Streamingdienste: Apple Music, TV+ und One werden erheblich teurer
Apple hat seine Streamingdienste erheblich verteuert. Besonders stark betroffen ist Apple TV+. Die Cloudspeicherpreise bleiben stabil. (Apple TV+, Apple)
Just another news site
Apple hat seine Streamingdienste erheblich verteuert. Besonders stark betroffen ist Apple TV+. Die Cloudspeicherpreise bleiben stabil. (Apple TV+, Apple)
Die bisherige Technikchef von Vodafone Deutschland war von Open RAN nicht begeistert. Doch er ist nicht mehr im Unternehmen und der Kurs ändert sich. (Open RAN, Web Service)
Die neue River-2-Powerstations kommen in drei Größen unter 1 kWh und sollen sich in rund einer Stunde komplett aufladen lassen. (Powerstation, Solarenergie)
Parteichef muss weniger Rücksichten auf innerparteiliche Kompromisse nehmen und hat mehr Machtfülle für außenpolitische Auseinandersetzungen.
Wirtschaftsminister Habeck will die Vorgaben für den Einbau von intelligenten Stromzählern erleichtern. Die IT-Sicherheit soll nicht darunter leiden. Ein Bericht von Christiane Schulzki-Haddouti (Smart Meter, GreenIT)
Zwischen beiden Ländern schwelt ein Konflikt, der nicht leicht auszuräumen sein wird. Was die Saudis an Biden stört und wie sie Einfluss auf die US-Wahl nehmen.
Themen des Tages: Das Ende der Linkspartei. Das Drohnen-Dementi aus Teheran. Und ein elitärer, aber nicht-weißer Premier.
Now is the time to get flu shots as well as COVID boosters, experts advise.
Enlarge / An intensive care nurse cares for a patient suffering from respiratory syncytial virus who is being ventilated in the children's intensive care unit of the Olgahospital in Stuttgart, Germany. (credit: Getty | Picture Alliance)
Doctors around the country are reporting early and dramatic surges in respiratory illnesses, with many children's hospitals saying they're running low on beds.
Nearly three-quarters of pediatric hospital beds are full, according to national data compiled by the Department of Health and Human Services. Some areas are seeing pediatric hospitals full, including the Washington, DC, and Boston areas.
Multiple viruses are behind the surge. As Ars reported earlier, health officials have warned about a surge in adenoviruses and enteroviruses, both common childhood respiratory viruses. One enterovirus, called EV-D68, is associated with a polio-like neurologic condition called acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) in young children, and health officials are bracing for a subsequent uptick in AFM cases. So far, the CDC has not seen such a rise this fall.
Nach verkürztem Wahlprozess wurde Rishi Sunak zum neuen Parteichef gekürt. Ehemaliger Finanzminister hatte Johnson eine Absage erteilt. Dennoch hat er Glaubwürdigkeitsprobleme.
Best Buy demo doesn’t put Meta’s best foot forward.
Enlarge / Out of the case and ready to demo.
Even virtual reality's biggest boosters may hesitate at the idea of spending nearly $1,500 for the Meta Quest Pro without trying it first. Fortunately, a retail partnership means that people can try the upcoming Quest Pro at select Best Buy locations during weekend demos.
After checking out one of those demos, though, we came away largely unimpressed with our first impressions. Even if the Quest Pro's new features end up justifying its massive price (and more time with a retail unit later this week should help answer that question fully), our retail demo did not put Meta's best foot forward.
Upon entering Best Buy in Columbia, Maryland, on Sunday, I didn't find any signage suggesting that there was any special VR demo going on inside the store. Instead, I had to search the aisles until I found a lonely Quest display in an unloved back corner of the store, complete with a Quest 2 and Quest Pro under glass. Nearby, a demo staffer leaned on a counter playing with his phone next to a demo unit in a charging stand. When I approached, he said I was the first person all weekend who had expressed any interest in a demo (though one more came to see what it was about while I was in the headset).