests on these and related IP addresses reveal that around a third most likely act as reverse proxies (ports 80, 443, 8081) while others suggest the presence of software linked to encoders, playlists and other related tools.

Full IP addresses were used in our tests but are limited here to the first octet.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

I try synthetic salmon and enter the “uncanny valley” of taste

Synthetic fish isn’t quite there yet—and may not be worth the effort.

It may look a lot like fish, but it's not.

Enlarge / It may look a lot like fish, but it's not. (credit: New School Foods)

I could count on one thing as I sat down for a multiple-course meal based on something that looked very much like salmon: I would not have to worry about any bones. The plant-based theme ingredient came from a Toronto startup called New School Foods that has been developing a way to construct a salmon substitute with not just the taste but also the texture of the real thing.

New School treated a table’s worth of journalists to a tasting dinner in Toronto in late June—subject to a no-food-photos rule for attendees but with no restrictions on taking notes. That comped meal came hours after CEO Chris Bryson gave his sales pitch for the company during a panel at the Collision conference there, in which he said that New School’s goal was to see its products “enthusiastically adopted by non-vegans.”

New School has given itself a tall order by making salmon its go-to-market product. Salmon both has a distinctive, delicate texture and one of the most identifiable flavor profiles among seafood. And people prepare it with a wider range of techniques than most kinds of meat allow—grilling, poaching, sautéing, smoking, roasting, or even not cooking it at all. For plant-based salmon to pass muster, it has to work across those use cases.

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Navicam CL876: Smartscreen mit Reifensensoren für Motorräder vorgestellt

Navicam CL876 ist ein Android-Auto- und Carplay-kompatibler Smartscreen für Motorräder, an den zwei Kameras und Reifendrucksensoren angeschlossen werden können. (Navigationssystem, Auto)

Navicam CL876 ist ein Android-Auto- und Carplay-kompatibler Smartscreen für Motorräder, an den zwei Kameras und Reifendrucksensoren angeschlossen werden können. (Navigationssystem, Auto)