The gold rush for the next round of military launch contracts has started

Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about military launch procurement.

A Falcon Heavy rocket launches the USSF-67 mission for the US Space Force in January 2023.

Enlarge / A Falcon Heavy rocket launches the USSF-67 mission for the US Space Force in January 2023. (credit: SpaceX)

The US military recently released a rather mundane-sounding document titled "National Security Space Launch Phase 3 DRAFT Request for Proposals #1." That may be a mouthful of jargon, but it's still a rather consequential document. Effectively, its release is the starting gun for the next round of launch contracts for US spy satellites, secure communications satellites, and more.

There is a pile of money at stake. Up for grabs are launch contracts worth billions of dollars—substantially more than $10 billion—as the military seeks to secure launch deals for the late 2020s and early 2030s. The document itself is pretty bland, but in a follow-up teleconference with reporters, two US colonels overseeing space acquisition, Douglas Pentecost and Chad Melone, provided a trove of information.

Wait! I know this sounds dreadfully boring, but it's really not. Based on the document and this hour-long call, it's possible to get a good sense of where the US military believes the country's launch industry is headed. And that matters because in many cases, the contracts offered by the military can make or break launch companies. For example, after the last round of bidding for national security launches ended, Northrop Grumman ended its efforts to develop the Omega rocket.

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