‘Copyright Troll’ Files Over 1,000 Piracy Lawsuits in Half a Year

After filing more than 1,000 lawsuits against alleged BitTorrent pirates in the first half of this year, Strike 3 Holdings is the most active copyright litigant in the United States. Together with fellow adult entertainment company Malibu Media, the company is responsible for nearly all cases filed against alleged file-sharers in the US.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

While most piracy activity has shifted to streaming in recent years, US courts are still overloaded with BitTorrent related lawsuits.

This phenomenon, often dubbed as copyright trolling, started roughly a decade ago and remains ongoing.

The process is fairly simple. Rightsholders file complaints against “John Does,” who are initially only known by an IP-address. They then request a subpoena to obtain the subscriber details from the associated ISP, which are then used to request a settlement.

This ‘revenue’ model has been widely criticized and increasingly courts have become more reserved as well. Last year, there was an important Appeals Court ruling which clarified that rightsholders need “something more” than an IP-address alone, to make their case.

Nonetheless, the traditional boilerplate complaints are far from over. This week we decided to take a look at the number of file-sharing lawsuits filed in the first half of 2019. This showed that one company has been particularly active.

The adult entertainment production company Strike 3 Holdings, which distributes its adult videos via the Blacked, Tushy, and Vixen websites, takes the crown. In the first six months of this year, it filed 1,071 complaints. That’s up from last year when it filed 976 new cases in the same period.

Strike 3 filings

The second most litigious rightsholder is Malibu Media, another adult entertainment outfit. The company, known for its X-Art brand, has been an established player in US courts for a few years. During the first half of 2019 it filed 337 new cases, which is down from 681 last year.

Aside from the two adult companies, there were also some regular movie companies active. Hunter Killer Productions, for example, filed 25 cases, Bodyguard Productions was good for 16, and LHF Productions added three new complaints.

All filers have been active in previous years as well, so there aren’t any surprises on that front.

While there have been slightly fewer cases than in the first half of 2018, this year has already surpassed the total number of piracy lawsuits that were filed in 2017, which were little over 1,000. Whether last year’s record high of more than 3,300 new cases will be broken, has yet to be seen.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

“Blast processing” in 2019: How an SNES emulator solved overclocking

Byuu’s latest bsnes update fixes slowdown without cranking video to super-speed.

A stock Gradius III ROM running without slowdown? The new version of bsnes makes it possible.

When it comes to emulator design, there's something to be said for trying to capture the workings of the original system as accurately as possible, warts and all. But there's also something to the idea that emulators can improve on the original hardware, smoothing problems like frame rate slowdown that plagued the underpowered processors of the day.

That brings us to the latest update for storied, accuracy-obsessed SNES emulator bsnes, which adds the ability to overclock the virtual SNES processor. While bsnes is far from the first SNES emulator to allow for simulated overclocking, it does seem to be the first that does so "without any framerate or pitch distortion, and without harming compatibility in 99% of games," as bsnes programmer byuu puts it.

Fast, but not too fast

Most SNES games were locked to a 60fps frame rate, and designers of the time tuned their games so the SNES hardware could maintain that frame rate. But in some in-game situations, when the screen got too full of moving sprites, the processor could fail to create the next frame within the 16.66 ms window, leading to noticeable display lag.

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Agesa 1003abb: Viele ältere Platinen erhalten aktuelles UEFI für Ryzen 3000

Asrock, Asus, Biostar, Gigabyte, MSI: Die Hersteller haben für Mainboards mit B350-, B450-, X370- und X470-Chips neue Firmware für die Ryzen 3000 freigegeben. Die basiert auf der Agesa 1003abb, welche den RDRAND- und PCIe-Gen4-Bug behebt und Destiny 2 …

Asrock, Asus, Biostar, Gigabyte, MSI: Die Hersteller haben für Mainboards mit B350-, B450-, X370- und X470-Chips neue Firmware für die Ryzen 3000 freigegeben. Die basiert auf der Agesa 1003abb, welche den RDRAND- und PCIe-Gen4-Bug behebt und Destiny 2 wieder starten lässt. (AMD Zen, AMD)

Silver Surfer: Internet in Altersheimen wird wichtiger

Die Digitalisierung kommt auch in den Seniorenheimen an, jedenfalls in einigen. Internetzugänge gewinnen für die Bewohner und Angehörigen immer mehr an Bedeutung. (Internet)

Die Digitalisierung kommt auch in den Seniorenheimen an, jedenfalls in einigen. Internetzugänge gewinnen für die Bewohner und Angehörigen immer mehr an Bedeutung. (Internet)

Medienbericht: US-Regierung will soziale Netzwerke stärker überwachen

Weniger Benachteiligung für konservative Beiträge auf Facebook, Twitter und anderen sozialen Netzerken: Das ist laut Medienberichten das Ziel von Überlegungen der Regierung unter US-Präsident Trump. Dabei könnte die Federal Communications Commission (F…

Weniger Benachteiligung für konservative Beiträge auf Facebook, Twitter und anderen sozialen Netzerken: Das ist laut Medienberichten das Ziel von Überlegungen der Regierung unter US-Präsident Trump. Dabei könnte die Federal Communications Commission (FCC) eine zentrale Rolle übernehmen. (Soziales Netz, Facebook)

Blow out your knee? Hope your surgeon’s got a VR headset

VR gets much-needed validation as a surgical training tool.

Blow out your knee? Hope your surgeon’s got a VR headset

Enlarge (credit: Getty | AFP)

With all due respect to games, porn, and lion kings, virtual reality's killer app might just be saving lives.

At a Stanford-affiliated children's hospital, pediatric cardiologists use an interactive virtual heart to help young patients and their families better understand congenital defects. Researchers in Maryland put on headsets to study viruses in the pursuit of a universal flu vaccine. In Minnesota, surgeons stood inside a VR model of the circulatory systems of conjoined twins—which proved integral to the ensuing separation surgery.

Great uses, certainly, but all variations on The Fantastic Voyage (or Innerspace, if you prefer). Now, building on a pile of evidence stretching back more than a decade, VR is finally getting clinical validation for actual surgical training. In a pilot study conducted at UCLA and presented recently at a meeting of orthopedic surgeons, medical students who practiced a common procedure in VR significantly outperformed those who used conventional preparation methods.

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Deutschland: Elektroauto-Kauf wird von Mehrheit abgelehnt

Das Elektroauto wird es in Deutschland schwer haben, sich durchzusetzen. Zwei Drittel der Menschen lehnen es hierzulande ab, sich ein Fahrzeug mit dieser Antriebstechnik zu kaufen. Besonders Personen im mittleren Alter verweigern sich. (Elektroauto, St…

Das Elektroauto wird es in Deutschland schwer haben, sich durchzusetzen. Zwei Drittel der Menschen lehnen es hierzulande ab, sich ein Fahrzeug mit dieser Antriebstechnik zu kaufen. Besonders Personen im mittleren Alter verweigern sich. (Elektroauto, Studie)

Spielenetzwerk: Discord unterstützt Streaming im Freundeskreis

Nicht für die breite Öffentlichkeit, sondern für maximal zehn Zuschauer gedacht ist eine neue Streamingfunktion auf Discord, mit der ausdrücklich nur Inhalte aus PC-Spielen übertragen werden – sonst nichts. (Steam, Soziales Netz)

Nicht für die breite Öffentlichkeit, sondern für maximal zehn Zuschauer gedacht ist eine neue Streamingfunktion auf Discord, mit der ausdrücklich nur Inhalte aus PC-Spielen übertragen werden - sonst nichts. (Steam, Soziales Netz)

At Defense Distributed, few glimpses of life after Cody Wilson

Court cases and social media spats continue over 3D-printed guns.

It's been nearly a year since 3D-printed firearms activist Cody Wilson was arrested for the alleged sexual assault of a female minor. Yesterday, he appeared in an Austin, Texas courtroom and plead guilty to lesser charges that will likely see Wilson register as a sex offender and serve multiple years probation. He won't be able to possess any firearms and must consent to a consent to keystroke/remote monitoring during that time.

But long before Wilson's plead, his situation quickly prompted an unexpected change in leadership at Defense Distributed, the now-infamous Austin, Texas-based digital printing and firearms company he started in 2012. News of an arrest warrant for Wilson came on September 19, 2018, and Paloma Heindorff was named the company's new director less than a week later on September 25.

At the time, Heindorff stated that Wilson would no longer have any involvement with the company. She also promised business would continue on as normal and that she would likely take a different approach publicly than her outspoken, interview-friendly predecessor.

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5G: Verkehrsministerium erarbeitet Gesamtstrategie für Mobilfunk

Schnellere Genehmigungsprozesse, öffentliche Grundstücke als Standorte für Mobilfunkmasten, Kooperationen von Anbietern: Das auch für Digitales und Infrastruktur zuständige Bundesverkehrsministerium unter Andreas Scheuer will den Mobilfunk mit einer Ge…

Schnellere Genehmigungsprozesse, öffentliche Grundstücke als Standorte für Mobilfunkmasten, Kooperationen von Anbietern: Das auch für Digitales und Infrastruktur zuständige Bundesverkehrsministerium unter Andreas Scheuer will den Mobilfunk mit einer Gesamtstrategie voranbringen. (5G, Mobilfunk)