Holoplot angehört: Die Sound-Scheinwerfer

Eine neue Lautsprechertechnologie mit enormem Potenzial: Holoplot bündelt Töne wie Licht und kann damit gezielt jeden Ort im Raum einzeln beschallen. Das klingt beeindruckend. Ein Bericht von Martin Wolf (Audio/Video, Sound-Hardware)

Eine neue Lautsprechertechnologie mit enormem Potenzial: Holoplot bündelt Töne wie Licht und kann damit gezielt jeden Ort im Raum einzeln beschallen. Das klingt beeindruckend. Ein Bericht von Martin Wolf (Audio/Video, Sound-Hardware)

Cox Settles Lawsuit Over ‘Abusive’ DMCA Notice Campaign

Internet provider Cox Communications has dropped its lawsuit against Rightscorp and BMG. The ISP accused the companies of sending abusive and unfair DMCA takedown notices to fabricate massive copyright infringement claims. Despite these strong words and harsh allegations, the parties managed to resolve the matter out of court.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

emailInternet provider Cox Communications has been on the sharp end of several piracy lawsuits in recent years.

In December 2015, a Virginia federal jury held Cox Communications responsible for pirating subscribers, ordering the company to pay music publisher BMG Rights Management $25 million in damages.

This damages figure was reduced in a settlement agreement but, soon after, the Internet provider was hit with a $1 billion jury verdict in a similar case, which is still under appeal.

Cox Updated Its DMCA Policy

These lawsuits were a wake-up call for Cox. To cope with the constant stream of DMCA notices, the company spent millions to improve its takedown systems and processes. In 2017, DMCA notices were separated from other abuse complaints. After that, rightsholders were directed to use a new email address which is also listed a registered agent at the Copyright Office.

Most copyright holders began sending their takedown notices to the new email address, but there was one outlier. Despite repeated alerts and warnings, BMG and its anti-piracy partner Rightscorp continued to use the old abuse@cox.net address.

This presented a problem for the ISP, which didn’t want to risk ignoring these notices. That’s understandable, as doing so could potentially open the door to millions of dollars in new damages claims. In fact, Cox suspected that this was BMG and Rightscorp’s plan all along.

Cox Sues BMG and Rightscorp

In a lawsuit filed earlier this year, the Internet provider described Rightscorp’s business plan as “corrupt” as it basically attempts to “extort” Internet subscribers into paying settlements. In a similar vein, the ‘refusal’ to use the new email address was seen as an attempt to get Cox in trouble again.

“It is obvious that Defendants’ tactic is a thinly veiled attempt to exploit the procedures set forth by the [DMCA], with the goal of leveraging their improper notices to attempt to extract windfall judgments for BMG and Rightscorp’s other prospective clients. Their approach is improper and unlawful, and should be stopped,” Cox wrote.

A few months have passed without an official response in court from either BMG or Rightscorp. Behind the scenes, however, the legal teams of all parties were working hard to resolve the issue without much bloodshed.

Resolving Matters Out of Court

Two weeks ago, the three companies submitted a joint motion asking to extend the reply deadline. According to this filing, Cox, BMG, and Rightscorp were engaged in “active discussions” to resolve the matter outside court.

These discussions were fruitful as Cox decided to drop the lawsuit in its entirety this week.

cox dismiss

The motion to dismiss doesn’t explain how the matter was resolved but we can assume that Rightscorp will use the correct email address going forward. Whether Cox was also compensated for the damages it claimed is not clear.

For Cox, it was probably most important to prevent any future copyright infringement claims from BMG. And with the appeal against the $1 billion verdict in another lawsuit still pending, the company has other priorities as well.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

"Ohne diese Rivalitäten gäbe es keine Taliban"

Entgleiste Geopolitik: Wenn radikalislamische Einheiten Schutzgeld von ausländischen Mächten kassieren. Ein Gespräch mit dem russischen Afghanistan-Experten Andrej Kasanzew

Entgleiste Geopolitik: Wenn radikalislamische Einheiten Schutzgeld von ausländischen Mächten kassieren. Ein Gespräch mit dem russischen Afghanistan-Experten Andrej Kasanzew

Mergers, twists, and pentagons: the architecture of honeycombs

Most honeycombs are perfect hexagons—but bees manage complex exceptions.

Mergers, twists, and pentagons: the architecture of honeycombs


Bees manage some impressive feats. They not only remember the location of good food sources, but they're able to communicate this information to their peers. They also care for the hive's young and organize attacks against intruders.

They're brilliant at construction, too. Almost every honeycomb in a hive is a perfect hexagon, with each side the same length. This is despite the fact that bees have to build hexagons of different sizes for workers and drones, and they often merge honeycombs started on opposite walls of the hive. How do they manage these complexities?

A new paper uses an automated image-analysis system to identify the different ways that bees manage these transitions. The researchers who made the system find that bees see issues coming in advance and start making smaller adjustments that, in the end, help avoid the need for larger changes.

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Apple reports a 50% year-over-year jump in iPhone sales

But the company warned of coming iPhone and iPad supply constraints.

Enormous, circular complex surrounded by suburban sprawl.

Enlarge / The Apple Park campus stands in this aerial photograph taken above Cupertino in October 2019. (credit: Sam Hall/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

In what is usually one of its slowest growth quarters in a given year, Apple today reported a nearly 50 percent year-over-year increase in iPhone sales, among other positive numbers that beat analyst expectations. The numbers were published today as part of Apple's quarterly earnings report.

Overall, Apple saw $81.41 billion in revenue in Q3 of 2021, up 36 percent year-over-year. iPhone revenue was $39.57 billion (up 49.78 percent), and services raked in $17.48 billion (up 33 percent).

The Mac and iPad also grew, albeit by a smaller amount. The Mac generated $8.24 billion, up 16 percent over last year, while the iPad came in at $7.37 billion and 12 percent.

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Corona und die neue Protestkultur

In Frankreich, Italien, Griechenland sind Leute auf die Straße gegangen, in Tunesien wurde sogar die Regierung gestürzt. Doch mal sollte genauer hinschauen, was in den einzelnen Ländern gefordert wird und wer die Proteste dominiert

In Frankreich, Italien, Griechenland sind Leute auf die Straße gegangen, in Tunesien wurde sogar die Regierung gestürzt. Doch mal sollte genauer hinschauen, was in den einzelnen Ländern gefordert wird und wer die Proteste dominiert

Quartalsbericht: Apple mit 36 Prozent Umsatzwachstum

Apple verkaufte viel mehr iPhones, iPads, Macs und Zubehör als im letzten Jahr. Der Umsatz stieg um 36 Prozent und auch der Gewinn lässt sich sehen. (Apple, Börse)

Apple verkaufte viel mehr iPhones, iPads, Macs und Zubehör als im letzten Jahr. Der Umsatz stieg um 36 Prozent und auch der Gewinn lässt sich sehen. (Apple, Börse)