Drohung mit Streckenstreichungen: Flixbus-Chef fordert Teilnahme am 49-Euro-Ticket

Flixbus will sein Angebot erheblich verkleinern, wenn es nicht Teil des 49-Euro-Tickets wird. 20 Prozent des Streckennetzes stehen auf dem Spiel. (49-Euro-Ticket, Bundesregierung)

Flixbus will sein Angebot erheblich verkleinern, wenn es nicht Teil des 49-Euro-Tickets wird. 20 Prozent des Streckennetzes stehen auf dem Spiel. (49-Euro-Ticket, Bundesregierung)

Animal personalities can trip up science, but there’s a solution

Individual behavior patterns may skew studies, but a new approach could help.

hermit crabs

Enlarge / Even hermit crabs have individual patterns of behavior — personalities, if you like. When scientists ignore the effects of such differences, they may produce research that’s flawed. (credit: NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Several years ago, Christian Rutz started to wonder whether he was giving his crows enough credit. Rutz, a biologist at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, and his team were capturing wild New Caledonian crows and challenging them with puzzles made from natural materials before releasing them again. In one test, birds faced a log drilled with holes that contained hidden food, and could get the food out by bending a plant stem into a hook. If a bird didn’t try within 90 minutes, the researchers removed it from the dataset.

But, Rutz says, he soon began to realize he was not, in fact, studying the skills of New Caledonian crows. He was studying the skills of only a subset of New Caledonian crows that quickly approached a weird log they’d never seen before—maybe because they were especially brave, or reckless.

The team changed its protocol. They began giving the more hesitant birds an extra day or two to get used to their surroundings, then trying the puzzle again. “It turns out that many of these retested birds suddenly start engaging,” Rutz says. “They just needed a little bit of extra time.”

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Animal personalities can trip up science, but there’s a solution

Individual behavior patterns may skew studies, but a new approach could help.

hermit crabs

Enlarge / Even hermit crabs have individual patterns of behavior — personalities, if you like. When scientists ignore the effects of such differences, they may produce research that’s flawed. (credit: NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Several years ago, Christian Rutz started to wonder whether he was giving his crows enough credit. Rutz, a biologist at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, and his team were capturing wild New Caledonian crows and challenging them with puzzles made from natural materials before releasing them again. In one test, birds faced a log drilled with holes that contained hidden food, and could get the food out by bending a plant stem into a hook. If a bird didn’t try within 90 minutes, the researchers removed it from the dataset.

But, Rutz says, he soon began to realize he was not, in fact, studying the skills of New Caledonian crows. He was studying the skills of only a subset of New Caledonian crows that quickly approached a weird log they’d never seen before—maybe because they were especially brave, or reckless.

The team changed its protocol. They began giving the more hesitant birds an extra day or two to get used to their surroundings, then trying the puzzle again. “It turns out that many of these retested birds suddenly start engaging,” Rutz says. “They just needed a little bit of extra time.”

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Galactic Starcruiser: Disney reduziert Reisetermine für teures Star-Wars-Hotel

Offenbar hat Disney Probleme, genügend zahlungswillige Gäste für das Star-Wars-Hotel zu finden. Eine Drei-Tage-Reise im Galactic Starcruiser kostet pro Person bis zu 2.400 US-Dollar. (Star Wars, Disney)

Offenbar hat Disney Probleme, genügend zahlungswillige Gäste für das Star-Wars-Hotel zu finden. Eine Drei-Tage-Reise im Galactic Starcruiser kostet pro Person bis zu 2.400 US-Dollar. (Star Wars, Disney)

(g+) Gegen veraltete Smart-TVs: Was es bei externen Streaminglösungen zu beachten gibt

Obwohl in immer mehr Haushalten Smart-TVs stehen, verlieren externe Streaminglösungen langfristig nicht an Bedeutung. Wir helfen, wenn es darum geht, das passende externe Streaminggerät zu finden. Von Ingo Pakalski (Streaming, Apple TV)

Obwohl in immer mehr Haushalten Smart-TVs stehen, verlieren externe Streaminglösungen langfristig nicht an Bedeutung. Wir helfen, wenn es darum geht, das passende externe Streaminggerät zu finden. Von Ingo Pakalski (Streaming, Apple TV)

90 Jahre King Kong: Das achte Wunder der Welt

Vor 90 Jahren revolutionierte ein Film um einen Riesenaffen das Kino – mit Effekten, wie sie in dieser Perfektion zuvor nicht existierten. Von Peter Osteried (Filme & Serien, Unterhaltung & Hobby)

Vor 90 Jahren revolutionierte ein Film um einen Riesenaffen das Kino - mit Effekten, wie sie in dieser Perfektion zuvor nicht existierten. Von Peter Osteried (Filme & Serien, Unterhaltung & Hobby)

Lilbits: A DIY Raspberry Pi-powered eReader, Pixel 7a specs leaked, and what’s next from Framework?

We’ve seen people design eBook readers around Raspberry Pi hardware before. But there’s still something pretty nifty about seeing a new open hardware project that shows you don’t need to settle for buying a Kindle, Kobo or other name…

We’ve seen people design eBook readers around Raspberry Pi hardware before. But there’s still something pretty nifty about seeing a new open hardware project that shows you don’t need to settle for buying a Kindle, Kobo or other name-brand device to read eBooks on an electronic paper display. Redditor /u/thataintthis shares details of DIY piEreader […]

The post Lilbits: A DIY Raspberry Pi-powered eReader, Pixel 7a specs leaked, and what’s next from Framework? appeared first on Liliputing.