Android 10 will just be called… Android 10 (as Google drops the dessert code names)

Google has been using the code name Android Q to refer to the next version of smartphone, tablet, and smart TV operating system while it’s still in development. But when it’s ready for release in a few weeks, it’ll just be called Andr…

Google has been using the code name Android Q to refer to the next version of smartphone, tablet, and smart TV operating system while it’s still in development. But when it’s ready for release in a few weeks, it’ll just be called Android 10. Of course, Google usually gives new versions of Android a number. […]

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Auftragshersteller: Vietnam kann China nicht ersetzen

US-Konzerne scheitern im Handelskrieg bei dem Versuch, die Fertigung von China nach Vietnam zu verlagern. Komplexe elektronische Komponenten, wie sie etwa Foxconn in China fertigt, sind dort nicht zu erhalten (Huawei, Studie)

US-Konzerne scheitern im Handelskrieg bei dem Versuch, die Fertigung von China nach Vietnam zu verlagern. Komplexe elektronische Komponenten, wie sie etwa Foxconn in China fertigt, sind dort nicht zu erhalten (Huawei, Studie)

Hackerone: Steam blockiert Sicherheitsforscher, statt Lücken zu patchen

Erst hat Steam eine Sicherheitslücke nicht anerkannt, dann sollte sie vertuscht werden. Nach ihrer Veröffentlichung wurde sie unzureichend gepatcht und der Entdecker vom Bug-Bounty-Programm ausgeschlossen. Nun hat der Forscher erneut eine Lücke gefunde…

Erst hat Steam eine Sicherheitslücke nicht anerkannt, dann sollte sie vertuscht werden. Nach ihrer Veröffentlichung wurde sie unzureichend gepatcht und der Entdecker vom Bug-Bounty-Programm ausgeschlossen. Nun hat der Forscher erneut eine Lücke gefunden - und Steam scheint langsam einzulenken. (Steam, Valve)

Autonomes Fahren: Waymo gibt Sensordaten für Forscher frei

Nur wenige Firmen haben so viele Daten für das autonome Fahren gesammelt wie Waymo. Googles Schwesterfirma gibt ein Terabyte davon frei – allerdings nicht für den Einsatz in Fahrzeugen. (Waymo, Google)

Nur wenige Firmen haben so viele Daten für das autonome Fahren gesammelt wie Waymo. Googles Schwesterfirma gibt ein Terabyte davon frei - allerdings nicht für den Einsatz in Fahrzeugen. (Waymo, Google)

Elektromobilität: Dänemark stellt größte Elektrofähre in Dienst

Viele der dänischen Inseln sind inzwischen über Brücken verbunden. Aber einige sind nur per Schiff erreichbar. Nach Ærø setzt künftig die Elektrofähre Ellen über. (Schiff, Technologie)

Viele der dänischen Inseln sind inzwischen über Brücken verbunden. Aber einige sind nur per Schiff erreichbar. Nach Ærø setzt künftig die Elektrofähre Ellen über. (Schiff, Technologie)

Physicists discover hidden text in what was thought to be blank Egyptian papyri

It’s the latest example of how cutting-edge physics techniques can unlock the past.

Physicists at the BESSY-II synchrotron radiation facility in Germany used multiple methods to reveal hidden text in supposedly blank patches on ancient papyri from Elephantine Island in Egypt.

Enlarge / Physicists at the BESSY-II synchrotron radiation facility in Germany used multiple methods to reveal hidden text in supposedly blank patches on ancient papyri from Elephantine Island in Egypt. (credit: Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin)

A team of German scientists has used a combination of cutting-edge physics techniques to virtually "unfold" an ancient Egyptian papyrus, part of an extensive collection housed in the Berlin Egyptian Museum. Their analysis revealed that a seemingly blank patch on the papyrus actually contained characters written in what had become "invisible ink" after centuries of exposure to light.

Most of the papyri in the collection were excavated around 1906 by an archaeologist named Otto Rubensohn, on Elephantine Island, near the city of Aswan. They've been gathering dust in storage for much of the ensuing decades, and because they are so fragile, more than 80% of the text within remains undeciphered. “Today, much of this papyrus has aged considerably, so the valuable texts can easily crumble if we try to unfold or unroll them,” said co-author Heinz-Eberhard Mahnke of Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin and Freie Universität Berlin. That makes noninvasive imaging methods essential to the project.

In 2016, an international team of scientists developed a method for "virtually unrolling" a badly damaged ancient scroll found on the western shore of the Dead Sea, revealing the first few verses from the book of Leviticus. The so-called En Gedi scroll was recovered from the ark of an ancient synagogue destroyed by fire around 600 CE. To the naked eye, it resembled a small lump of charcoal, so fragile that there was no safe way to analyze the contents. The team's approach combined digital scanning with micro-computed tomography—a noninvasive technique often used for cancer imaging—with segmentation to digitally create pages, augmented with texturing and flattening techniques. Then they developed software (Volume Cartography) to virtually unroll the scroll.

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Staffsource: Ars staffers reminisce on the games that made them gamers

Everyone has that one game that started it all.

Staffsource: Ars staffers reminisce on the games that made them gamers


Welcome to Ars Gaming Week 2019! As a staff full of gamers and game-lovers, we'll be serving up extra reviews, guides, interviews, and other stories all about gaming from August 19 to August 23.

While it's exciting (and a bit overwhelming) to think about all the new games we want to play, it's fun to occasionally walk down memory lane and remember the first games we ever played. For the Ars staff, our lists of nostalgic games are exhaustive, but a few titles still stand out as the true gateways to the years of gaming that followed.

These might not be the very first games we played, or even the games we played the most during our youth, but they do hold a special place in our hearts for sparking something inside of us that made us continue to seek out games to feed our needs for action, adventure, strategy, escape, and more.

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Musikstreaming: Spotify Premium für Neukunden dauerhaft drei Monate gratis

Spotify erweitert den Testzeitraum für sein kostenpflichtiges Musikstreamingabo. Statt einem Monat können Neukunden den Dienst künftig drei Monate ohne Bezahlung nutzen. (Spotify, Android)

Spotify erweitert den Testzeitraum für sein kostenpflichtiges Musikstreamingabo. Statt einem Monat können Neukunden den Dienst künftig drei Monate ohne Bezahlung nutzen. (Spotify, Android)

The ten best console racing games of all time

Join us for an unscientific look at our favorite racing games of all time.

It's never a bad time to bust out your wheel—here's the T-GT wheel.

Enlarge / It's never a bad time to bust out your wheel—here's the T-GT wheel. (credit: Jonathan Gitlin)

Welcome to Ars Gaming Week 2019! As a staff full of gamers and game-lovers, we'll be serving up extra reviews, guides, interviews, and other stories all about gaming from August 19 to August 23.

Have your gaming tastes changed as you age? Mine have. Back in the early days, before starting an accidental love affair with the car, I'd play anything. In fact, I don't even remember my first racing game, although Outrun is probably a safe guess considering my age and where I grew up. But as I've gotten older and time for gaming has become scarce, that's all gone, and I exist on a diet that's almost exclusively racing. Console racing at that. Blame fear of having to learn something new if you like.

So when I was asked to write something for Ars Gaming Week, it seemed like a good opportunity to make a list—in this case, the ten best console racing games of all time. There is no scientific method behind my ranking. We did not assemble a crack panel of industry experts to stank-rank the field. I don't have celebrity anecdotes. And if a particular game was on a platform I never had, it won't be on the list, either.

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