YouTube disables 210 accounts spreading misinformation about Hong Kong

Beijing is suspected of creating fake accounts to discredit protestors.

Students attend a rally at Edinburgh Place in Hong Kong on August 22, 2019.

Enlarge / Students attend a rally at Edinburgh Place in Hong Kong on August 22, 2019. (credit: ANTHONY WALLACE/AFP/Getty Images)

YouTube has disabled 210 accounts linked to the recent protests in Hong Kong, Google announced in a carefully worded blog post on Thursday. Google says the removals are "consistent with recent observations and actions related to China announced by Facebook and Twitter."

Earlier this week, Twitter deleted hundreds of accounts connected to the Hong Kong protests. Twitter described it as a "significant state-backed information operation focused on the situation in Hong Kong." Twitter tipped off Facebook, which deleted several accounts.

In plain English, Twitter suspected that the Chinese government created or hijacked a bunch of accounts to post propaganda defending Hong Kong's police and attacking Hong Kong's pro-democracy protestors. Facebook and YouTube followed up by deleting accounts on their platforms with similar patterns of misinformation.

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Rocket Report: Single-core Delta IV is no more, fully automated Soyuz

Four different Chinese companies have launched rockets in the last 10 months.

The Rocket Report is published weekly.

Enlarge / The Rocket Report is published weekly. (credit: Arianespace)

Welcome to Edition 2.12 of the Rocket Report! This week's report might as well be brought to you by United Launch Alliance—but never fear, dear readers, no one influences the report—because there is a lot going on with the Colorado-based company. This week, ULA flew its final single-stick Delta IV rocket, and the company is in the midst of transitioning to its new Vulcan-Centaur booster.

As always, we welcome reader submissions, and if you don't want to miss an issue, please subscribe using the box below (the form will not appear on AMP-enabled versions of the site). Each report will include information on small-, medium-, and heavy-lift rockets as well as a quick look ahead at the next three launches on the calendar.

Air Force seeks bids for small, medium payloads. The US Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center's Launch Enterprise is requesting industry bids for the Orbital Services Program-4, intended to launch payloads of 180kg or larger into orbit. The Air Force will procure about 20 missions over the next nine years, SpaceNews reports. Bids are due August 29.

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Zenbook Flip 14 (UM462): Das neue Asus-Convertible nutzt eine AMD-Ryzen-CPU

Auch Asus bietet mittlerweile einige AMD-Notebooks an. Ein Beispiel ist das Zenbook Flip 14, welches einen Ryzen 5 oder Ryzen 7 verwendet. Dazu kommen ein um 360 Grad drehbares Touchpanel und ein Nummernblock im Touchpad. Der Startpreis: 750 Euro. (Asu…

Auch Asus bietet mittlerweile einige AMD-Notebooks an. Ein Beispiel ist das Zenbook Flip 14, welches einen Ryzen 5 oder Ryzen 7 verwendet. Dazu kommen ein um 360 Grad drehbares Touchpanel und ein Nummernblock im Touchpad. Der Startpreis: 750 Euro. (Asus, AMD)

Raumfahrt: SNC stellt Aufblas-Habitat für künftige Raumstationen vor

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An einer Raumstation soll das Modul möglichst groß sein, aber beim Transport ins All nur wenig Platz wegnehmen. Das US-Raumfahrtunternehmen Sierra Nevada Corporation hat ein Habitat entwickelt, das ein Drittel des Volumens der ISS hat, aber trotzdem in eine Rakete passt. (Raumfahrt, Technologie)

Ascend 910: Huaweis KI-Chip kann gekauft werden

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Huawei macht seine Ankündigung zur Realität und hat den KI-Chip Ascend 910 fertiggestellt. Kunden können den ARM-Prozessor als vorgefertigten Server kaufen. Dort arbeiten 1.024 der Chips parallel an neuronalen Netzwerken. Passend dazu gibt es mit Mindspore ein Framework. (Huawei, Prozessor)

Bill Aims to Deter Piracy by Teaching Copyright in Philippine Schools

A new bill that’s currently being reviewed by Philippine lawmakers proposes to add copyright classes to the required curriculum. According to local Congressman Rufus Rodriguez, this should help to deter the rampant piracy problem the country faces today.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

Like many other countries in the world, the Philippines are struggling with a relatively high piracy rate.

To counter this threat, lawmakers have started to propose new legislation.

For example, earlier this year we reported that a new bill proposes to strip the licenses of ISPs which fail to bar ‘pirate’ sites. While that goes quite far, it doesn’t address the root of the problem.

According to local Congressman Rufus Rodriguez, the law already makes it clear that piracy is illegal. However, many people simply ignore this position. Among other things, this has previously resulted in the United States adding the country to its annual ‘piracy’ watch list.

“In spite and despite of various laws and regulations in the Philippines on Intellectual Property, intellectual infringement and piracy of intellectual rights are rampant in the country,” Rodriguez writes.

“Due to these situations, the Philippines is under the watch list as one of the countries where intellectual property rights are ignored and piracy of intellectual creations is widespread,” he adds.

Interestingly, the Philippines were removed from the US watch list in 2014, but Rodriguez nonetheless believes that more has to be done. He’s therefore proposing to add ‘intellectual property’ to the country’s mandatory school curriculum. Not just for the older children, but starting at primary school.

According to the representative, it is crucial that the importance of copyright is taught at an early age as well as later in life. By doing so, the Philippine people may gain more respect for rightsholders as well as the law.

“With proper education, it is hoped that piracy will be curtailed and our laws will be strictly implemented,” Rodriguez writes.

The bill, which also proposes several other changes to the national curriculum, was adopted after the first reading in the House of Representatives and is now with the Committee on Basic Education and Culture.

The relevant copyright part of the proposal, which is included in House Bill 3749, reads as follows:

“The teaching of intellectual property ownership, particularly copyright law, is hereby required to be a part of the curriculum of all primary, secondary and tertiary schools in the country.”

While the bill is progressing through the legislative process, it still has a long way to go before being adopted. Rodriguez previously proposed similar copyright-related changes to the curriculum, but these didn’t pass, despite support form the International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA).

While copyright classes are not something most people associate with a mandatory curriculum, this type of education is not new. A few years ago several California schools voluntarily added copyright lessons to the curriculum, starting at kindergarten.

This effort, which was backed by major copyright holder groups, was initially criticized for being one-sided and was later upgraded to include more examples of fair use.

A copy of the bill and the associated exemplary note, received by the House of Representatives on August 8, is available here (pdf).

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

Energie: Wie Mikroben Methan mit Windstrom produzieren

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Pivotal Software und Carbon Black: VMware kauft für 4,6 Milliarden US-Dollar zu

Der Virtualisierungsexperte VMware kauft zwei Softwarefirmen in den Bereichen Enterprise Apps und Security. Der größte Einzelaktionär von VMware ist Dell. (VMware, Virtualisierung)

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Metadaten: Fehlerhafte Mobilfunkdaten in dänischen Gerichtsprozessen

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