System76 Adder WS is a Linux laptop with a 4K OLED display

Linux computer company System76 sells a range of laptops that come with a choice of Ubuntu Linux or the company’s own Pop!_OS operating systems. The latest addition is a 15.6 inch mobile workstation that will be the company’s first laptop w…

Linux computer company System76 sells a range of laptops that come with a choice of Ubuntu Linux or the company’s own Pop!_OS operating systems. The latest addition is a 15.6 inch mobile workstation that will be the company’s first laptop with a 4K OLED display. The System76 Adder WS is set to go on sale […]

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5G+: AT&T schaltet “5G”-Netz in New York City ein

AT&T bietet sein eingeschränktes 5G+ in Teilen von New York City Geschäftskunden und Entwicklern an. Normale Kunden werden noch nicht versorgt. (5G, Technologie)

AT&T bietet sein eingeschränktes 5G+ in Teilen von New York City Geschäftskunden und Entwicklern an. Normale Kunden werden noch nicht versorgt. (5G, Technologie)

GPD P2 Max mini-laptop set to start shipping next week

GPD’s crowdfunding campaign for a tiny laptop with an 8.9 inch display hasn’t even ended yet, but the company says it plans to begin shipping the GPD P2 Max to backers starting sometime around August 12th. The company has already begun a tr…

GPD’s crowdfunding campaign for a tiny laptop with an 8.9 inch display hasn’t even ended yet, but the company says it plans to begin shipping the GPD P2 Max to backers starting sometime around August 12th. The company has already begun a trial production with a batch of about 200 units. If all goes well, […]

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Fossilized teeth of Ice Age predators yield clues to why certain species survived

Coyotes adapted their diet and survived, while saber-toothed cats became extinct.

Paleontologist Larisa DeSantis studies ancient predators trapped in the La Brea Tar Pits. Courtesy Vanderbilt University.

Visitors to the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles are accustomed to seeing recreated scenes of, say, extinct saber-toothed cats taking down a horse or bison in an open field. But according to the most detailed study yet of Ice Age predators by paleontologists at Vanderbilt University, this would have been an extremely rare occurrence. They describe a different ecological scenario in their latest paper in Current Biology—one in which saber-toothed cats preferred to hunt under the cover of a forest, while dire wolves preferred to track their prey in open environments. And their findings may offer valuable hints about why some ancient predator species went extinct (dire wolves and saber-toothed cats), while others survived (coyotes).

The so-called Pleistocene Epoch dates from 2.5 million years ago to roughly 10,000 years ago, a time period that includes dramatic shifts in climate and the evolution of humans into the ecological mix. The La Brea Tar Pits is one of the best repositories for preserving the remains of now-extinct ancient species from this era. For tens of thousands of years, animals would become mired in the tar, gradually getting sucked down into the pit before dying of asphyxiation. Over time, their remains became fossilized as the lighter fractions of the petroleum evaporated, leaving the bones trapped in a more solid substance until archaeologists uncovered them thousands of years later. And there are far more carnivore and predator specimens in the pit than herbivores, perhaps because carnivores were drawn to the pits when herbivores were mired in the tar and became mired themselves.

The first recorded sighting of the La Brea Tar Pits was in 1769, when the Spanish governor of Baja California headed an excursion down what is now Wilshire Boulevard in midtown Los Angeles. The expedition observed large marshes of a pitch-like substance, bubbling and boiling. The George C. Page Museum of La Brea Discoveries now stands adjacent to the pits, where scientists continue to excavate new fossilized remains from the tar to this day, aided by volunteers during the summer keen to hunt for fossilized treasure.

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LG teases next-gen Dual Screen smartphone + case

This was supposed to be the year of foldable smartphones, but the Samsung Galaxy Fold has been continually delayed and the Xiaomi Mate X is nowhere to be seen. LG has taken a simpler approach — in February the company introduced the LG V50 ThinQ …

This was supposed to be the year of foldable smartphones, but the Samsung Galaxy Fold has been continually delayed and the Xiaomi Mate X is nowhere to be seen. LG has taken a simpler approach — in February the company introduced the LG V50 ThinQ 5G smartphone with support for an optional Dual Screen accessory. […]

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Biden says violent games are “not healthy” but not the cause of “carnage”

Other Democratic candidates also weigh in on political “distraction.”

US Vice President Joe Biden speaks to a roundtable of game industry representatives as ESA CEO Mike Gallagher and Attorney General Eric Holder look on.

Enlarge / US Vice President Joe Biden speaks to a roundtable of game industry representatives as ESA CEO Mike Gallagher and Attorney General Eric Holder look on. (credit: NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)

As Republican politicians once again point a finger at violent video games as a potential cause of recent mass shootings, former Vice President and current presidential candidate Joe Biden offered a bit of a mixed message regarding his feelings on the issue.

In an interview aired on CNN Monday night, host Anderson Cooper brought up President Trump's previous statements on video games as a potential cause of real violence, noting that Biden had "kind of rolled [his] eyes" at the notion.

"I've talked about it [violent games] too," Biden responded. "It is not healthy to have these games teaching the kids the dispassionate notion that you can shoot somebody and kind of blow their brains out."

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Cooper Lake: Intels Xeons mit bfloat16-Instruktion haben 56 Kerne

Die nächste Xeon-Generation, intern Cooper Lake genannt, sind CPUs mit 56 Kernen. Intel hat zudem eine Unterstützung für das bfloat16-Format für beschleunigtes maschinelles Lernen in die Chips integriert. (Xeon, Prozessor)

Die nächste Xeon-Generation, intern Cooper Lake genannt, sind CPUs mit 56 Kernen. Intel hat zudem eine Unterstützung für das bfloat16-Format für beschleunigtes maschinelles Lernen in die Chips integriert. (Xeon, Prozessor)

XFMEXPRESS: Toshibas NVMe-SSD-Karten schaffen 4 GByte/s

Mit XFMEXPRESS hat Toshiba einen neuen Standard für Speicherkarten als kompakten Hybrid aus gesteckter M.2- und verlöteter SSD entwickelt: XFMEXPRESS nutzt dabei PCIe-Lanes und das NVMe-Protokoll. (Toshiba, Speichermedien)

Mit XFMEXPRESS hat Toshiba einen neuen Standard für Speicherkarten als kompakten Hybrid aus gesteckter M.2- und verlöteter SSD entwickelt: XFMEXPRESS nutzt dabei PCIe-Lanes und das NVMe-Protokoll. (Toshiba, Speichermedien)

Falsch abgestellte Tretroller: E-Scooter-Verleiher müssen Beschwerdemanagement bieten

Falsch abgestellte E-Tretroller, die Menschen behindern oder gefährden, müssen künftig schnell entfernt werden. Dafür sorgt der Deutsche Städtetag derzeit in einem Vertrag mit den E-Scooter-Verleihern. (E-Scooter, Internet)

Falsch abgestellte E-Tretroller, die Menschen behindern oder gefährden, müssen künftig schnell entfernt werden. Dafür sorgt der Deutsche Städtetag derzeit in einem Vertrag mit den E-Scooter-Verleihern. (E-Scooter, Internet)

Raumfahrt: SpaceX bietet Mitflugdienst für Satelliten

Fliegen nach Fahrplan: Das US-Raumfahrtunternehmen SpaceX hat ein Programm eigens für Kleinsatelliten vorgestellt. Es soll es für die Betreiber einfacher machen, ihre Satelliten ins All zu bekommen. (SpaceX, Technologie)

Fliegen nach Fahrplan: Das US-Raumfahrtunternehmen SpaceX hat ein Programm eigens für Kleinsatelliten vorgestellt. Es soll es für die Betreiber einfacher machen, ihre Satelliten ins All zu bekommen. (SpaceX, Technologie)