Google Photos gains text recognition (and copy/paste)

Google Photos already uses image and facial recognition in interesting ways, such as automatically grouping your photos by the people in them or letting you search for pictures with cars, dogs, or just about anything else. Now Google is rolling out sup…

Google Photos already uses image and facial recognition in interesting ways, such as automatically grouping your photos by the people in them or letting you search for pictures with cars, dogs, or just about anything else. Now Google is rolling out support text recognition. Basically if a photo has text in it, you may be […]

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Google Photos gains text recognition (and copy/paste)

Google Photos already uses image and facial recognition in interesting ways, such as automatically grouping your photos by the people in them or letting you search for pictures with cars, dogs, or just about anything else. Now Google is rolling out sup…

Google Photos already uses image and facial recognition in interesting ways, such as automatically grouping your photos by the people in them or letting you search for pictures with cars, dogs, or just about anything else. Now Google is rolling out support text recognition. Basically if a photo has text in it, you may be […]

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Elektromobilität: Singapur zieht Busse dem Tesla-Lifestyle vor

Elon Musk hat der Regierung von Singapur vor einiger Zeit vorgeworfen, gegen Elektroautos zu sein. Der Tesla-Chef wolle bloß Lifestyle verkaufen, kontert der Umweltminister des Stadtstaates. Seine Regierung suche lieber Lösungen für die Klima- und Verk…

Elon Musk hat der Regierung von Singapur vor einiger Zeit vorgeworfen, gegen Elektroautos zu sein. Der Tesla-Chef wolle bloß Lifestyle verkaufen, kontert der Umweltminister des Stadtstaates. Seine Regierung suche lieber Lösungen für die Klima- und Verkehrsprobleme. (Elektromobilität, Elektroauto)

Actually, NASA is looking at all options for the Moon—including prizes

“We, at NASA, are actively pursuing similar plans.”

NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine, far right, tours the Blue Origin facilities near the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on May 23, 2019.

Enlarge / NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine, far right, tours the Blue Origin facilities near the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on May 23, 2019. (credit: NASA)

On Thursday, former U.S. Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich expanded upon his ideas to use multi-billion dollar prizes to accelerate the Trump administration's goal of sending humans to the Moon by 2024, and then Mars by the 2030s. He positioned the idea to promote commercial space as an alternative solution to NASA's current plans for using the Orion spacecraft and Space Launch System rocket.

"To be clear: Our proposal does not suggest cancelling any current proposal," Gingrich wrote. "It does suggest that for the cost of one—or at most two—SLS launches, it may be possible to incentivize a competition to land on and start developing the Moon in less time and for less money. It is based on the principle of paying only for the achievement. If no one is able to reach the Moon and begin developing it, then the taxpayer would not pay a cent."

The basic idea is that if SpaceX, Blue Origin, or another company were able to independently develop its own launch systems (like SpaceX's Starship or Blue Origin's New Glenn) and then land humans on the Moon, they would receive a payment of $2 billion or more for the achievement. This would offer a back-up option if NASA's existing plans for the Artemis Program—which uses more traditional contracting and is expected to cost at least $30 billion—are delayed or run over budget.

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Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 is up for pre-order now, ships Sep 6th

The Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 is a 10.5 inch Android tablet with the kind of specs you’d expect from a flagship phone… and then some. It’s powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 processor, features at least 6GB of RAM and 128GB of UFS 3.0 s…

The Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 is a 10.5 inch Android tablet with the kind of specs you’d expect from a flagship phone… and then some. It’s powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 processor, features at least 6GB of RAM and 128GB of UFS 3.0 storage, and sports a high-resolution display, dual rear cameras, and an […]

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Fluggastdatenspeicherung: Vielflieger scheitert vor Gericht

Ein europäischer Fluggast hat gegen das BKA geklagt: Dieses solle seine Fluggastdaten nicht speichern, verarbeiten und übermitteln. Das Verwaltungsgericht Wiesbaden lehnte die Klage jedoch mit dem Verweis auf andere Datensammlungen ab. (Politik/Recht, …

Ein europäischer Fluggast hat gegen das BKA geklagt: Dieses solle seine Fluggastdaten nicht speichern, verarbeiten und übermitteln. Das Verwaltungsgericht Wiesbaden lehnte die Klage jedoch mit dem Verweis auf andere Datensammlungen ab. (Politik/Recht, Datenschutz)

Düsseldorf: Xiaomi kündigt erstes Büro in Deutschland an

Genau wie Huawei will der Technologiekonzern Xiaomi eine Niederlassung in Düsseldorf eröffnen. Seine Produkte gibt es bereits bei Mediamarkt, Saturn und Amazon. (Xiaomi, Smartphone)

Genau wie Huawei will der Technologiekonzern Xiaomi eine Niederlassung in Düsseldorf eröffnen. Seine Produkte gibt es bereits bei Mediamarkt, Saturn und Amazon. (Xiaomi, Smartphone)

Bundeswehr auf der Gamescom: Und dann hebt der Kampfjet nicht mal ab

Auf der Spielemesse Gamescom versucht die Bundeswehr, junge Gamer für den Dienst im IT-Bereich zu begeistern. Funktioniert das? Unser Autor hat es ausprobiert. Ein Erfahrungsbericht von Denis Gießler (Bundeswehr, Gamescom 2019)

Auf der Spielemesse Gamescom versucht die Bundeswehr, junge Gamer für den Dienst im IT-Bereich zu begeistern. Funktioniert das? Unser Autor hat es ausprobiert. Ein Erfahrungsbericht von Denis Gießler (Bundeswehr, Gamescom 2019)

Guidemaster: Finding the best gaming monitors you can buy in 2019

Including picks for 1440p, ultrawide, budget models, 240 Hz, and more.

The LG 34GK950F, our favorite ultrawide gaming monitor.

Enlarge / The LG 34GK950F, our favorite ultrawide gaming monitor. (credit: Valentina Palladino)

Welcome to Ars Gaming Week 2019! As a staff full of gamers and game-lovers, we'll be serving up extra reviews, guides, interviews, and other stories all about gaming from August 19 to August 23.

Any monitor can work for gaming, but a good gaming monitor will make your virtual exploits more polished. With their high refresh rates and adaptive sync, they can bring your games to a new level of fluidity. But since the market is flooded with confusingly-named choices, it can be tough to find the ones worth buying.

So for Ars Gaming Week, we set out to help. After spending the last three months researching dozens of gaming monitors and ultimately testing 14, we’ve come up with a few recommendations that should suit players of all kinds, whether you’re more into fast-paced online shooters or contemplative stories.

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Guidemaster: The best keyboards, mice, and more for your gaming PC

Gaming PCs need a lot of extras—here are the best ones we could find.

A person whose head is cropped from the photo poses with 6 computer keyboards.

Enlarge / So many fingers have been typing and clicking in the name of journalism... (credit: Valentina Palladino)

Welcome to Ars Gaming Week 2019! As a staff full of gamers and game-lovers, we'll be serving up extra reviews, guides, interviews, and other stories all about gaming from August 19 to August 23.

Creating the best PC gaming environment to suit your needs is more complicated than just building the ultimate PC from scratch. Once you have your dream machine, you'll need a mechanical keyboard, a gaming mouse, a high refresh-rate monitor, and other accessories. But deciding on the peripherals to invest in has become more difficult—sure, you have more options now than ever before, but the other side of that coin has birthed a congested world of PC gaming devices.

PC OEMs have embraced gaming with open arms, so much so that most PC companies have their own lines of gaming devices, and those often include desktops and laptops in addition to keyboards, mice, and the like. These new participants, along with the well-known gaming device OEMs, have made the pool of potential peripherals so large that one person alone could not sift through all of it.

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