Phones with three or four rear cameras are almost normal these days. But last year’s Nokia 9 PureView is one of the only phones to feature a five-camera system. It was designed in collaboration with Light, a company that makes multi-camera system…
Phones with three or four rear cameras are almost normal these days. But last year’s Nokia 9 PureView is one of the only phones to feature a five-camera system. It was designed in collaboration with Light, a company that makes multi-camera systems that are supposed to offer some of the features of high-end DSLR cameras […]
Xiaomi has introduced a new version of its popular Mi Band fitness tracker that looks a lot like its predecessor at first glance, but which adds a bunch of features and a slightly larger display. The new Mi Band 5 goes on sale in China next week for a…
Xiaomi has introduced a new version of its popular Mi Band fitness tracker that looks a lot like its predecessor at first glance, but which adds a bunch of features and a slightly larger display. The new Mi Band 5 goes on sale in China next week for about $27 and up (there’s an NFC-enabled model that’s […]
Despite testing boosts, experts say increases are real and fear of second wave looms.
Enlarge/ A nurse on infection control accompanies a patient being transferred from the ICU COVID unit to the acute care COVID unit at Harborview Medical Center on May 7, 2020 in Seattle, Washington. (credit: Getty | Karen Ducey)
Cases of COVID-19 in the US have now exceeded 2 million, according to multipletrackingefforts. Deaths from the new coronavirus pandemic stand at 112,000 nationwide.
Both figures are expected to be underestimates, given difficulties and inconsistencies in identifying and logging all the infections and deaths. Still, with the official figures, the US now claims more than 25 percent of all COVID-19 cases globally despite having less than 5 percent of the global population.
Some states are seeing sustained declines of new cases, but others are seeing increases—leading to a high plateau for the US overall. "We're identifying between 20,000 and 25,000 new cases a day, and about 800 to 1,000 people a day are dying of this virus” nationwide, Ashish Jha, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, told NPR.
Die chinesische App Tiktok gehört zu den beliebtesten Smartphone-Anwendungen. Nun soll geprüft werden, ob sie die DSGVO-Vorgaben einhält. (DSGVO, Musik)
Die chinesische App Tiktok gehört zu den beliebtesten Smartphone-Anwendungen. Nun soll geprüft werden, ob sie die DSGVO-Vorgaben einhält. (DSGVO, Musik)
Vodafone wollte erst einmal wissen, wofür man 5G überhaupt nutzen kann. Auch dem Land fand man eine Anwendung: Festnetzersatz oder Fixed Wireless Access. (5G, DSL)
Vodafone wollte erst einmal wissen, wofür man 5G überhaupt nutzen kann. Auch dem Land fand man eine Anwendung: Festnetzersatz oder Fixed Wireless Access. (5G, DSL)
Der Antriebsstrang stammt zwar aus einem Kleinwagen von Peugeot. Doch damit hat der Elektrosportwagen Lesage 01E nur wenig zu tun. (Elektroauto, Technologie)
Der Antriebsstrang stammt zwar aus einem Kleinwagen von Peugeot. Doch damit hat der Elektrosportwagen Lesage 01E nur wenig zu tun. (Elektroauto, Technologie)
Amazon is instituting a one-year moratorium on police use of Rekognition, its facial recognition software, the company announced on Wednesday.
"We’ve advocated that governments should put in place stronger regulations to govern the ethical use of facial recognition technology," Amazon wrote in its blog post announcing the change. "Congress appears ready to take on this challenge. We hope this one-year moratorium might give Congress enough time to implement appropriate rules."
Amazon says that groups like the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children will continue to have access to the technology.
Die Entwicklung der deutschen Corona-App ist inzwischen abgeschlossen. Vor der Veröffentlichung in der kommenden Woche laufen noch ausführliche Tests. (Corona-App, Google)
Die Entwicklung der deutschen Corona-App ist inzwischen abgeschlossen. Vor der Veröffentlichung in der kommenden Woche laufen noch ausführliche Tests. (Corona-App, Google)