Solar API: Google bringt Solar-Layer für Google Maps
Unternehmen und private Nutzer können mit Googles neuem Solar API herausfinden, wie lohnenswert eine Solaranlage auf dem Dach ist. (Google, API)
Just another news site
Unternehmen und private Nutzer können mit Googles neuem Solar API herausfinden, wie lohnenswert eine Solaranlage auf dem Dach ist. (Google, API)
Andy Jassy bekräftigte erneut Amazons umstrittene Position zur Einschränkung des Homeoffice für Beschäftigte in den USA. (Return to Office, Amazon)
Wie Asus will wohl auch Lenovo einen Gaming-Handheld mit Windows 11 bauen. Der Legion Go kommt mit gleichen SoC und mehr als Full HD. (Spielekonsole, Lenovo)
Eine anonyme Umfrage unter Angestellten von Apple, Microsoft, Meta, Google und Amazon gibt Aufschluss über die Gehaltsbänder der Tech-Konzerne. (Gehalt, Google)
Eine Schwachstelle in der mobilen Skype-App lässt Angreifer die IP-Adressen anderer Nutzer auslesen und damit grob deren Standort ermitteln. (Sicherheitslücke, Skype)
Audi hat seinem ersten vollelektrischen Auto mehr Reichweite und mehr PS spendiert. Allerdings ist der Q8 E-Tron bei der Software kein Topmodell. Ein Praxistest von Friedhelm Greis (Elektroauto, Technologie)
In Amazons neuem Logistikzentrum bringen mobile Regale die Waren zu den Angestellten. Bis Jahresende sollen dort 1.000 Menschen arbeiten. (Amazon, Onlineshop)
Die Nasa will die Venus erkunden und dafür eine Flotte von Ballonen mit Seismometern ausstatten. (Nasa, Raumfahrt)
This will be the first launch for ULA’s Atlas V rocket in nearly 10 months.
8:45 pm EDT update: The launch of an Atlas V rocket with the Silent Barker mission has been postponed from Tuesday due to Tropical Storm Idalia. "Out of an abundance of caution for personnel safety, a critical national security payload and the approaching Tropical Storm Idalia, the team made the decision to return the rocket and payload to the vertical integration facility (VIF)," ULA said. "We will work with our customers and the range to confirm our next launch attempt and a new date will be provided once it is safe to launch."
Original post: The National Reconnaissance Office doesn't typically talk about any of its missions, but in an unusual break with precedent, the button-down spy satellite agency is taking a different tack with its next launch Tuesday from Cape Canaveral, Florida.
"We’re trying to be more transparent and share more information," said Chris Scolese, director of the National Reconnaissance Office, in a roundtable with reporters Monday. As more countries and companies launch missions into space, Scolese said the space environment is becoming more congested, contested, and competitive.
It’s the first time the snake parasite has been seen in a human, let alone a brain.
A neurosurgeon in Australia pulled a wriggling 3-inch roundworm from the brain of a 64-year-old woman last year—which was quite the surprise to the woman's team of doctors and infectious disease experts, who had spent over a year trying to identify the cause of her recurring and varied symptoms.
A close study of the extracted worm made clear why the diagnosis was so hard to pin down: the roundworm was one known to infect snakes—specifically carpet pythons endemic to the area where the woman lived—as well as the pythons' mammalian prey. The woman is thought to be the first reported human to ever have an infection with this snake-adapted worm, and it is the first time the worm has been found burrowing through a mammalian brain.
When the woman's illness began, "trying to identify the microscopic larvae, which had never previously been identified as causing human infection, was a bit like trying to find a needle in a haystack," Karina Kennedy, a professor at the Australian National University (ANU) Medical School and Director of Clinical Microbiology at Canberra Hospital, said in a press release.