Tintenstrahldrucker: Epson baut keine Laserdrucker mehr

Epson baut aus Umweltgründen künftig keine Laserdrucker mehr und konzentriert sich nur noch auf die Entwicklung und Produktion von Tintenstrahldruckern. (Epson, Drucker)

Epson baut aus Umweltgründen künftig keine Laserdrucker mehr und konzentriert sich nur noch auf die Entwicklung und Produktion von Tintenstrahldruckern. (Epson, Drucker)

Westsahara: "Neokoloniale Wende in der deutschen Außenpolitik"

Welche Werte leiten die deutsche Außenpolitik? Ministerin Baerbock nähert sich weiter der Position Marokkos zum völkerrechtswidrig besetzten Gebiet an. Deutschland setzt auf den “enorm wichtigen Partner” für eine dubiose Wasserstoffstrategie.

Welche Werte leiten die deutsche Außenpolitik? Ministerin Baerbock nähert sich weiter der Position Marokkos zum völkerrechtswidrig besetzten Gebiet an. Deutschland setzt auf den "enorm wichtigen Partner" für eine dubiose Wasserstoffstrategie.

Costa Rica rettet Deutschland

Mediensplitter (13): Mittelmaß und Wahn: Die Nationalmannschaft ist zwar noch nicht ganz im Halbfinale, hat aber Chancen, die Vorrunde zu überstehen.

Mediensplitter (13): Mittelmaß und Wahn: Die Nationalmannschaft ist zwar noch nicht ganz im Halbfinale, hat aber Chancen, die Vorrunde zu überstehen.

Torrent Site User Who Transferred 120TB of Pirated Content Avoids Prison

A torrent site user accused of downloading and uploading at least 120TB of movies, TV shows, eBooks, music and software, has avoided an immediate prison term. The 28-year-old was arrested as part of a police operation against DanishBytes. A member of the same site was sentenced earlier this month after he uploaded Netflix content obtained using hacked credentials.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Pirate KeyMany private torrent sites track user traffic to ensure that when content is downloaded, an agreed amount is uploaded back to the rest of the community.

Users can independently maintain their own transfer records, which help them keep track of overall bandwidth used and compliance with site rules, whenever traffic volume is an important factor.

But whether they’re held locally, on a torrent site, or by an intermediary service, the usefulness of logs is reversed when they fall into the wrong hands.

DanishBytes User Arrested Then Prosecuted

Early November 2021, Denmark’s Public Prosecutor for Special Economic and International Crime (SØIK) announced that six people had been arrested following criminal referrals by Rights Alliance. All were members and/or operators of ShareUniversity and DanishBytes.

Prosecution of site operators is not uncommon but when it’s deemed in the public interest, pirate site users can also face charges. Every case is unique so criteria differ, especially across national borders, but when evidence shows large volumes of infringement, successful prosecutions become more likely. That was the case when a former DanishBytes user was sentenced last week.

According to Danish anti-piracy group Rights Alliance, the 28-year-old man was a regular site member and wasn’t involved in running the site. That being said, evidence showed that for the period January 2021 to November 2021, he downloaded and/or uploaded no less than 3,000 copyrighted works, including movies, TV shows, music, books, audiobooks and comics.

Guilty Plea and Sentencing

Information released by the National Unit for Special Crimes (NSK), a Danish police unit focused on cybercrime, organized crime, and related financial crime, reveals that the user’s traffic statistics interested prosecutors.

“During the period, the man downloaded no less than 100 TB and uploaded no less than 20 TB of copyrighted material,” NSK says.

BitTorrent trackers operating a ratio model usually insist on a better ratio of downloads to uploads but DanishBytes’ situation was out of the ordinary.

The site launched in January 2021 in the wake of other sites being shut down, so had to get going from a standing start with no users. Even when arrests were being made, the site still had a relatively small userbase, which can limit opportunities to upload more. That may have been a blessing in disguise.

Faced with the evidence, the man decided to plead guilty and was sentenced last week at the Court in Vibourg. In common with similar prosecutions recently, he received a suspended conditional sentence of 60 days’ probation, 80 hours of community service, and confiscation of his computer equipment.

“I am satisfied with the verdict. With a sentence of 60 days of suspended imprisonment, the court sends a clear signal that not only the masterminds, but also users of illegal file sharing services can risk being punished,” says Beytullaah Karacan, deputy prosecutor at NSK.

Rights Alliance Welcomes Conviction

The case against the DanishBytes user began with a Rights Alliance investigation and a referral to the police. As part of his sentence, the man must pay the anti-piracy group DKK 5,000 (US$600) in compensation but Rights Alliance director Maria Fredenslund is focused on the deterrent effect of another successful prosecution.

“In the Rights Alliance, we have been very focused on getting those behind illegal file-sharing services convicted. But it is equally important that we bring to justice the users who are on these illegal services and who help to keep the services running,” Fredenslund says.

“It is an important signal to send that it is not only masterminds who risk prison sentences, but also systematic users. Therefore, it is satisfactory that yet another user has been convicted, and we expect more of these lawsuits in the future.”

Earlier this month another DanishBytes user received a suspended sentence for his role on the site. The 34-year-old was user who for two months worked on the site’s staff. Importantly, he also used hacked Netflix credentials to obtain content before sharing it with other users of the site.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Ende von Google Stadia: Google enttäuscht einige Nutzer von Stadia erneut

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Google versprach eine Rückerstattung aller Käufe in dem eingestellten Cloudgaming-Dienst. Manche Kunden bekommen jedoch teils nur Play-Guthaben zurück. Ein Bericht von Daniel Ziegener (Stadia, Google)

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Cyberattacken verursachen jährliche Schäden von über 200 Milliarden Euro und betreffen 84 Prozent der deutschen Firmen. Sicherheit verspricht die Aktualisierung der IT-Infrastruktur. (Server)

Falschmeldung zu Raketeneinschlag in Polen: Guter Geheimdienstglaube?

Leitende Redakteure der weltgrößten Nachrichtenagentur AP setzen sich dem Verdacht der übermäßigen Staatsnähe aus. Falschmeldung hatte fast dritten Weltkrieg ausgelöst. Fehler zog lediglich ein “Bauernopfer” nach sich.

Leitende Redakteure der weltgrößten Nachrichtenagentur AP setzen sich dem Verdacht der übermäßigen Staatsnähe aus. Falschmeldung hatte fast dritten Weltkrieg ausgelöst. Fehler zog lediglich ein "Bauernopfer" nach sich.

Die Teilung Palästinas – eine offene Rechnung der UNO

Heute vor 75 Jahren wurde von den Vereinten Nationen eine folgenschwere Resolution verabschiedet. Das Votum war damals nicht unumstritten. Die Bedenken haben sich bis heute bewahrheitet. Ein Kommentar.

Heute vor 75 Jahren wurde von den Vereinten Nationen eine folgenschwere Resolution verabschiedet. Das Votum war damals nicht unumstritten. Die Bedenken haben sich bis heute bewahrheitet. Ein Kommentar.