(g+) Zigbee: Herstellerübergreifendes Smart Home ohne Cloud

Der Raspberry Pi eignet sich nicht nur als Bastelcomputer für Experimentierfreudige. Mit einem kleinen Aufsatzmodul wird der Einplatinencomputer im Handumdrehen zur Steuerungszentrale für das Smart Home. Eine Anleitung von Erik Bärwaldt (Smart Home, Ha…

Der Raspberry Pi eignet sich nicht nur als Bastelcomputer für Experimentierfreudige. Mit einem kleinen Aufsatzmodul wird der Einplatinencomputer im Handumdrehen zur Steuerungszentrale für das Smart Home. Eine Anleitung von Erik Bärwaldt (Smart Home, Hausautomation)

Why the floppy disk just won’t die

A surprising number of industries, from embroidery to aviation, still use floppies.

Bunch of floppy disks

Enlarge / Photo taken in Florence, Italy (credit: Daniele Ciabatti/EyeEm via Getty)

When Mark Necaise got down to his last four floppy disks at a rodeo in Mississippi in February, he started to worry.

Necaise travels to horse shows around the state, offering custom embroidery on jackets and vests: “All of the winners would get a jacket and we’d put the name of the farm or the name of the horse or whatever on it,” he says.

Five years ago, he paid $18,000 for a second-hand machine, manufactured in 2004 by the Japanese embroidery equipment specialist Tajima. The only way to transfer the designs from his computer to the machine was via floppy disk.

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Twitter Suspends Copyright Holder as Musk Outlaws ‘Weaponization’ of DMCA

In the midst of a fierce copyright dispute last evening, Twitter CEO Elon Musk intervened. He declared that accounts engaging in “repeated, egregious weaponization of DMCA on Twitter” will receive temporary suspensions. The problems began when a popular user tweeted a stunning video owned by a professional photographer, who responded by sending a DMCA takedown notice. That sounds straightforward, but this dispute is a lot more complex than that.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

pirate twitterIn May 2022, Elon Musk declared overzealous use of the DMCA a “plague on humanity.”

As CEO of Twitter, Musk understands that his platform has certain obligations if it wishes to maintain protection from liability under copyright law. On receipt of a properly formatted and submitted takedown notice, allegedly infringing content must be taken down.

A dispute that boiled over yesterday began with these two steps but ended up with the copyright holder having his account suspended, presumably by Musk himself or on his instructions.

The two people at the heart of the original dispute are both Twitter users. Since most tweets relating to the initial dispute have since been deleted or disabled, here we rely on archived and cached copies for evidence. Since one user’s account has been suspended, links to the account and its tweets are included but are likely to fail.

Adrien Mauduit (@NightLights_AM)

Adrien Mauduit (@NightLights_AM, Norway) operates the currently-suspended Night Lights account. He describes himself as a professional nature cinematographer, astrophotographer, and an “Aurora chasing specialist.”

A review of Mauduit’s recent posts suggests that his Twitter account is mainly used to post content he creates himself, usually videos or photographs.

Mauduit’s pinned tweet is/was a stunning short video dated March 4, 2023. It’s described as a “double solar storm punch that created a G3 (max) geomagnetic storm.” This video sits at the heart of the dispute.


Posted on March 3, the video was well received. Comments under the original tweet include: “INCREDIBLE! Feast for the eyes and spirit,” “This one is off the charts!” and “Wow Adrien! Absolutely killing it! Thanks for sharing!”

Massimo (@Rainmaker1973)

Massimo (Italy) operates the @Rainmaker1973 account. He describes himself as an engineer who uses his account to “build the big picture of #science via selected & curated pics, videos & links.”

A review of Massimo’s recent posts suggests that his Twitter account is mainly used to post content created by third parties. The usual format is the inclusion of a photograph or image, a description of the image, a hyperlink to the original source, and sometimes a link to a secondary source with additional information on the current topic.

Dispute Between Mauduit and Massimo

On March 6, Massimo posted the now-deleted tweet seen below. The format detailed above is maintained; a description of the third-party content (this time owned by Mauduit), the content itself (the clip) and two links – one linking to Mauduit’s original tweet (here) and another linking to a secondary information source (here).


Massimo also cited the source of the clip: “This beautiful display was filmed by @NightLights_AM on Feb 26th in Swedish Lapland.”

According to a now-deleted tweet published by Massimo, this is what happened next.

Mauduit Filed DMCA Notice to Have Massimo’s tweet Removed

“Yesterday I posted this tweet, tagging the author @NightLights_AM and embedding his clip, without uploading anything,” Massimo’s tweet begins.

“He sent a DMCA report which blocked my account: this means I’m on the brink of the permanent suspension. I contacted him and he asked for money.”

Massimo claims that Mauduit had yet “to set the price” but said he would let Massimo know when he’d decided. Copies of these communications have not been made public, so their nature remains unknown. Whether this was a simple request for cash or a business discussion about the cost of licensing the video is unknown.

“I run this account since 2014 without earning any money from it for pure educational purposes. On the other hand he has a business. He was also a follower of mine, until yesterday. But he said ‘I’m the one who breaks Twitter’s rule’,” he continues.

Massimo Alleges Blackmail

According to Massimo, such requests for payment are not uncommon on Twitter. To keep his account open he has paid off multiple ‘blackmailers’ over the years, he says.

“I’ve been blackmailed like this so many times, and I honestly thought this was over,” he reveals.

“I was hit by DMCA tens of times since 2014 and I was suspended once for 3 weeks. I paid more than $1,500 to keep this account open, I’ve paid all those have blackmailed me. I’ve been blocked in error several times and I’m struggling going on like this.”

Massimo then reveals that he received a cash demand from another alleged rightsholder in late 2022.

“I may pay for keeping this account open, but I had another DMCA on Dec 30: it was a virtually resolved case as the author said he would send a retraction, but the case was never formally resolved after more than 2 months,” he says.

“This is not stability, this is not peace of mind for me. This account helped me a lot, I’m still in hospital for a severe post-transplant complication and this is really hurting me.”

After writing in hope that “a solution can be found”, an unexpected third-party suddenly chimed in.

Elon Musk – Weaponization of DMCA Won’t Be Tolerated

In a tweet posted last evening, Musk warned that anyone found to be repeat abusers of the DMCA takedown system faces being sanctioned by Twitter.

“Accounts engaging in repeated, egregious weaponization of DMCA on Twitter or encouraging weaponization of DMCA will receive temporary suspensions. That said, reasonable media takedown requests are, of course, appropriate and will always be supported,” the Twitter CEO wrote.


Whether it happened before or after the publication of this tweet, Mauduit’s account was suspended.

While there was no mention of any review of the evidence before Mauduit’s account was suspended, Musk went on to mention one of Twitter’s priorities.

Enable Monetization By Content Creators

“It is a major priority to enable monetization by content creators!” Musk declared in a follow-up tweet.

“People need to make a living and prosper from their work. We need to make it possible to upload the content in the first place. That’s getting there.”

Under the circumstances, there appears to be a disconnect here. If people need to make a living from their work, and it’s important to enable copyright holders to upload their original works, that was achieved when Mauduit uploaded his own content. Massimo’s references this himself.

“I run this account since 2014 without earning any money from it for pure educational purposes. On the other hand [Mauduit] has a business,” he wrote yesterday.

Since the original content and the reformatted presentation are both unavailable to view live, that should be taken into consideration. However, it may be relevant to look at how this business proposition is playing out for Mauduit (original content creator) and Massimo (no-profit hobby account).

Content Creator v Content Curator

Massimo admittedly makes no money but has a million followers on his account. Mauduit’s account has 40,100 followers and reportedly generates revenue, but how much is completely unknown.

Until Mauduit’s account is reinstated only one side of the story is being heard. The details of his correspondence with Massimo seem particularly relevant; one man’s ‘blackmail’ could be another man’s licensing terms, we just don’t know.

There is already fierce debate relating to any fair use protections Massimo may have, or may not have, according to opinion. That debate will rage on but we did notice something peculiar.

When Mauduit published the original video (image above) the running time was listed as 1 minute 26 seconds. When it appeared on Massimo’s channel, the clip had shrunk to 1 minute 18 seconds. Massimo insists he “embedded” the original video but this discrepancy may suggest the copies are different, possibly due to copying or transcoding.

In any event, the outcome is that an original uploader of unique content has been suspended. That in itself is likely to prove controversial. Some are wondering why Massimo chooses to republish another Twitter user’s original content when retweeting the source could’ve avoided this entire controversy.

And then there’s the revelation that a hobbyist Twitter user has paid off alleged copyright holders multiple times just to keep his account open. That raises the question of how deep this goes and how many people are paying others off.

In this case a genuine rightsholder appears to have requested payment, but the opportunity for scammers to exploit other users must be enormous.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

After nearly a decade in development, Japan’s new rocket fails in debut

Japan’s science minister said the failure was “extremely regrettable.” 

The H3 rocket launches from Tanegashima, Japan, on Tuesday.

Enlarge / The H3 rocket launches from Tanegashima, Japan, on Tuesday. (credit: JAXA)

The launch of Japan's H3 rocket on Tuesday morning, local time in Tanegashima, failed after the vehicle's second stage engine did not ignite.

In a terse statement on the failure, Japanese space agency JAXA said, "A destruct command has been transmitted to H3 around 10:52 a.m. (Japan Standard Time), because there was no possibility of achieving the mission. We are confirming the situation."

The Japanese space agency, in concert with the rocket's manufacturer, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, has spent about $1.5 billion developing the H3 rocket over the last decade. Much of the challenge in building the new rocket involved development of a new LE-9 engine, which is fueled by liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, to power the first stage. This appeared to perform flawlessly. The second-stage engine that failed, the LE-5B, was a more established engine.

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Bundesinnenministerium: Keine Beanstandungen bei Sicherheitsprüfung von Huawei

Über den jüngsten Besuch von Kanzler Scholz bei Präsident Biden ist wenig bekannt. Das Bundesinnenministerium verbreitet seitdem Aufregung in der Mobilfunkbranche. Laut Experten ohne technischen Sachverstand. (Huawei, Smartphone)

Über den jüngsten Besuch von Kanzler Scholz bei Präsident Biden ist wenig bekannt. Das Bundesinnenministerium verbreitet seitdem Aufregung in der Mobilfunkbranche. Laut Experten ohne technischen Sachverstand. (Huawei, Smartphone)

Era 300 im Hands On: Sonos zeigt neuen Raumklang-Lautsprecher

Mit dem Era 300 erweitert Sonos das Sortiment smarter Lautsprecher um ein Modell mit Raumklang-Fähigkeiten. Neben einer neuen Steuerung gibt es weitere Verbesserungen. Ein Hands-on von Ingo Pakalski (Sonos, Sound-Hardware)

Mit dem Era 300 erweitert Sonos das Sortiment smarter Lautsprecher um ein Modell mit Raumklang-Fähigkeiten. Neben einer neuen Steuerung gibt es weitere Verbesserungen. Ein Hands-on von Ingo Pakalski (Sonos, Sound-Hardware)

Sonos replaces the Sonos One with new Era 300 and 100 speakers

Plus: Sonos’ Trueplay (sort of) comes to Android.

The Sonos Era 100 and Era 300 speakers.

Enlarge / The Sonos Era 100 and Era 300 speakers. (credit: Sonos)

After months of detailed leaks, Sonos has finally announced its next generation of wireless speakers. Dubbed the Era 300 and Era 100, they replace the longstanding Sonos One and emphasize spatial audio or stereo sound, respectively.

Let's start with a look at the Era 100, which directly replaces the Sonos One in the lineup with a slight $20 price hike to $249.

Sonos Era 100

The Era 100 has two tweeters, which work in combination with the speaker's ability to analyze a room to produce a custom sound field and provide true stereo sound; the One wasn't able to provide true stereo audio. The Era 100 still has just one woofer, but it's 25 percent larger than the woofer in the One, offering improved bass performance.

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Era 100 im Hands-On: Nachfolger des Sonos One hat Bluetooth und nur noch Alexa

Sonos hat mit dem Era 100 einen Nachfolger des Sonos One offiziell vorgestellt. Die gesamte Klangarchitektur des smarten Lautsprechers wurde überarbeitet. Ein Hands-on von Ingo Pakalski (Sonos, Sound-Hardware)

Sonos hat mit dem Era 100 einen Nachfolger des Sonos One offiziell vorgestellt. Die gesamte Klangarchitektur des smarten Lautsprechers wurde überarbeitet. Ein Hands-on von Ingo Pakalski (Sonos, Sound-Hardware)