Daily Deals (3-10-2023)

Today’s deals include a free 1-month subscription to Paramount+ or free 3-month subscription to Apple TV+ and sales on eReaders, laptops and tablets. March 10th is also Super Mario day because, you know, MAR10. So Nintendo is offering a few Mari…

Today’s deals include a free 1-month subscription to Paramount+ or free 3-month subscription to Apple TV+ and sales on eReaders, laptops and tablets. March 10th is also Super Mario day because, you know, MAR10. So Nintendo is offering a few Mario-related deals. And if you’re in the market for a cheap PC that would probably […]

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The 2024 Ford Mustang is the next car to lose AM radio

If you listen to a lot of AM radio, the next Ford Mustang is not the car for you.

2024 Ford Mustang Interior

Enlarge / Ford has gone for a high-tech interior for the next Mustang, and AM radio did not make the cut. (credit: Ford)

You have to hand it to AM radio—it has outlasted the 8-track, the cassette, and the compact disc as a way to deliver audio content to a car. This first-generation radio broadcast technology dates back to the dawn of the last century before it was superseded by FM, which has better sound fidelity and is less likely to suffer from interference.

But good old amplitude modulation joins those shiny CDs and twisted tapes on the scrapheap of history, at least as far as the next Ford Mustang is concerned. When the 2024 Mustang goes on sale this summer, it will do so without an AM radio function, according to Ford Authority.

That will make it the second Ford to lose access to this antique broadcast option. After including it in the first model year 2022 F-150 Lightning electric pickup trucks, Ford dropped AM for MY2023 onward. Other electric vehicles have notably dropped AM radio—Tesla moved away from including it in new cars in 2018, as did BMW with its i3 city car, citing the potential for electromagnetic interference (EMI) from the EV powertrain. (AM radio is a feature on plenty of other EVs, so this explanation is unconvincing.)

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Rechenzentrum: Ärger um Abhörzentrale in Ostdeutschland

Geplant war die Inbetriebnahme des Abhörzentrums der fünf ostdeutschen Bundesländer für das Jahr 2021. Es ist aber nach wie vor nicht bezugsbereit – und kostet trotzdem. (Telekommunikation, Überwachung)

Geplant war die Inbetriebnahme des Abhörzentrums der fünf ostdeutschen Bundesländer für das Jahr 2021. Es ist aber nach wie vor nicht bezugsbereit - und kostet trotzdem. (Telekommunikation, Überwachung)

(g+) Morddrohungen, Sportwagen, EUR-Millionen: Wir haben den Illuminaten-Whatsapp-Scam ausprobiert

Erst wollte man uns töten, weil wir das Porto für den magischen Kelch nicht zahlten. Doch dann wurde uns ein Container versprochen, mit einem Luxus-Sportwagen und 4 Millionen Euro. Bisher kam er nicht an. Ein Erfahrungsbericht von Achim Sawall (Cybercr…

Erst wollte man uns töten, weil wir das Porto für den magischen Kelch nicht zahlten. Doch dann wurde uns ein Container versprochen, mit einem Luxus-Sportwagen und 4 Millionen Euro. Bisher kam er nicht an. Ein Erfahrungsbericht von Achim Sawall (Cybercrime, Instant Messenger)

Apple, Foxconn convince Indian state to loosen labor laws

Lobbying leads to landmark legislation that anticipates iPhone production.

iPhone factory floor

Enlarge / Employees work on an assembly line in the mobile phone plant of Rising Stars Mobile India Pvt., a unit of Foxconn Technology Co., in Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, India, on Friday, July 12, 2019. (credit: Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Apple and its manufacturing partner Foxconn were among the companies behind a landmark liberalization of labor laws in the Indian state of Karnataka last month, according to three people familiar with the matter.

Their successful lobbying for new legislation means two-shift production can take place in India, akin to the two companies’ practices in China, their primary manufacturing base. The law gives the southern state one of the most flexible working regimes in India as the country aims to become an alternative manufacturing base to China.

Karnataka’s move is an attempt to seize the opportunity created by companies that are seeking to end an over reliance on Chinese manufacturing, following months of COVID-19 disruption that has shaken global supply chains.

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