Formula E returns in August, will run six races in nine days in Berlin

There will be three double-headers with different track layouts, but no spectators.

An electric race car on display in front of a German monument.

Enlarge / Formula E has raced in Berlin since 2015. (credit: Formula E)

Formula E is the latest sporting series to announce a return to real-world action. On Wednesday morning, the electric motorsport series revealed it will close out its season with a stretch of six races over nine days, all held in Berlin. There will actually be three separate events; each one a two-day double-header on August 5-6, August 8-9 and August 12-13. Each double-header will use different track configurations at Berlin's Tempelhof Airport, which has previously seen some exciting races from Formula E.

The motorsport's season actually got underway in November 2019 with a two-day double-race event in Saudi Arabia. But it only managed to run five of the planned 14 races of season six before COVID-19 did its thing and we all went into lockdown. The sport then went virtual, moving the action online with rFactor 2 standing in for the real thing—something that didn't always go entirely smoothly.

There had been hopes that the US and UK would get their acts together enough to hold the final planned races in July, but those hopes have been dashed. So instead, Berlin will see out the season, which will instead run to 11 races in total. But fans in Berlin won't be able to see the action in person; like recent racing resumptions by NASCAR and IndyCar (and soon, Formula 1), the races will be closed to spectators.

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