Huge new dataset pushes limits of neuroscience

What to do with recordings from a whopping 300,000 mouse neurons?

Huge new dataset pushes limits of neuroscience

Enlarge (credit: Juan Gaertner / Getty Images)

There’s a video that’s shown in almost every introductory neuroscience course. It doesn’t look like much—a bar of light shifting and rotating across a black screen while the background audio pops and crackles like the sound of a faraway fireworks show. Dry stuff, until you learn that the pops represent the firing of a single neuron in the brain of a cat, who is watching the bar move on the screen. When the bar reaches a specific location and lies at a particular angle, the popping explodes in a grand finale of frantic activity. The message is clear: This neuron really, really cares about that bar.

The experiment shown in the video was performed by David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel in the 1960s and helped scientists infer basic principles about how the visual system works. For decades since, neuroscientists have stuck thin, metal electrodes into the brains of mice, finches, and monkeys to spy on individual neurons and figure out what sets them off. There are neurons that respond to specific colors or shapes; or to particular locations in space or the direction of one’s head; or to whole faces or individual features.

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SpaceX has been bidding against itself for NASA’s science missions for awhile

“NASA is not able to share the number of bids.”

An Atlas V rocket launches the GOES-T mission for NASA's Launch Services Program on March 1, 2022.

Enlarge / An Atlas V rocket launches the GOES-T mission for NASA's Launch Services Program on March 1, 2022. (credit: ULA)

On Friday NASA closed the bidding process to select a launch vehicle for an upcoming Earth science mission to measure changes in sea level, Sentinel-6B. The mission is expected to launch into low Earth orbit about four years from now, and the space agency is finalizing its choice of a rocket.

Such bidding processes are secretive to protect the competitive interests of the bidders in terms of prices and capabilities. However, realistically, there is no mystery about who will win the Sentinel-6B contract. Like the spacecraft's twin, Sentinel-6A, we can expect this mission to launch on a Falcon 9 rocket sometime in 2026.

This is because, at present, there are no other bidders for NASA's medium and large science missions beyond SpaceX and its fleet of Falcon rockets.

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Entlastungspaket Energiepreise: EU-Mitglieder gegen deutschen Alleingang

Reaktionen auf den Scholz-Wumms: Das 200-Milliarden-Paket mit der Gaspreisbremse wird für gut befunden, wenn es zu einer EU-weiten Ausweitung “mit der Zulassung gemeinsamer Schulden” kommt.

Reaktionen auf den Scholz-Wumms: Das 200-Milliarden-Paket mit der Gaspreisbremse wird für gut befunden, wenn es zu einer EU-weiten Ausweitung "mit der Zulassung gemeinsamer Schulden" kommt.

Wissenschaft: Nobelpreis für Grundlagen der Quantencomputer

Die ersten Experimente der 1970er, 80er und 90er Jahre, die die heute die Grundlagen von Quantenkryptographie und Quantencomputern bilden, wurden ausgezeichnet. (Nobelpreis, Quantencomputer)

Die ersten Experimente der 1970er, 80er und 90er Jahre, die die heute die Grundlagen von Quantenkryptographie und Quantencomputern bilden, wurden ausgezeichnet. (Nobelpreis, Quantencomputer)