Exporterfolg: Milliardenauftrag für Siemens aus Ägypten

Der größte Auftrag in der Unternehmensgeschichte – und eine gute Gelegenheit für Außenministerin Baerbock, um über die regelbasierte Orientierung des Geschäftspartners al-Sisi nachzudenken?

Der größte Auftrag in der Unternehmensgeschichte - und eine gute Gelegenheit für Außenministerin Baerbock, um über die regelbasierte Orientierung des Geschäftspartners al-Sisi nachzudenken?

Which is worse for the soil—combines or dinosaurs?

Both harvesters and dinosaurs may damage the zone where roots grow.

Image of a sauropod in a lush environment.

Enlarge / Having this guy stomp through might mean that things would struggle to grow there afterwards. (credit: Roger Harris)

Words I did not expect to read in a scientific paper this week: "The similarity in mass and contact area between modern farm vehicles and sauropods raises the question: What was the mechanical impact of these prehistoric animals on land productivity?" The paper, from Thomas Keller and Dani Or, raises what may be a significant worry: Farm vehicles have grown over the past few decades, to the point where they may be compacting the subsurface soil where roots of crops extend. This poses a risk to agricultural productivity.

The paper then compares that compaction risk to the one posed by the largest animals to ever roam our land: sauropods.

The big crunch

We think of the ground as being solid, but gaps and channels within soil are critical to plant life, since they allow air and water to reach roots. Soil compaction, in its extreme form, gets rid of all these spaces, making the ground much less hospitable for plants. And compaction is hard to reverse; it can take decades of plant and animal activity to break up the compacted soil again and re-establish a healthy ecosystem.

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Wie Propaganda Kriege möglich macht

Ein Kommentar zum medialen Einheitsdenken in Italien und dem ukrainisch-russischen Propagandakrieg

Ein Kommentar zum medialen Einheitsdenken in Italien und dem ukrainisch-russischen Propagandakrieg

The mystery of China’s sudden warnings about US hackers

China has recently begun saber-rattling about American cyberespionage.

Chinese flag with digital matrix -Innovation Concept - Digital Tech Wallpaper - 3D illustration

Enlarge / Chinese flag with digital matrix -Innovation Concept - Digital Tech Wallpaper - 3D illustration (credit: peterschreiber.media | Getty Images)

For the best part of a decade, US officials and cybersecurity companies have been naming and shaming hackers they believe work for the Chinese government. These hackers have stolen terabytes of data from companies like pharmaceutical and video game firms, compromised servers, stripped security protections, and highjacked hacking tools, according to security experts. And as China’s alleged hacking has grown more brazen, individual Chinese hackers face indictments. However, things may be changing.

Since the start of 2022, China’s Foreign Ministry and the country’s cybersecurity firms have increasingly been calling out alleged US cyberespionage. Until now, these allegations have been a rarity. But the disclosures come with a catch: They appear to rely on years-old technical details, which are already publicly known and don’t contain fresh information. The move may be a strategic change for China as the nation tussles to cement its position as a tech superpower.

“These are useful materials for China’s tit-for-tat propaganda campaigns when they faced US accusation and indictment of China’s cyberespionage activities,” says Che Chang, a cyber threat analyst at the Taiwan-based cybersecurity firm TeamT5.

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Who owns 4chan?

4chan’s relationship with a Japanese toymaker has remained remarkably murky.

Who owns 4chan?

Enlarge (credit: Jacqui VanLiew | Getty Images)

Over the past 19 years, the imageboard 4chan has been tied to Gamergate, the inception of QAnon, the incubation of a particular brand of online racism, and a raft of domestic terror attacks that have killed scores of people.

Tragically, references and tributes to 4chan are littered throughout a 180-page screed believed to be written by the 18-year-old who is alleged to have shot 13 people in a predominately Black neighborhood in Buffalo, New York, on May 14. All 10 victims killed in the massacre were Black. Just this week, 4chan’s users spread transphobic misinformation about the identity of the school shooter who killed 19 children and two adults in an elementary school in Uvdale, Texas, that quickly reached the feeds of a right-wing member of Congress.

Even as the imageboard continues to rise in infamy, a question lingers: Who actually owns 4chan?

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Wie weit ist der Weg zum Christen zum Coronaleugner?

Christen scheint nicht nur Gemeinsamkeiten mit der politischen Rechten zu haben, sondern auch mit Coronaleugnern. Gibt es diese Schnittmengen tatsächlich – und wenn ja, welche?

Christen scheint nicht nur Gemeinsamkeiten mit der politischen Rechten zu haben, sondern auch mit Coronaleugnern. Gibt es diese Schnittmengen tatsächlich – und wenn ja, welche?

Gigafactory Berlin: Umweltschützer kritisieren Tesla-Pläne für Güterbahnhof

Tesla will einen Güterbahnhof in der Nähe der Gigafactory Berlin errichten – bei Teilen dieser Fläche soll es sich um ein Wasserschutzgebiet handeln. (Gigafactory Berlin, Elektroauto)

Tesla will einen Güterbahnhof in der Nähe der Gigafactory Berlin errichten - bei Teilen dieser Fläche soll es sich um ein Wasserschutzgebiet handeln. (Gigafactory Berlin, Elektroauto)