Hurricane Ida slammed into Louisiana and then didn’t really weaken. Why?

This slow weakening is in stark contrast to a typical hurricane.

Satellite phot of Ida

Enlarge / Hurricane Ida had a distinct eye as it approached the Louisiana coast on Sunday morning. (credit: NOAA)

Hurricane Ida roared into the southern US state of Louisiana on Sunday at 11:55 am local time (16:55 UTC) with sustained winds of 150 mph. The storm's distinct eye moved into the state's southernmost seaport, Port Fourchon, setting about destroying buildings and scattering boats moored nearby.

But Ida did not stop there. Instead of weakening as it marched northward toward the larger cities of New Orleans and Baton Rouge, Ida appeared to maintain its organization with a distinct eye and even small vortices rotating around the center of the storm.

Ida brought many forms of devastation to Louisiana. Its storm surge swamped coastal areas and pushed water levels to flooding levels in Lake Pontchartrain near New Orleans. Heavy rains flooded low-lying areas of the state.

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Kandidaten-Triell: Sogar Gendern ist wichtiger als Digitalisierung

Das Kanzlerkandidaten-Triell auf RTL hat leider bestätigt: Das Thema Digitalisierung interessiert in diesem Wahlkampf offenbar niemanden mehr. Ein IMHO von Friedhelm Greis (BTW 2021, Vorratsdatenspeicherung)

Das Kanzlerkandidaten-Triell auf RTL hat leider bestätigt: Das Thema Digitalisierung interessiert in diesem Wahlkampf offenbar niemanden mehr. Ein IMHO von Friedhelm Greis (BTW 2021, Vorratsdatenspeicherung)

Linux/BSD Command Line wizardry: Learn to think in sed, awk, and grep

“Do people really write these long, convoluted commands?” In a word: yes.

IT programmer as genius or wizard sitting behind computer.

Enlarge (credit: jozefmicic via Getty Images)

As a relatively isolated junior sysadmin, I remember seeing answers on Experts Exchange and later Stack Exchange that baffled me. Authors and commenters might chain 10 commands together with pipes and angle brackets—something I never did in day-to-day system administration. Honestly, I doubted the real-world value of that. Surely, this was just an exercise in e-braggadocio, right?

Trying to read the man pages for the utilities most frequently seen in these extended command chains didn't make them seem more approachable, either. For example, the sed man page weighs in at around 1,800 words alone without ever really explaining how regular expressions work or the most common uses of sed itself.

If you find yourself in the same boat, grab a beverage and buckle in. Instead of giving you encyclopedic listings of every possible argument and use case for each of these ubiquitous commands, we're going to teach you how to think about them—and how to easily, productively incorporate them in your own daily command-line use.

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Taliban, Corona und andere Plagen

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Wie der Westen in Afghanistan von den Islamisten geschlagen wurde und zu Hause im Kampf gegen ein Virus verliert. Der Telepolis-Wochenrückblick mit Ausblick

Unu Scooter im Test: Der flotte E-Roller mit Reichweitenangst

Unus aktueller E-Roller steuert sich dank guter Beschleunigung spritzig durch die Stadt – an vielen Stellen finden wir die Ausstattung aber unzureichend. Ein Test von Tobias Költzsch (Elektroroller, Test)

Unus aktueller E-Roller steuert sich dank guter Beschleunigung spritzig durch die Stadt - an vielen Stellen finden wir die Ausstattung aber unzureichend. Ein Test von Tobias Költzsch (Elektroroller, Test)