Open5GCore: 5G-Kernnetz von Fraunhofer läuft mit Huawei und Ericsson
Der Open5GCore richtet sich an reine 5G-Netze im Standalone-Betrieb. (Fraunhofer, Technologie)
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Der Open5GCore richtet sich an reine 5G-Netze im Standalone-Betrieb. (Fraunhofer, Technologie)
But other widespread cheating problems still persist.
Enlarge / Hackers had been spawning these character models from the single player version of Red Dead Redemption 2 in the multiplayer Red Dead Online.
Rockstar has closed a loophole that let hackers spawn white-hooded Ku Klux Klan members in the "Red Dead Online" multiplayer portion of Red Dead Redemption 2, even as other hacking problems in the game persist.
The models for the KKK members come from the single-player portion of the game, where the Klan features in a number of in-game plotlines. But Red Dead Online players had been inserting the characters into the multiplayer game world through the use of mod menus. These tools essentially take full control of the PC version of the game, doing anything from spawning infinite items to changing weather patterns for entire lobbies.
Players using KKK spawning to grief and/or terrorize other players has been reported numerous times on Reddit and other forums in recent weeks. Screenshots also show hackers accompanying these spawns with racist invective broadcast to the game lobby by taking control of the "Rockstar message" channel.
The World Trade Organization has found that Saudi Arabia failed to live up to its obligations under the TRIPS agreement. In a dispute that centers around the pirate broadcaster beoutQ, the WTO sides with Qatar which suggested that a large piracy conspiracy may have taken place within its neighboring country.
From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.
Pay-TV provider BeoutQ is a thorn in the side of many rightsholders. It launched in 2017 and since then, various parties have tried to stop its infringing activities.
The complaints mainly come from broadcasters such as beIN and sports organizations including FIFA, Premier League, NBA, NFL, and even the International Olympic Committee. As a result, it has been labeled a “notorious market” by the US Trade Representative.
BeoutQ is widely regarded to be a Saudi Arabian operation but despite complaints from the highest political echelons, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is not eager to take action.
This resulted in a complaint at the World Trade Organization (WTO), filed by Qatar, its neighboring country. Qatar has a stake in the matter since BeoutQ simulcasts programming from the Qatari broadcaster beIN Sports.
According to the complaint, Saudi Arabia isn’t living up to its obligations under the WTO’s TRIPS agreement. According to Qatar, the country failed to cooperate in efforts to shut down the infringing activity, through criminal investigations and other means.
A WTO panel reviewed the dispute and yesterday released a report in which it clearly sides with Qatar. The report concludes that BeoutQ is a piracy service and Saudi Arabia failed to live up to its TRIPS obligations.
The panel highlights that BeoutQ does indeed provide illegal access to beIN channels. In addition, its set-top boxes come pre-loaded with IPTV and various apps that link to other pirated content. This includes the Showbox app, which can be used to access thousands of pirated movies and TV-shows.
“The Show Box application, which has come to be known as the ‘Netflix of piracy’, provides free access to more than 4,700 movies, 700 TV-shows and 35,000 TV-show episodes via streaming or direct download to the STB,” the report reads.
Unlike some apps and services, the ‘pirate’ broadcaster isn’t run by a few hobbyists. The panel’s report points out that the service was promoted on Twitter by prominent Saudi nationals including the counsel for the Saudi Royal Courts, the general manager of the Al Riyadh Newspaper, as well as the Al Riyadh newspaper itself.
According to beIN, these tweets may point to a “conspiracy” to pirate beIN’s content that occurred within “the territorial jurisdiction of Saudi Arabia.”
The WTO report doesn’t confirm any conspiracy but notes that the tweets make it clear that these people were aware of a new pirate service, just before BeoutQ launched.
“All of the tweets above foreshadow that a substitute for beIN’s operations would enter the Saudi market, and some of the tweets support the establishment of a pirate channel, beoutQ, to circumvent beIN’s exclusive licences from third-party right holders.”
Ultimately, the WTO’s task wasn’t to rule on who’s responsible for the infringing activity. Instead, it was required to evaluate whether Saudi Arabia had lived up to its obligations under the TRIPS agreement, which requires countries to help solve intellectual property disputes.
According to the WTO panel, Saudi Arabia failed to do so in this case.
“Saudi Arabia has taken measures that, directly or indirectly, have had the result of preventing beIN from obtaining Saudi legal counsel to enforce its IP rights through civil enforcement procedures before Saudi courts and tribunals,” the WTO’s conclusion reads.
“Qatar has established that Saudi Arabia has not provided for criminal procedures and penalties to be applied to beoutQ despite the evidence establishing prima facie that beoutQ is operated by individuals or entities under the jurisdiction of Saudi Arabia.”
Based on the above, the WTO urges Saudi Arabia to up its game in order to fully comply with all obligations under the TRIPS Agreement. Meanwhile, however, beoutQ broadcasts continue undeterred.
From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.
Lenovo’s ThinkPad X1 Extreme line of laptops combine high-power hardware with relatively compact designs, typically with starting weights of less than four pounds. Now Lenovo is updating several high-performance ThinkPad laptops with several new …
Electrek and pro-Tesla subreddits are full of refused deliveries due to defects.
Enlarge (credit: Tesla / Aurich Lawson)
Buying a car during its first year of production can always be a bit of a crapshoot. Sadly, that definitely appears to be the case with Tesla's latest crossover, the Model Y. The source of these complaints? The notably pro-Tesla publication Electrek and the popular subreddits for fans of the American electric car brand. Yesterday, Electrek published an article citing multiple examples of customers refusing delivery on Model Ys due to production defects like broken seatbelts, loose seats, and more.
Quality control has been an issue with new Tesla models in the past—when the brand started building the Model 3 sedan in 2017, CEO Elon Musk regularly complained that the company was in "production hell" as it tried to work out the kinks of an expensive new automated production line. Eventually, the company had to resort to assembling the cars on a completely new, much less automated line, using temporary structures rapidly assembled at its factory in Fremont, California.
That was not supposed to be the case with its latest vehicle. Model 3 production issues are believed to have been solved at this point, particularly as Tesla is now mass-producing that vehicle at a new factory in China, incorporating the lessons of the last few years. And given the high degree of commonality between the Model 3 sedan and the Model Y crossover, it was reasonable to expect that this newest addition to the lineup would happen smoothly.
No public release date yet for New Pokémon Snap, which will be made by Bandai Namco.
The closest we're ever going to get to an official Pokemon "first-person shooter."
We don't often write about mere game announcement teases here on Ars Technica, mainly because doing so with any frequency would leave little time for writing about anything else. But we'll make an exception for today's surprise announcement that Pokémon Snap is finally getting a Switch-based sequel, over 20 years after the original became a cult classic on the Nintendo 64.
The announcement of New Pokémon Snap, which came this morning as part of a Pokémon Presents YouTube presentation, was light on details but full of "not final" gameplay footage "from a game under development," as the fine print disclaimers warned. What we can see of the gameplay in the short clip should be familiar to those who played the Nintendo 64 cult classic back in 1999.
Using a first-person camera viewfinder perspective, players aim to get the best shots of Pokémon cavorting about environments ranging from sandy beaches to clear blue waters, grasslands, and dense forests. Pokémon lures also make an appearance, letting players draw monsters out from hiding for better shots as they scroll automatically through the islands. Players will presumably be rated on their ability to frame and compose interesting shots, as in the original.
Ein US-Unternehmen will einen kommerziellen Satelliten ins All schießen, der eine schnelle Kommunikation mit dem Mond ermöglichen soll. (Satelliten, Technologie)
Die Zerstörung der amazonischen Regenwälder schreitet schneller voran denn je. Nun bedroht ein eingeschlepptes Virus die Gesundheit der Ureinwohner.
Im nächsten Schritt müssen noch alle Landesparlamente zustimmen. Ein Bundesland stellt sich bisher gegen die Erhöhung des Rundfunkbeitrags. (Rundfunkbeitrag, Internet)
Wieder mal streitet sich ein Unternehmen mit Apple darum, ob eine App eine Abobuchung über den App Store anbieten muss. (Apple App Store, Apple)
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