Mass Bogus DMCA Takedowns Impersonate Reddit to Attack Downloading Tools

Reddit downloader bot SaveVideo took itself offline this week following what appeared to be a copyright and trademark complaint from Reddit. However, it later transpired that the main document was an elaborate fake designed to sow confusion. We can now reveal that an additional batch of bogus DMCA notices has been filed with Google in Reddit’s name, targeting many functionally similar tools.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

redditEarlier this week the popular Reddit downloading bot ‘SaveVideo’ unexpectedly threw in the towel.

According to early reports from the operator of the service, which in part operated from, Reddit sent a rather aggressive copyright infringement complaint warning of a potential lawsuit.

Wanting to take no risks, the decision was taken to shut down the SaveVideo bot and the RedditSave website. TorrentFreak contacted SaveVideo and Reddit for comment, with both eventually responding after publication with new pieces of interesting information.

Reddit was first to confirm that whatever legal threats SaveVideo had received, the social media platform had nothing to do with them. For his part, the operator of SaveVideo shared the complaint for transparency. While certainly elaborate, many features identified the document as fraudulent and designed to deceive.

Part of the bogus complaintBogus SaveVideo complaint

Someone, somewhere, clearly has a problem with SaveVideo and by impersonating Reddit, could now have issues with the social giant too. However, with SaveVideo returning online and now back in business, it seemed like the problems would fade away. That hasn’t proven to be the case.

Imposters Masquerade as Reddit in DMCA Notices to Google

With assistance from the Lumen Database, TorrentFreak has obtained four new DMCA notices that were sent to Google this week. Each seeks to delist URLs (including its homepage) from Google’s results on the basis they are infringing copyright.

Ominously (and in common with the notice detailed above) these were all sent with claims they originated from Reddit. However, Reddit informs TorrentFreak that it had nothing to do with these notices and is currently conducting an investigation.

Why RedditSave is being targeted here is unclear (its operator informs TF he has no idea who is behind the notices) but he will now feel less singled out knowing that these new bogus DMCA notices also attack dozens of similar tools with the ability to download content from Reddit. A small sample is shown below:

bogus downloader complaint

Trying to determine who is behind these fraudulent complaints isn’t an easy task. There are plenty of entities who would like to see downloaders out of business, not least content providers, but it is doubtful that most would be so foolish. Other options include download tool rivals looking to receive a rapid boost in traffic but, at this stage, it is far too early to say with any certainty.

One silver lining is that Google might spot the bogus nature of the complaints. At the time of writing, none of the URLs have been removed yet and most are still pending further review.

The four DMCA notices attacking dozens of download tools can be found here (1,2,3,4)

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

EU-Kommission: Unzureichende Klimaziele

Die Vorschläge der Kommission gehen Autopolitikern wie dem Bundesverkehrsminister mal wieder zu weit, dabei bleiben sie hinter dem Nötigen deutlich zurück

Die Vorschläge der Kommission gehen Autopolitikern wie dem Bundesverkehrsminister mal wieder zu weit, dabei bleiben sie hinter dem Nötigen deutlich zurück

Netflix will start publishing video games, has hired former EA exec

Follows years-long tiptoe into interactive specials, game-based TV series.

Close-up photo of hands operating a video game controller.

Enlarge / Netflix as a gaming publisher: We know it's happening. But we have many, many questions as to what shape its service will take. (credit: Getty Images | Aurich Lawson)

Netflix's growing fascination with video games will soon explode in the form of a full-fledged game-publishing arm.

While Netflix has yet to post its own announcement about the initiative, the streaming-video provider has confirmed to Ars Technica that it has hired a former EA and Oculus exec to lead a Netflix game-publishing team.

The newly hired exec is Mike Verdu, who most recently worked in developer relations with Facebook's Oculus VR team (his public profile still says that's his current job). He has worked in game development and publishing since the early '90s, and his first studio, Legend Entertainment, was eventually acquired by GT Interactive.

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Unvaccinated health workers are “unethical and appalling”—experts want mandates

Health organizations call for mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for health care workers.

A person gets a sticker after getting a Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

Enlarge / A person gets a sticker after getting a Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. (credit: Getty | Joe Raedle)

Leading public health organizations and a growing number of independent health experts are coming together to push health care facilities to make COVID-19 vaccines mandatory for all health care workers. Some experts say such mandates are overdue and that failure for any health care worker to get vaccinated against the deadly pandemic coronavirus is both "unethical and appalling."

On Tuesday, seven health organizations—including the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America, the Association for Professionals in Epidemiology and Infection, the Infectious Diseases Society of America, and the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society—published a consensus statement, saying that "COVID-19 vaccination should be a condition of employment for all healthcare personnel."

Fully vaccinating health care workers have the advantage of protecting vulnerable patients, fellow health care workers, and the community overall, they write. And mandates are highly effective at getting high levels of vaccination among health care staff. For decades, many health care facilities have mandated seasonal flu vaccines to great success, they note. In the 2019-2020 flu season, health care facilities that mandated flu vaccines saw 94 percent of workers get vaccinated, while only 70 percent of health workers got vaccinated in facilities without mandates.

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Willkommen im Überwachungskapitalismus

Digital – medial – (a)sozial: Wie Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Co unsere demokratische Kultur verändern (Teil 2)

Digital – medial – (a)sozial: Wie Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Co unsere demokratische Kultur verändern (Teil 2)

After defeating Hernando de Soto, the Chickasaw took his stuff and remade it

The site offers rare evidence of interactions between de Soto and Indigenous people.

Florida Museum archaeologist Charles Cobb holds an axe head known as a celt, one of more than 80 metal objects likely from the de Soto expedition. To create this distinct shape, a Chickasaw craftsperson reworked Spanish iron to mimic traditional stone versions.

Enlarge / Florida Museum archaeologist Charles Cobb holds an axe head known as a celt, one of more than 80 metal objects likely from the de Soto expedition. To create this distinct shape, a Chickasaw craftsperson reworked Spanish iron to mimic traditional stone versions. (credit: Jeff Gage/Florida Museum of Natural History)

In 1540, Spanish conquistador Hernando de Soto, fresh from ravaging the Inca Empire, marched onto Chickasaw lands in what’s now northern Mississippi with 600 men and hundreds of livestock. By the spring of 1541, de Soto had offended the Chickasaw so badly that they burned his camp and drove the whole Spanish expedition off their lands. Archaeologists recently unearthed evidence that people from nearby Chickasaw communities gathered up the things the fleeing Spaniards left behind and put them to use in some innovative ways.

It’s a surprisingly cool story to find buried in a paper titled “Nascent Colonialism and Heterogenous Hybridity,” but that’s academia for you.

The spoils of war

Archaeologists excavating centuries-old Chickasaw sites in an area called Stark Farms unearthed a surprising number of European-metal objects: a cannonball, a mouth harp, a bridle bit with a golden crest, and more. They also found objects which had been broken up or modified into more traditional Chickasaw tools: bits of copper shaped into beads and pendants, pieces of iron horseshoes broken and sharpened into scraping tools, and barrel bands bent, broken, and ground into sharp cutting tools called celts.

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Der Bitcoin-Crash ist programmiert

Der permanent steigende Stromverbrauch zwingt die marktstärkste Kryptowährung in ein Ponzi-System. Verebben die Geldzuflüsse, kommt der Absturz

Der permanent steigende Stromverbrauch zwingt die marktstärkste Kryptowährung in ein Ponzi-System. Verebben die Geldzuflüsse, kommt der Absturz