Von "Klima-Chaoten", Wutbürgern und Clickbaiting

Mediensplitter (10): Die “Letzte Generation” hat mit der Verschmutzung einer Glasscheibe in Potsdam viel Aufmerksamkeit erregt. Auch eher feindselige Medien spielten mit. Es folgte Empörung auf falscher Grundlage.

Mediensplitter (10): Die "Letzte Generation" hat mit der Verschmutzung einer Glasscheibe in Potsdam viel Aufmerksamkeit erregt. Auch eher feindselige Medien spielten mit. Es folgte Empörung auf falscher Grundlage.

The ISS has had to maneuver yet again from Russian satellite debris

This fragment was one of more than 1,500 pieces of debris from Cosmos 1408.

The International Space Station has had to maneuver again to avoid debris from a Russian satellite.

Enlarge / The International Space Station has had to maneuver again to avoid debris from a Russian satellite. (credit: NASA)

On November 15, 2021, Russia launched a Nudol missile at one of its aging satellites in low-Earth orbit. As intended, the missile struck the Cosmos 1408 satellite at an altitude of 480 km, breaking it into more than 1,000 fragments.

In the immediate aftermath of this test—which Russia carried out to demonstrate to other space powers its anti-satellite capabilities—American and Russian astronauts aboard the International Space Station scrambled into spacecraft in case an emergency departure was needed. They remained in these shelters for about six hours before getting an all clear to return to normal activities.

Following international condemnation for this test, Russian officials claimed that Americans and other officials had overreacted. "The United States knows for certain that the emerging fragments at the time of the test and in terms of the orbit’s parameters did not and will not pose any threat to orbital stations, satellites and space activity," the Defense Ministry of Russia said at the time.

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Passkeys—Microsoft, Apple, and Google’s password killer—are finally here

It only took 50 years, but there’s finally a replacement that’s safer and easier to use.

Passkeys—Microsoft, Apple, and Google’s password killer—are finally here

Enlarge (credit: Gertty Images)

For years, Big Tech has insisted that the death of the password is right around the corner. For years, those assurances have been little more than empty promises. The password alternatives—such as pushes, OAUTH single-sign ons, and trusted platform modules—introduced as many usability and security problems as they solved. But now, we’re finally on the cusp of a password alternative that’s actually going to work.

The new alternative is known as passkeys. Generically, passkeys refer to various schemes for storing authenticating information in hardware, a concept that has existed for more than a decade. What’s different now is that Microsoft, Apple, Google, and a consortium of other companies have unified around a single passkey standard shepherded by the FIDO Alliance. Not only are passkeys easier for most people to use than passwords; they are also completely resistant to credential phishing, credential stuffing, and similar account-take-over attacks.

On Monday, PayPal said US-based users would soon have the option of logging in using FIDO-based passkeys, joining Kayak, eBay, Best Buy, CardPointers and WordPress.com as online services that will offer the password alternative. In recent months, Microsoft, Apple, and Google have all updated their operating systems and apps to enable passkeys. Passkey support is still spotty. Passkeys stored on iOS or macOS will work on Windows, for instance, but the reverse isn’t yet available. In the coming months, all of that should be ironed out, though.

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Stage Manager im Test: Apples Multitasking-Mumpitz

Mit iPad OS 16.1 kommt der neue Multitasking-Modus Stage Manager auf einige iPad-Modelle – eine halbgare Lösung für ein nichtexistentes Problem. Ein Test von Tobias Költzsch (iPad, Apple)

Mit iPad OS 16.1 kommt der neue Multitasking-Modus Stage Manager auf einige iPad-Modelle - eine halbgare Lösung für ein nichtexistentes Problem. Ein Test von Tobias Költzsch (iPad, Apple)

BSI-Lagebericht: Cyber so gefährlich wie nie

Die Bedrohungslage sei so hoch wie nie, schreibt das BSI. Gewarnt wird vor Cybercrime im Cyberraum, aber auch vor Cyberangriffen im Kontext des Ukrainekrieges. (BSI, Internet)

Die Bedrohungslage sei so hoch wie nie, schreibt das BSI. Gewarnt wird vor Cybercrime im Cyberraum, aber auch vor Cyberangriffen im Kontext des Ukrainekrieges. (BSI, Internet)

Pat Gelsinger: Intel-Chef feuert Handelskrieg gegen China an

Trotz Milliarden-Umsätzen in China setzt Intel-Chef Pat Gelsinger auf Konfrontation. Chipfabriken, nicht Öl würden die Geopolitik künftig bestimmen, meinte er. (Pat Gelsinger, Technologie)

Trotz Milliarden-Umsätzen in China setzt Intel-Chef Pat Gelsinger auf Konfrontation. Chipfabriken, nicht Öl würden die Geopolitik künftig bestimmen, meinte er. (Pat Gelsinger, Technologie)