Spieleentwicklung: “Vertraut euren Programmierern!”
Mehr Verständnis zwischen Designern und Programmieren: João Eiras Antunes von Massive (Star Wars Outlaws) erklärt, wie das klappen kann. (Gamescom 2023, Star Wars)

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Mehr Verständnis zwischen Designern und Programmieren: João Eiras Antunes von Massive (Star Wars Outlaws) erklärt, wie das klappen kann. (Gamescom 2023, Star Wars)
Nach diversen Replikationsversuchen lässt sich sehr sicher sagen: LK-99 ist kein Supraleiter. Für alle Beobachtungen fanden Forscher andere Erklärungen. Von Johannes Hiltscher (Wissenschaft, Supraleiter)
Vereint Nass- und Trockenrasierer in einem: Amazon bietet aktuell den vielseitigen Philips OneBlade mit attraktiven Rabatten an. (Technik/Hardware, Amazon)
Third-party sites use Robux transfers to power millions of dollars in wagers.
Enlarge / Roblox helps support sites like RBLXWild in letting minors gamble using their Robux balances, according to a new lawsuit.
A new proposed class-action lawsuit (as noticed by Bloomberg Law) accuses user-generated "metaverse" company Roblox of profiting from and helping to power third-party websites that use the platform's Robux currency for unregulated gambling activities. In doing so, the lawsuit says Roblox is effectively "work[ing] with and facilitat[ing] the Gambling Website Defendants... to offer illegal gambling opportunities to minor users."
The three gambling website companies named in the lawsuit—Satozuki, Studs Entertainment, and RBLXWild Entertainment—allow users to connect a Roblox account and convert an existing balance of Robux virtual currency into credits on the gambling site. Those credits act like virtual casino chips that can be used for simple wagers on those sites, ranging from Blackjack to "coin flip" games.
If a player wins, they can transfer their winnings back to the Roblox platform in the form of Robux. The gambling sites use fake purchases of worthless "dummy items" to facilitate these Robux transfers, according to the lawsuit, and Roblox takes a 30 percent transaction fee both when players "cash in" and "cash out" from the gambling sites. If the player loses, the transferred Robux are retained by the gambling website through a "stock" account on the Roblox platform.
Schiffe verschmutzen die Umwelt stark. Ein neuer Windantrieb soll helfen, den Verbrauch von fossilem Treibstoff zu verringern. (Schiff, Wirtschaft)
Die Unternehmens- und Strategieberatungsfirma McKinsey behauptet, dass eine Produktivitätsmessung von Softwareentwicklern eben doch möglich ist. (Softwareentwicklung, Software)
Bei Netflix wird eine Serien-Adaption des Comics The Magic Order vorangetrieben. (Popcorn, Netflix)
BenQ bietet gerade einige Monitore zu Sonderkonditionen an. Besonders ein Modell gibt es aktuell zum Rabatt für unter 100 Euro. (Display, Amazon)
Gängige Kryptografieverfahren schützen nur unzureichend vor Quantencomputern. Eine neue Fido2-Implementierung von Google soll helfen. (Fido, Google)
Op-ed: PC makers used to need to bring their own add-on bloatware—no longer.
(credit: Aurich Lawson | Getty Images)
For a certain kind of computer buyer, the first thing you always did with a new laptop or desktop from a company like Dell, HP, Acer, or Asus wasn't to open the box and start using it. Instead, you took a Windows install disk directly from Microsoft (a floppy, a CD, a DVD, a USB stick), and you blew away everything on the computer's internal drive, setting up a Windows installation with only the included Microsoft software and few extraneous apps (though your definition of extraneous may differ somewhat from Microsoft's).
This time-honored practice is colloquially called a "clean install," and it was a cure for most things that ailed a new Windows PC. Computer manufacturers often distributed buggy, pointless, or redundant third-party software ("bloatware" or "crapware") to help subsidize the cost of the hardware. This might pass some savings on to the user, but once they owned their computer, that software mainly existed to consume disk space and RAM, something that cheaper PCs could rarely afford to spare. Computer manufacturers also installed all kinds of additional support software, registration screens, and other things that generally extended the setup process and junked up your Start menu and desktop.
You can still do a clean install of Windows, and it's arguably easier than ever, with official Microsoft-sanctioned install media easily accessible and Windows Update capable of grabbing most of the drivers that most computers need for basic functionality. The problem is that a "clean install" doesn't feel as clean as it used to, and unfortunately for us, it's an inside job—it's Microsoft, not third parties, that is primarily responsible for the pile of unwanted software and services you need to decline or clear away every time you do a new Windows install.