Elektroautos: Ungeschützte Ladesäule verrät Hunderte UIDs

Die Steuerung einer Ladesäule für E-Autos in Bayern war ungeschützt im Netz. Sie verriet UIDs, mit denen sich Ladekarten klonen und auf Kosten ihrer Besitzer Autos laden lassen. Von Moritz Tremmel (Ladesäule, RFID)

Die Steuerung einer Ladesäule für E-Autos in Bayern war ungeschützt im Netz. Sie verriet UIDs, mit denen sich Ladekarten klonen und auf Kosten ihrer Besitzer Autos laden lassen. Von Moritz Tremmel (Ladesäule, RFID)

Microsoft: GPT-4 kommt nächste Woche

Im Rahmen einer Veranstaltung von Microsoft Deutschland wurde das Erscheinungsdatum des KI-Sprachmodells GPT 4.0 bekanntgegeben. (openAI, Microsoft)

Im Rahmen einer Veranstaltung von Microsoft Deutschland wurde das Erscheinungsdatum des KI-Sprachmodells GPT 4.0 bekanntgegeben. (openAI, Microsoft)

Gun violence is the top killer of US kids—the pandemic made it worse

Researchers call for firearm policy changes and efforts to address structural racism.

Guns on display during a buyback event in the Wilmington neighborhood of Los Angeles on March 4. Los Angeles County, in partnership with the Los Angeles Police Department, hosted a voluntary gun buyback event offering residents gift cards between $100-200 value to surrender their unwanted firearms.

Enlarge / Guns on display during a buyback event in the Wilmington neighborhood of Los Angeles on March 4. Los Angeles County, in partnership with the Los Angeles Police Department, hosted a voluntary gun buyback event offering residents gift cards between $100-200 value to surrender their unwanted firearms. (credit: Getty | Jill Connelly)

While gun violence has for years been among the leading causes of death for US children, the COVID-19 pandemic sent it skyrocketing to the top cause while widening racial disparities.

In the years before the pandemic—from 2015 to early 2020—Black children in four major US cities were 27 times more likely to be shot than white children. But, from 2020 to the end of 2021, Black children were 100 times more likely to be shot than white children, according to a new study in JAMA Network Open. The study examined firearm assault data from New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Philadelphia.

The study also found that Hispanic children were about 26 times more likely to be shot than white children during the pandemic, up from a relative risk of 8.6-fold prior to the health emergency. And Asian children were about four times more likely to be shot than white children, up from a relative risk of 1.4-fold from before the pandemic.

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Malware infecting widely used security appliance survives firmware updates

Update-resistant malware is part of a pattern by highly motivated threat actors.

Malware infecting widely used security appliance survives firmware updates

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Threat actors with a connection to the Chinese government are infecting a widely used security appliance from SonicWall with malware that remains active even after the device receives firmware updates, researchers said.

SonicWall’s Secure Mobile Access 100 is a secure remote access appliance that helps organizations securely deploy remote workforces. Customers use it to grant granular access controls to remote users, provide VPN connections to organization networks, and set unique profiles for each employee. The access the SMA 100 has to customer networks makes it an attractive target for threat actors.

In 2021, the device came under attack by sophisticated hackers who exploited what was then a zero-day vulnerability. Security appliances from Fortinet and Pulse Secure have come under similar attacks in recent years.

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