Star Wars: Trailer zur dritten Staffel von The Mandalorian erschienen
In der dritten Staffel von The Mandalorian sind zahlreiche bekannte Gesichter zu sehen – und der Mandalorianer trägt brav seinen Helm. (The Mandalorian, Disney)

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In der dritten Staffel von The Mandalorian sind zahlreiche bekannte Gesichter zu sehen – und der Mandalorianer trägt brav seinen Helm. (The Mandalorian, Disney)
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Plus final Andor trailer, Bad Batch S2 delay, and animated Tales of the Jedi trailer
Disney debuted a teaser for The Mandalorian's third season during D23 Expo.
Disney is holding its annual D23 Expo this weekend, and that means lots of teasers, trailers, casting news, and fun cameo appearances. The streaming platform's Star Wars offerings this year included our first look at the third season of The Mandalorian, as well as a final trailer for the limited series, Andor, and a trailer for a new animated anthology series, Tales of the Jedi.
(Spoilers below.)
We've been pining for the new adventures of Grogu and his Mandalorian space daddy (Pedro Pascal) since their heartfelt reunion in the finale of The Book of Boba Fett—aka The Mandalorian season 2.5. (Din Djarin had sent Grogu off for Jedi training with Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), but the bond between the two proved far more powerful. Sniff.) The teaser revisits some of the highlights of the S1 and S2 adventures of this "clan of two," before giving us a glimpse of what's to come.
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