Folgen des Klimawandels: US-Wirtschaft könnte dauerhaft Schaden erleiden

Hurrikane treffen die USA immer wieder heftig und richten enorme Schäden an. Mit dem Anstieg der globalen Temperatur werden die Folgen heftiger. Warum das für die US-Wirtschaft zum Problem wird.

Hurrikane treffen die USA immer wieder heftig und richten enorme Schäden an. Mit dem Anstieg der globalen Temperatur werden die Folgen heftiger. Warum das für die US-Wirtschaft zum Problem wird.

Strategie und Taktik: Aufbauspiel trifft mobiles Monster

The Wandering Village schickt uns auf die große Reise, Ozymandias bietet Civ für zwischendurch: stellt Strategiespiel-Neuheiten vor. Von Rainer Sigl (Strategiespiel, Indiegames)

The Wandering Village schickt uns auf die große Reise, Ozymandias bietet Civ für zwischendurch: stellt Strategiespiel-Neuheiten vor. Von Rainer Sigl (Strategiespiel, Indiegames)

Iran: Die Oktober-Revolution der Generation Z

Die Welle militanter Proteste gegen das Mullah-Regime ebbt nicht ab. Das Land befindet sich in einem Modernitätsdilemma: Die Digitalisierung ist weit vorangeschritten, Frauen und Jugend lassen sich nichts mehr gefallen.

Die Welle militanter Proteste gegen das Mullah-Regime ebbt nicht ab. Das Land befindet sich in einem Modernitätsdilemma: Die Digitalisierung ist weit vorangeschritten, Frauen und Jugend lassen sich nichts mehr gefallen.

Ukraine-Krieg: Wie real ist die Gefahr einer taktischen Atombombe?

Kreml-Chef Putin versuchte zuletzt in Bezug auf Atomwaffeneinsätze zu beschwichtigen. Experten halten dies für unwahrscheinlich, sehen aber die Gefahr im Fall einer wirklichen militärischen Niederlage.

Kreml-Chef Putin versuchte zuletzt in Bezug auf Atomwaffeneinsätze zu beschwichtigen. Experten halten dies für unwahrscheinlich, sehen aber die Gefahr im Fall einer wirklichen militärischen Niederlage.

Testing suggests faulty cable may be to blame for melting RTX 4090 connectors [Updated]

More reports of overheating power connectors have surfaced every day this week.

The power adapter for the RTX 4090 feeds four 8-pin power connectors into a single 12VHPWR connector.

Enlarge / The power adapter for the RTX 4090 feeds four 8-pin power connectors into a single 12VHPWR connector. (credit: Sam Machkovech)

Update, 10/31/2022: Additional testing from the Gamers Nexus YouTube channel over the weekend added new wrinkles to the ongoing RTX 4090 cable-melting saga. The channel dissected and tested a total of five different 12VHPWR adapter cables from different RTX 4090-series cards, and they didn't notice the same quality issues that Igor's Lab's Igor Wallossek posted about last week. They also weren't able to recreate conditions that caused their adapters to melt, even with a cable that had been intentionally damaged.

Notably, all the adapter cables that Gamers Nexus examined use wires that are rated for 300 volts, while the cable that Wallossek tested last week appears to be rated for 150 volts. The soldering method used for the cables that Gamers Nexus tested also differed from what Wallossek found in his adapter cable, making it harder for users to damage or break the connection between the wire and the connector.

This additional information doesn't mean that Wallossek's testing is "wrong" and that Gamers Nexus is "right," something that the Gamers Nexus video is careful to acknowledge. If Nvidia is using multiple suppliers, or if there have been variances between different manufacturing runs for these adapters, it could create a situation where some adapters are fragile and error-prone while others are completely fine. This is why product recalls often focus on a range of serial numbers or on products manufactured in a certain date range.

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Lilbits: A phone that charges in 9 minutes, Qualcomm v ARM, and why the Pixel 7 is 64-bit only (according to Google)

With most modern smartphone makers having access to the same processor, memory, storage, and display technology as their competitors, some companies have found other ways to stand out. For Google it’s photography. And for some Chinese phone make…

With most modern smartphone makers having access to the same processor, memory, storage, and display technology as their competitors, some companies have found other ways to stand out. For Google it’s photography. And for some Chinese phone makers like Xiaomi and Oppo it’s fast charging. Case in point: does anyone need a mid-range phone with support […]

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Poliovirus that paralyzed unvaccinated NY man in July is still spreading

Sewage samples as recent as October 6 have tested positive for the same virus.

Poliovirus that paralyzed unvaccinated NY man in July is still spreading

Enlarge (credit: Aurich Lawson | Getty Images)

The same strain of poliovirus that paralyzed an unvaccinated young man in New York's Rockland County this summer is still spreading in several areas of the state as of early October, according to a wastewater surveillance study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday.

The finding suggests that the virus continues to pose a serious threat to anyone in the area that is unvaccinated or under-vaccinated. The three counties with sustained transmission—Rockland, Orange, and Sullivan—have pockets of alarmingly low vaccination rates.

In Rockland, for instance, one county zip code has a polio vaccination rate among children under 2 years old of just 37 percent, according to state data. In Orange, a zip code has a vaccination rate of just 31 percent. County-wide vaccination rates of Rockland and Orange are 60 percent and about 59 percent, respectively.

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Most Pirates Skipped the Leaked ‘House of the Dragon’ Season Finale

Last Friday, the season finale of HBO’s “House of the Dragon” leaked online, days before the official premiere. One might’ve expected this to lead to an explosion in piracy traffic, but that’s not the case. While there was still plenty of interest, most pirates waited for the ‘official’ release.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

hotdWith many millions of viewers on official platforms, “House of the Dragon” has had an excellent debut season.

The Game of Thrones prequel could also count on plenty of interest on pirate sites, where it’s been the most sought-after title of the past few weeks.

HBO Responds

Given its popularity, the leak of the season finale last Friday was headline news. The unprecedented leak also elicited a response from HBO, wth a spokesperson informing us that the company was pulling out all the stops to take copies offline.

“HBO is aggressively monitoring and pulling these copies from the internet. We’re disappointed that this unlawful action has disrupted the viewing experience for loyal fans of the show, who will get to see a pristine version of the episode when it premieres Sunday on HBO and HBO Max, where it will stream exclusively in 4K.”

The entertainment company can’t complain about a lack of interest from legal viewers; the season finale drew a 9.3 million audience on Sunday. That’s the biggest audience since the conclusion of Game of Thrones three years ago.

Apparently, many loyal fans were happy to wait for the official release, instead of checking out the pirated leak. But what about the general pirate audience? Did they decide en masse to tune in early? It doesn’t seem that way.

Downloads Peaked After Finale

After running the numbers based on a large sample of torrent data provided by IKnow*, we see that there were significantly more people downloading House of the Dragon over the past weekend. These numbers roughly doubled compared to earlier weeks.

Interestingly, however, most downloads still took place on Monday. This shows that most pirates also preferred to wait for the ‘official’ high-quality pirate release. Or perhaps they were simply unaware of the leak?

Estimated Torrent Downloads (sample)

hotd chart

The overall pattern, as seen in the chart above, shows that downloads typically peaked on Monday, to then drop off throughout the rest of the week. Last week was a clear exception as download numbers started to rise on Friday, the day of the leak.

Leak Source?

As promised, HBO and its licensing partners have been very busy trying to remove pirated releases. Many URLs were pulled from search engines and pirate sites that are responsive to DMCA takedowns.

The source of the leak wasn’t disclosed but HBO informed us that it appears to have originated from a distribution partner in the EMEA region. This matches information we received from several other sources.

Our sources report that the initial leak, which came with Hebrew subtitles, originated from an Israeli release group on a private torrent tracker. This suggests that there’s a link to Israel. We asked HBO to confirm or deny this, but the company chose not to comment any further.

(*) These data represent a large sample of all estimated House of the Dragon torrent downloads on a given day. These are not per individual episode but a day-to-day increase can generally be attributed to new releases. Private trackers are excluded.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.