Telekom Netzgeschichten Talk: “Netzneutralität ist überholt”

Die Telekom hat in einer Talkrunde eine Europaabgeordenete und Experten versammmelt, die die Netzneutralität aus ökonomischen und ökologischen Gründen angreifen. (Netzneutralität, Telekom)

Die Telekom hat in einer Talkrunde eine Europaabgeordenete und Experten versammmelt, die die Netzneutralität aus ökonomischen und ökologischen Gründen angreifen. (Netzneutralität, Telekom)

Major Record Labels Sue Youtube-dl’s Hosting Provider

As part of their growing battle against popular open source software tool youtube-dl, three major music labels are now suing Uberspace, the company that currently hosts the official youtube-dl homepage. According to plaintiffs Sony, Universal and Warner, youtube-dl circumvents YouTube’s “rolling cipher” technology, something a German court found to be illegal in 2017.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

RipIn October 2020, the RIAA caused outrage by taking down YouTube-ripping tool youtube-dl from GitHub.

The RIAA cited the anti-circumvention provisions of the DMCA, claiming that the tool could be used to download their artists’ musical works from YouTube, in breach of copyright.

With little supporting case law in the United States, the RIAA referenced a decision from the Hamburg Regional Court in a similar case, which found that YouTube’s “rolling cipher” should be considered an effective technological protection measure under EU law. Any attempt to circumvent it, therefore, would amount to infringement.

Nevertheless, GitHub later restored the software and placed $1m in a takedown defense fund.

Threats Were Also Sent to Others

While the RIAA’s effort to take down youtube-dl from GitHub grabbed all the headlines, moves had already been underway weeks before that in Germany. Law firm Rasch works with several major music industry players and it was on their behalf that cease-and-desist orders were sent to local hosting service Uberspace.

The RIAA complained that the company was hosting the official youtube-dl website although the tool itself was hosted elsewhere.

“The software itself wasn’t hosted on our systems anyway so, to be honest, I felt it to be quite ridiculous to involve us in this issue anyway – a lawyer specializing in IT laws should know better,” Jonas Pasche from Uberspace said at the time.

Now Comes a Lawsuit

In emailed correspondence today Uberspace informed TorrentFreak that, following the cease-and-desist in October 2020, three major music labels are now suing the company in Germany.

In their complaint, Sony Entertainment, Warner Music Group and Universal Music broadly maintain the framework outlined in their earlier cease-and-desist notice (pdf, via NetzPolitik), which referenced the decision handed down by the Hamburg Regional Court via a preliminary injunction in another case in 2017.

According to the labels, youtube-dl poses a risk to their business and enables users to download their artists’ copyrighted works by circumventing YouTube’s technical measures. As a result, Uberspace should not be playing a part in the tool’s operations by hosting its website if it does not wish to find itself liable too.

Does The Lawsuit Have Legs and What’s its Purpose?

“We don’t think the suit is justified,” says Uberspace chief Jonas Pasche in comments to TorrentFreak.

“YouTube has measures to prevent users from downloading specific content, which they make use of for YouTube Movies and Music: DRM. They don’t use that technology here, enabling a download rather trivially. One may view youtube-dl as just a specialized browser, and you wouldn’t ban Firefox just because you can use it to access music videos on YouTube.”

According to an Uberspace lawyer, the aim of the lawsuit is to achieve some kind of precedent or “fundamental judgment”. Success could mean that other companies could be obliged to take action in similarly controversial legal situations.

And the alleged illegality of youtube-dl is indeed controversial. While YouTube’s terms of service generally disallow downloading, in Germany there is the right to make a private copy, with local rights group GEMA collecting fees to compensate for just that. Equally, when users upload content to YouTube under a Creative Commons license, for example, they agree to others in the community making use of that content.

“Even if YouTube doesn’t provide video download functionality right out of the box, the videos are not provided with copy protection,” says former EU MP Julia Reda from the Society for Freedom Rights (GFF) to NetzPolitik.

“Not only does YouTube pay license fees for music, we all pay fees for the right to private copying in the form of the device fee, which is levied with every purchase of smartphones or storage media,” says Reda.

“Despite this double payment, Sony, Universal and Warner Music want to prevent us from exercising our right to private copying by saving YouTube videos locally on the hard drive.”

The question of whether YouTube’s “rolling cipher” is (or is not) a technical protection measure is currently the hot and recurring topic in a lawsuit filed by YouTube-ripping site against the RIAA in the United States. After more than a year, the warring factions are no closer to an agreement.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

We don’t know why, but being in space causes us to destroy our blood

Space anemia is tied to being in the void and can stick around awhile.

We don’t know why, but being in space causes us to destroy our blood

Enlarge (credit: NASA)

Space isn’t easy on humans. Some aspects are avoidable—the vacuum, of course, and the cold, as well as some of the radiation. Astronauts can also lose bone density, thanks to a lack of gravity. NASA has even created a fun acronym for the issues: RIDGE, which stands for space radiation, isolation and confinement, distance from Earth, gravity fields, and hostile and closed environments.

New research adds to the worries by describing how being in space destroys your blood. Or rather, something about space—and we don’t know what just yet—causes the human body to perform hemolysis at a higher rate than back on Earth.

This phenomenon, called space anemia, has been well-studied. It’s part of a suite of problems that astronauts face when they come back to terra firma, which is how Guy Trudel—one of the paper’s authors and a specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation at The Ottawa Hospital—got involved. “[W]hen the astronauts return from space, they are very much like the patients we admit in rehab,” he told Ars.

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Ukraine says government websites hit by “massive cyber attack”

Kyiv has yet to assign blame for disruption to at least 70 sites.

An Ukrainian Military Forces serviceman watches through spyglass in a trench on the frontline with Russia-backed separatists near to Avdiivka, southeastern Ukraine, on January 9, 2022.

Enlarge / An Ukrainian Military Forces serviceman watches through spyglass in a trench on the frontline with Russia-backed separatists near to Avdiivka, southeastern Ukraine, on January 9, 2022. (credit: Anatolii Stepanov | Getty Images)

Ukraine said it was the target of a “massive cyber attack” after about 70 government websites ceased functioning.

On Friday morning targets included websites of the ministerial cabinet, the foreign, education, agriculture, emergency, energy, veterans affairs and environment ministries. Also out of service were the websites of the state treasury and the Diia electronic public services platform, where vaccination certificates and electronic passports are stored.

“Ukrainians! All your personal data has been uploaded to the public network,” read a message temporarily posted on the foreign ministry’s website. “All data on your computer is being erased and won’t be recoverable. All information about you has become public, fear and expect the worst.”

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Cyberwar: Was steckt hinter dem Cyberangriff auf die Ukraine?

Die Computersysteme ukrainischer Regierungsstellen sind angegriffen worden. Ist das nur ein alltäglicher Cyberangriff? Oder steckt mehr dahinter? Eine Analyse von Werner Pluta (Cyberwar, Server)

Die Computersysteme ukrainischer Regierungsstellen sind angegriffen worden. Ist das nur ein alltäglicher Cyberangriff? Oder steckt mehr dahinter? Eine Analyse von Werner Pluta (Cyberwar, Server)

"Ampel": Wessis haben das Kommando

Trotz des Anspruchs der Ampel-Regierung, mehr Chancengleichheit für Ostdeutsche zu schaffen, ist deren Quote in politischen Führungspositionen niedriger als zuvor

Trotz des Anspruchs der Ampel-Regierung, mehr Chancengleichheit für Ostdeutsche zu schaffen, ist deren Quote in politischen Führungspositionen niedriger als zuvor

AYN Odin handheld Android game console begins shipping January 17

The AYN Odin handheld game console features a 6 inch full HD display, built-in game controllers, and either a Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor or a MediaTek Dimensity D900 chip, depending on the model. It went up for pre-order last summer for $175 and up during an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign, and following a brief delay, the […]

The post AYN Odin handheld Android game console begins shipping January 17 appeared first on Liliputing.

The AYN Odin handheld game console features a 6 inch full HD display, built-in game controllers, and either a Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor or a MediaTek Dimensity D900 chip, depending on the model.

It went up for pre-order last summer for $175 and up during an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign, and following a brief delay, the first units are scheduled to begin shipping to backers on Monday, January 17, 2022.

That’s when the first 200 units will begin to ship. But folks who also pre-ordered the optional $50 Super Dock with HDMI, Ethernet, game controller, and USB ports will have to wait a little longer – the circuit board for that accessory won’t be ready for another week.

It’s unclear when the rest of the AYN Odin units will begin to ship – factories in China tend to shut down for about two weeks around Chinese New Year, which is February 1st. But with more than 2,800 backers for the crowdfunding campaign, the first 200 units to ship will clearly just be a drop in the bucket.

Folks who didn’t get in during the original crowdfunding campaign can still place an order thanks to an Indiegogo InDemand campaign. Just note that you’ll probably be moved to the back of the line.

Here’s an overview of the three different models and their pricing:

Odin Base Odin Pro Odin Lite
Processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 MediaTek Dimensity D900
Storage 64GB UFS 2.1 128GB UFS 2.1 64GB UFS 2.1
Battery 5,000 mAh 6,000 mAh 5,000 mAh
OS Android 10 Android 10 Android 11
Ships November, 2021 November, 2021 December, 2021
Price $209 (Super Early Bird)
$240 (InDemand)
$268 (retail)
$265 (Super Early Bird)
$289 (InDemand)
$323 (retail)
$175 (Super Early Bird)
$199 (InDemand)
$236 (retail)

The post AYN Odin handheld Android game console begins shipping January 17 appeared first on Liliputing.

Corona-Proteste: Welche Gewalt nehmen wir wahr?

Viele Warnungen vor Übergriffen auf die Polizei. Aber wie ist Polizeigewalt gegen Demonstranten rechtlich und politisch zu bewerten? Eine Gegenüberstellung

Viele Warnungen vor Übergriffen auf die Polizei. Aber wie ist Polizeigewalt gegen Demonstranten rechtlich und politisch zu bewerten? Eine Gegenüberstellung