Jedi Temple Challenge brings out your inner pint-sized Padawan wannabe

A throwback to ’90s shows for the parents; Ars’ resident 6-year-old liked it, too.

A young contestant swings across a padded foam chasm in an attempt to be the first team to obtain and assemble four lightsaber pieces.

Enlarge / A young contestant swings across a padded foam chasm in an attempt to be the first team to obtain and assemble four lightsaber pieces. (credit: (Disney))

This week a new kid-friendly game show, Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge, made its debut on YouTube. The premise is simple: what if we make something like all those Nickelodeon game shows '80s and '90s kids grew up on but high-budget and Star Wars themed? To which I thought: yes, please!

Decades ago, Nickelodeon owned the kids' game show space. The popularity of Double Dare (1986-1993) begat Guts (1992-1995) and, one year later, my personal favorite, Legends of the Hidden Temple, which has more than a little bit in common with the Jedi Temple Challenge.

The similarities are not accidental. The official Star Wars website itself describes Jedi Temple Challenge as "an homage to the kids' cable game shows that dominated the air waves in the 1990s."

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