Vor- und Nachteile: Neue Studie untersucht Homeoffice-Auswirkungen
Das Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft hat Angestellte und Unternehmen zu ihren Homeoffice-Erfahrungen befragt – mit gemischten Ergebnissen. (Homeoffice, Studie)

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Das Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft hat Angestellte und Unternehmen zu ihren Homeoffice-Erfahrungen befragt – mit gemischten Ergebnissen. (Homeoffice, Studie)
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Good wireless features for the price, but the keycaps could use some work.
Enlarge / Keychron K14 with no backlight (top) and an RGB backlight (bottom). (credit: Scharon Harding)
A common complaint about mechanical keyboards is that they're too expensive. Options are limited further for budget-minded buyers if they want a wireless device, especially if they're looking for a Mac-specific board. But the market has come a long way, and you can now pick up mechanical keyboards, including cable-free options, for under $100. And not only can you buy a wireless mechanical keyboard that works with Apple computers, but in the case of the Keychron K14, you can get one that comes with a Mac layout out of the box (don't worry, Windows keycaps are also included).
The K14 is a 70 percent wireless mechanical keyboard, meaning that it ditches the numpad (but not the navigation keys) and forgoes a dedicated function row. The result is a compact clacker with an option for white or RGB lighting and hot-swappable switches to get the exact typing feel you want.
The K14 even throws in some wireless luxuries, like the ability to pair the board with up to three Bluetooth devices and toggle between them, plus USB-C charging and the option to use the keyboard with a cable. At $59–$99, the K14 is a good candidate for someone seeking a budget- to mid-priced wireless keyboard with mechanical switches, and it's even better for those who want Apple-ready legends. For keyboard enthusiasts seeking the finest craftsmanship from sight to sound, though, some of the K14's features fall short.
Die Daten von rund sieben Millionen Nutzern stehen offen im Internet – darunter auch die Zugangsdaten. (Datenleck, Sicherheitslücke)