Amazon: AWS-Mitarbeiter veröffentlicht Zugangsdaten auf Github

Passwörter, private Schlüssel, Daten von AWS-Kunden und eine Führerscheinkopie: Ein AWS-Mitarbeiter hat umfangreiche Daten auf Github veröffentlicht. Zwar war das Datenleck nur fünf Stunden öffentlich einsehbar – eine missbräuchliche Nutzung kann jedoc…

Passwörter, private Schlüssel, Daten von AWS-Kunden und eine Führerscheinkopie: Ein AWS-Mitarbeiter hat umfangreiche Daten auf Github veröffentlicht. Zwar war das Datenleck nur fünf Stunden öffentlich einsehbar - eine missbräuchliche Nutzung kann jedoch nicht ausgeschlossen werden. (Datenleck, Amazon)

Rocket Report: It takes three years to build an SLS? Long March 5B coming

”We will now redirect our investment from XSP to other Boeing programs.“

The Electron launch vehicle is ready to soar.

Enlarge / The Electron launch vehicle is ready to soar. (credit: Rocket Lab)

Welcome to Edition 2.29 of the Rocket Report! This week saw SpaceX complete a critical in-flight abort test that clears a major hurdle for the company as it seeks to launch astronauts into orbit this year. We also have not one, but two stories about launch companies in New Zealand. Way to go, Kiwis!

As always, we welcome reader submissions, and if you don't want to miss an issue, please subscribe using the box below (the form will not appear on AMP-enabled versions of the site). Each report will include information on small-, medium-, and heavy-lift rockets as well as a quick look ahead at the next three launches on the calendar.

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Book of Heroes angespielt: Das Schwarze Auge wird zum interaktiven Brettspiel

Erst das Onlinetreffen in der virtuellen Taverne, dann gemeinsame Abenteuer in der Welt von Das Schwarze Auge: Das Rollenspiel Book of Heroes könnte eine spannende Alternative zum Tabletop werden. (Das Schwarze Auge, Rollenspiel)

Erst das Onlinetreffen in der virtuellen Taverne, dann gemeinsame Abenteuer in der Welt von Das Schwarze Auge: Das Rollenspiel Book of Heroes könnte eine spannende Alternative zum Tabletop werden. (Das Schwarze Auge, Rollenspiel)

Librem 5 phone hands on—Open source phone shows the cost of being different

It’s not finished, but many of the basics for an open source smartphone are here.

It is hard to do something truly different in the smartphone industry. Companies, especially smaller companies, are all working from the same parts bin with the same manufacturing partners. You take your Qualcomm SoC, your Samsung display, and your Sony camera sensor—and you take a flight to China and visit Foxconn, which, in addition to manufacturing, will even do engineering for you if you want. Smartphones are so samey because they have an established, for-hire supply chain that has a certain way of doing things, and it's much cheaper, faster, and easier if you just "go with the flow" and do what everyone else is doing.

Big companies like Samsung and Apple have enough money, control, and connections to move the supply chain in whatever direction they want. In terms of smaller companies though, there is a single one trying to blaze its own path: Purism, the maker of open source Linux laptops, is building the Librem 5 smartphone. Not only is the OS open source and based on GNU/Linux—not Android—the hardware is open source, too. The core components have open source firmware, and there are even public hardware schematics. This is as close as you're going to get to a totally open source smartphone.

If you haven't noticed, open source smartphone hardware is not a thing that existed before now. There have been phones that run open source builds of Android, or other Linux phones like the PinePhone, but those are full of closed-source firmware from non-open components. The usual hardware companies cautiously guard their hardware designs and drivers, and Purism's hardline stance on open source has ruled out almost the entire established smartphone supply chain. As the company writes in a blog post, "When we first approached hardware manufacturers almost two years ago with this project most of them instantly said 'No, sorry, impossible, we can not help you'." Others warned us, that it could never work, that it was too complicated, 'the industry does not do that,' and so forth."

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Microsoft: Letztes Windows-7-Update lässt Wallpaper verschwinden

Zwar behebt das letzte Windows-7-Update einige Sicherheitslücken, aber es führt auch einen merkwürdigen Bug ein. Der Desktophintergrund einiger Anwender ist plötzlich schwarz und zeigt kein Wallpaper mehr an. Davon berichten sowohl Privatnutzer als auc…

Zwar behebt das letzte Windows-7-Update einige Sicherheitslücken, aber es führt auch einen merkwürdigen Bug ein. Der Desktophintergrund einiger Anwender ist plötzlich schwarz und zeigt kein Wallpaper mehr an. Davon berichten sowohl Privatnutzer als auch angestellte Administratoren. (Windows 7, Microsoft)

Mobile Games: “Mit Furz-Apps wird man kein Millionär mehr”

Mit cleveren Kartenspielen wie Card Thief hat der Berliner Mobile-Games-Macher Arnold Rauers von Tinytouchtales seine gewinnbringende Nische gefunden. Im Gespräch mit nennt er Zahlen – und gibt konkrete Empfehlungen für andere Entwickler. Von …

Mit cleveren Kartenspielen wie Card Thief hat der Berliner Mobile-Games-Macher Arnold Rauers von Tinytouchtales seine gewinnbringende Nische gefunden. Im Gespräch mit nennt er Zahlen - und gibt konkrete Empfehlungen für andere Entwickler. Von Rainer Sigl (Mobile Games, Games)

Quartalsbericht: Ericsson macht Gewinn und profitiert nicht vom Huawei-Streit

Der Mobilfunkausrüster Ericsson liegt beim Gewinn über den Erwartungen. Zugleich erklärt Konzernchef Borje Ekholm, dass die US-Kampagne gegen Huawei den gesamten Markt verunsichere und den Schweden nicht helfe. (Ericsson, Huawei)

Der Mobilfunkausrüster Ericsson liegt beim Gewinn über den Erwartungen. Zugleich erklärt Konzernchef Borje Ekholm, dass die US-Kampagne gegen Huawei den gesamten Markt verunsichere und den Schweden nicht helfe. (Ericsson, Huawei)

Russia’s Anti-Piracy Deal to Delete Content From Search Engines Extended Until 2021

The ground-breaking anti-piracy deal signed by Russia-based content and Internet platforms in 2018 will not be written into local law any time soon. The agreement, which sees search engines voluntarily delete allegedly-infringing links, was supposed to be formalized in recent months but in the face of complexities and parliament being tied up with other things, will now be extended until 2021.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

When leading content companies and distributors plus Yandex, Rambler Group, Mail.Ru Group, vKontakte, and RuTube signed up to a landmark anti-piracy memorandum in 2018, new ground was broken in Russia.

Assisted by the creation of a centralized database of allegedly-infringing content, Internet platforms agreed to voluntarily query the resource in near real-time before deleting content from their search indexes. The plan was to make pirated content harder for users to find and within months, hundreds of thousands of links were being purged.

The end-game was to have the terms of the agreement written into local law but as some expected, things didn’t run entirely to plan. Early October 2019, with the memorandum a year old, it effectively timed out. Negotiations ensued and a short extension was agreed but a deadline of end October came and went without a draft being presented to parliament.

With another deadline missed, an automatic extension to end December 2019 came into play but it’s now clear that the plan to formalize the agreement in law is still a very long way off.

During a meeting at the Media and Communications Union, the industry association formed by the largest media companies and telecom industry players, the parties – with assistance from telecoms watchdog Roscomnadzor – have now agreed to another extension. The voluntary agreement will now continue for at least another year, the clearest indication yet that this isn’t a straightforward matter.

According to industry sources cited by Vedomosti (paywall), the decision not to push ahead now towards legislation was taken jointly by the signatories and Roscomnadzor.

While many specifics aren’t being made public, sources indicate that the mechanism for resolving disputes between the copyright holders and Internet platforms has proven complex. Another area of disagreement centers around demands from rightsholders and content companies to have sites delisted on a permanent basis, if they are repeatedly flagged as offering links to infringing content.

Another key issue is that under the current system there is a clear bias towards video content and the largest copyright holders, while others have to take a back seat or are left out altogether. It will take a considerable period of time to overcome these hurdles, a situation that isn’t helped by a reported lack of time in the State Duma to deal with the legislation.

As a result, the memorandum will now be extended to the end of January 2021, to allow the parties and the government to come up with a credible framework before writing it into law.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

Autohersteller: Teslas Börsenwert überholt den von Volkswagen

Tesla ist mehr wert als Volkswagen – zumindest wenn es nach den Aktien geht. Erst kürzlich hat der US-Automobilhersteller 100 Milliarden US-Dollar erreicht, obwohl der Gewinn im Vergleich zu anderen Konzernen recht gering ist. (Tesla, Technologie)

Tesla ist mehr wert als Volkswagen - zumindest wenn es nach den Aktien geht. Erst kürzlich hat der US-Automobilhersteller 100 Milliarden US-Dollar erreicht, obwohl der Gewinn im Vergleich zu anderen Konzernen recht gering ist. (Tesla, Technologie)

Matternet: Schweizer Post nimmt Drohnenlieferungen wieder auf

Nach zwei Zwischenfällen hatte die Schweizer Post die Lieferung per Drohne im vergangenen Jahr ausgesetzt und eine Sicherheitsüberprüfung der Fluggeräte veranlasst. Die Experten fanden nichts, was gegen eine Wiederaufnahme der Drohnenlieferungen sprich…

Nach zwei Zwischenfällen hatte die Schweizer Post die Lieferung per Drohne im vergangenen Jahr ausgesetzt und eine Sicherheitsüberprüfung der Fluggeräte veranlasst. Die Experten fanden nichts, was gegen eine Wiederaufnahme der Drohnenlieferungen spricht. (Drohne, Technologie)